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132 COVID cases


Posted 4:59 pm, 01/22/2022

He has only tried to block everything Trump suggested just because it was Trump that suggested it. One is Hydroxychloroquine

Can you show any proof that hydoxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID? I found this study of roughly 10,000 patients that said the opposite:

We found that treatment with hydroxychloroquine is associated with increased mortality in COVID-19 patients, and there is no benefit of chloroquine.

The only explanation for it being promoted as a potential cure was because Trump had a personal financial interest in it:


Posted 4:55 pm, 01/22/2022

Remarks from Biden May 13 2021

Now, I want to be clear about what the CD- � CDC is saying and what the CDC is not saying. The CDC is saying they have concluded that fully vaccinated people are at a very, very low risk of getting COVID-19. Therefore, if you've been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. Let me repeat: If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended Tuesday that fully vaccinated people begin wearing masks indoors again in places with high Covid-19 transmission rates. The agency is also recommending kids wear masks in schools this fall.

Federal health officials still believe fully vaccinated individuals represent a very small amount of transmission. Still, some vaccinated people could be carrying higher levels of the virus than previously understood and potentially transmit it to others.


From the CDC site

Evidence demonstrates that the approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines are both efficacious and effective against symptomatic, laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, including severe forms of the disease. In addition, as shown below, a growing body of evidence suggests that COVID-19 vaccines also reduce asymptomatic infection and transmission. Substantial reductions in SARS-CoV-2 infections (both symptomatic and asymptomatic) will reduce overall levels of disease, and therefore, SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission in the United States. Investigations are ongoing to further assess the risk of transmission from fully vaccinated persons with SARS-CoV-2 infections to other vaccinated and unvaccinated people

All approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines demonstrated efficacy (range 65% to 95%) against symptomatic, laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in adults ≥18 years.

During an MSNBC interview with Rachel Maddow on Monday, Walensky said: "Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and that it's not just in the clinical trials, but it's also in real-world data.
Fully vaccinated people almost never test positive for COVID-19
Among fully vaccinated people in the study, there were only three "break-through" COVID-19 infections detected. In stark contrast, unvaccinated participants in the study logged 161 COVID-19 cases.

In other words, two shots of Pfizer or Moderna's vaccines, followed by two full weeks for them to take effect, nearly zeroed out all detectable infections � including asymptomatic ones.

The CDC concluded, based on those results, that Pfizer and Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines are roughly 90% effective at preventing COVID-19 infections in the real world, even the asymptomatic kind.

Justknow I'm not sure if you are Anti or not......but just like I sometimes do with her......you've been schooled!


Posted 4:14 pm, 01/22/2022

Guess there was a part of the population who didn't uphold their end of the deal to get the "overwhelming" majority vaccinated.

The first part of the "quote" is not a quote but a reference to him talking about a study.


Posted 4:08 pm, 01/22/2022

The last one was from Fauci himself and if you would think real hard you might remember back in May when the CDC said fully vaccinated individuals could ditch the mask because the risk of them spreading the virus was low. If course they were wrong about that but that's beside the point.

Here's a question for you Just...... what is the definition of breakthrough infection?


Posted 3:50 pm, 01/22/2022

You may want to reread those again. Other than the defunct USAToday link, none of them mention transmission. A lot of talk about reduced symptoms.


Posted 3:06 pm, 01/22/2022

There's nothing wrong with my hearing or my reading comprehension Justknow. Maybe its your memory thats slipping.

Johnson & Johnson has followed Moderna and Pfizer with an application to the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorization of its vaccine. Novavax and AstraZeneca might not be far behind. Not surprisingly, people are concerned about getting the "wrong" vaccine when they hear that some are 66% effective while others reduce infections by 95%. The varying "effectiveness" rates miss the most important point: The vaccines were all 100% effective in the vaccine trials in stopping hospitalizations and death

Pfizer and BioNTech announced Wednesday that the efficacy portion of their Covid-19 vaccine trial has been completed, showing the vaccine to prevent 95% of cases of the disease.

The new recommendation is proof, Walensky said, that the vaccines are working extraordinarily well. She cited several studies from the U.S. and Israel that demonstrated vaccines are more than 90 percent effective in preventing symptomatic Covid-19.Even though the vaccines work well, they are not perfect, and breakthrough infections can occur. Of the more than 117 million people in the U.S. who have been fully vaccinated, 9,245 later tested positive for Covid-19. Those illnesses have generally been mild.

