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This summer boating friends

Description : Hi Bill here. I am looking for friends who really know how to drive a boat, help me get ready for the summer. I am an older single guy and it is hard for me to launch my boat by myself. I have to take the boat into launch, get out of my truck, crawl on the boat, move it to the dock, take my truck to the parking area, and return to the boat. Please understand for you ladies, i am not interested on hitting on you. Just friends to help me and have fun on the lake.

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General Information

Gender: Man
Age: 50
Zodiac/Horoscope Sign: Not Entered
Occupation: Not Entered
Physical Attributes: Not Entered
City: Wilkes

Physical Attributes

I have Not Entered hair.
I have Not Entered eyes.
My height: Tall.
My weight: Average.
I have Not Entered body.


Alcohol - Not Entered.
Smoking - Not Entered.
If I were in high school today, I would be .
The celebrity I most identify with is Not Entered.
Am I adventurous? Not Entered.
My race is Not Entered.
My religion is Not Entered.
My religion importance is: Not Entered.


My education is: Not Entered.
My annual income is Not Entered.
How important is my job? Not Entered.

Marital Details

My marital status is: Not Entered.
My child/children is/are: Not Entered.

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