EDITION: Wilkes County
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Description : Outdoor guy

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General Information

Gender: Man
Age: 18
Zodiac/Horoscope Sign: Not Entered
Occupation: Part time mechanic and motor repair
Physical Attributes: Not Entered
City: Wilkesboro

Physical Attributes

I have Dirty blonde hair.
I have Blue eyes.
My height: Average.
My weight: Average.
I have Alright body.


Alcohol - Never.
Smoking - Never.
If I were in high school today, I would be .
The celebrity I most identify with is Chris Evans😂.
Am I adventurous? Somewhat.
My race is White.
My religion is Christian (non-Catholic).
My religion importance is: Daily study / Devotions.


My education is: Some College.
My annual income is Not Entered.
How important is my job? Pays the bills.

Marital Details

My marital status is: Single.
My child/children is/are: Not Entered.

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