Now, usually, as many of you know, the effectiveness in the real world is often not as good as the efficacy in the pristine conditions of a clinical trial," Fauci said. "We have found just the opposite with COVID-19 vaccines, where effectiveness is easily as good, if not better, in the real world setting."Clinical US trials of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines showed 95% and 94.1% efficacy, he said. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which was tested in the United States, Brazil, and South Africa, had 66% efficacy overall and 85% efficacy against severe disease.
He cited a study of more than 23,000 employees of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, where vaccinations began December 15, 2020. There was just a 0.05% infection rate among workers who were fully immunized, he said.
If we vaccinate the overwhelming proportion of our population, we will without a doubt be able to crush the outbreak in the same way as we have done with other viral-borne diseases like measles, smallpox, and polio. So the message is, get vaccinated."


Posted 12:52 pm, 01/22/2022

I love that Biden has simultaneously done nothing and ruined the country with all the socialism he's brought down upon everyone's head. Lol which is it???


Posted 12:43 pm, 01/22/2022

Have to have preventive and treatment side.


Posted 12:30 pm, 01/22/2022

It is called Warp Speed. Put energy into a solution and stop wasting time on a few loons in horned hats marching through Pelosi's office.


Posted 12:20 pm, 01/22/2022

No one ever said 95% stopping infection. That may have been what you heard, but it was 95% protection from severe illness.

However, f*xanose is correct that we need more options at this point, which take time.


Posted 10:32 am, 01/22/2022

Biden has done nothing. He is to focused on the fake investigation of Jan 6th


Posted 10:31 am, 01/22/2022

.The vaccine was a quick fix for the time and worked to ease the death toll. However what we need now is therapeutics. of which Biden has advanced NONE. He has only tried to block everything Trump suggested just because it was Trump that suggested it. One is Hydroxychloroquine


Posted 10:05 am, 01/22/2022

Surfer, preventing severe illness and death is all the current vaccines are doing but what I wrote is correct.

This is directly from the CDC website.

Vaccines prevent diseases that can be dangerous, or even deadly. Vaccines greatly reduce the risk of infection by working with the body's natural defenses to safely develop immunity to disease.

The smallpox vaccine is credited with eradicating that virus, not just preventing severe illness and death.


Posted 9:25 am, 01/22/2022

That's not correct. Vaccines are to prevent serious illnesses and death. I personally don't believe boosters are needed for people under 40 unless they have underlying medical issues.


Posted 9:20 am, 01/22/2022

We were told in the beginning the vaccines were 95% effective at preventing infection. At first it seemed as though they were but now we find out they only hold up for a few months.

Some health professionals fear frequent boosters could mess up the immune system. Maybe its time to look into a different approach or new vaccines. I recently read articles citing the WHO and Bill Gates(not sure why he's relevant) stating as much.

Also we have been told for a year now that vaccination was more effective at preventing Covid than a previous infection with the virus. Now real world data from NY and California show that during the Delta wave the opposite was true......a prior infection with no shot was much more protective than the vaccine alone. Although a prior infection and being fully vaccinated offered the best protection.

I understand the current vaccines are all we have right now but maybe its time to invest in a new approach instead of a booster every few months. After all vaccines are supposed to offer a great deal of immunity and breakthrough infections should be much rarer then they are now.


Posted 8:03 am, 01/22/2022

Show your work.


Posted 7:48 am, 01/22/2022

Also, remember that the primary purpose of the vaccine is to prevent you from having severe symptoms.

Seems as though I remember Dr Fauci and Biden say it would stop the virus. Prevent you from contracting the virus. Selective amnesia I guess on your part.


Posted 7:13 am, 01/22/2022

I think we all know which social media site this fabricated story came from.


Posted 10:57 pm, 01/21/2022

JustDontKnow, If you dont know the answer to that by now, you never will. Have a good night.


Posted 9:08 pm, 01/21/2022

Which social media group you find that story from?

Just got "censored" for speaking truth for mentioning a social media website. Wonder why the truth has to be hidden!!!!!

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