EDITION: Wilkes County
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Description : Im fun outgoing,the chill type.I like 2 go out when i get a chance.But back at home im a mother of 2 handsome boys which my life revolves around them.I would love to meet someone that drinks socially and not everyday also someone that dont do drugs just looking for someone to go out with when i get spare tyme. If any questions feel free to ask.

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General Information

Gender: Woman
Age: 24
Zodiac/Horoscope Sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: Stay at home mom
Physical Attributes: Clean/neat
City: Wilkes

Physical Attributes

I have brownish blonde hair.
I have blue eyes.
My height: Average.
My weight: Heavier than Average.
I have Curvy body.


Alcohol - Socially.
Smoking - Daily.
If I were in high school today, I would be .
The celebrity I most identify with is Not Entered.
Am I adventurous? Open to new things.
My race is White.
My religion is Christian (non-Catholic).
My religion importance is: Somewhat.


My education is: GED or Diploma Equivalent.
My annual income is Not Entered.
How important is my job? I love my job.

Marital Details

My marital status is: Separated.
My child/children is/are: 2 Boys.

Project Lazarus - BE THERE
For those struggling with substance use disorder, being there is everything.
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503 C St. N. Wilkesboro
Project Lazarus - BE THERE
For those struggling with substance use disorder, being there is everything.
Click to learn more
503 C St. N. Wilkesboro
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