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We are a nation of LAWS


Posted 4:47 pm, 05/27/2024

The dumb bee itch if irony has outdone herself once again!


Posted 4:18 pm, 05/27/2024

MSNBC Legal Anaylist says having two lawyers on the jury could be a problem for your desired out come.

They might actually believe in the rule of law.

And speaking for myself... you mutts are clear as crystal to me. You haven't been right about any thing for a decade.

And you always come back full of confidence that this time it the time.

You are like puppets to the fake news you watch and believe.

And they haven't bee right about anything they promised you would happen to Trump.
It's just dang strange how a thinking brain would be so messed up. It's like you all work with the same one brain. Could be that is the media who controls your opinions, and feeds them with more fear, and lies.

This time is no different. You are some weirds dudes.


Posted 4:01 pm, 05/27/2024

brainwashed opinions without logic or law behind them, or the educated opinions of famous lawyers and law professors... Now which one to believe..Let me think, hmmm


Posted 2:26 pm, 05/27/2024

Yes, Trump should not be above the law. ..."It is beyond belief that a person could be put into a position so important and not be accountable to something. ... Charges should be made, verdicts should be determined and prisons should be used. This cannot stand."


Posted 1:32 pm, 05/27/2024

The MAGATS are really writhing in their fetid orange feces. They call Merchan a corrupt judge, but not Cannon. Guess it depends on how much orange crap you ingest?


Posted 1:17 pm, 05/27/2024

While you're on the subj. of corrupt judges, don''t over look this one.
Never mind reasonable doubt. In fact never mind there is no crime known.

Lawyers are already telling this is all wrong. However they need biden to be able to call Trump a convicted felon.

He plans a national address if they get a guilty verdict. It will be reversed on appeal, but they need it to try and lose him votes.
The people and the world, even the BBC is calling this what it is.

It will only help Trump. People need to understand what is being done that has nothing to do with 'a nation of laws'.
Conservative treehouse has this story.

es, you read that correctly.... The jurors do not need to believe a crime was committed in order to convict Trump of unlawfully hiding a crime he never committed. Let that insufferable Lawfare logic sink in.


Posted 12:59 pm, 05/27/2024

And we have yet to find a cure for MAGATRY and if we don't do so very soon it could become fatal. The USA is in dire need of a Trumpectomy!


Posted 12:46 pm, 05/27/2024

We have sent men to the moon, we have laser guided bombs, we can remove cancer with chemicals, we do heart surgery daily, we can vaccinate multiple times for COVID, but we have not come up with a cure for TDS


Posted 11:57 am, 05/27/2024

"We are a nation of Laws" To whom should these laws apply? Obviously not to an eighty-year old spoiled child that incites a traitorous insurrection in an attempt to overturn a legal election.

"The Chosen One" believes he is above the law and so far the present administration seems to acquiesce. Everyone not just his lackeys but also his "opponents" are afraid of him. Yes, he is EVIL but he's not undefeatable, he has weaknesses. He is a psychopath and therefore extremely vulnerable. Grow some balls you gutless wonders and go out and get him before he sells us out to Putin!


Posted 10:05 am, 05/27/2024

Poor ol' Fauxy, still lapping up that Faux News kool-aid like a brainwashed sheep.


Posted 9:51 am, 05/27/2024

Please don't tell me that our founding fathers intended that an orange criminal should be allowed to be at large in the USA. That he should be allowed to make false claims that clog up our judicial system, claims denied in many cases by his own appointees.


Posted 6:20 am, 05/27/2024

Please don't tell me our founding father overlooked laws that would apply to rogue judges making racist, sexist, political judgements to satisfy a crowd of anarchist Democrats. I know it is beyond belief that a person could be put into a position so important and not be accountable to something. These fake liberal courts should not exist in a nation of laws. Charges should be made, verdicts should be determined and prisons should be used. This cannot stand

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