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AOC: I personally believe that i think


Posted 1:57 pm, 05/22/2019

LMAO - not even a little bit. Just point out hypocrisy. You don't like it and I understand.

Abraham Drinkin

Posted 1:55 pm, 05/22/2019


Typical response from a Democrat when they lose an argument - Attack Trump!


Posted 1:43 pm, 05/22/2019

So you are saying Trump isn't that bright?

I'm saying AOC exaggerated the findings, but the findings are there.

Trump lies for the heck of it. Because he is constipated from the crappy hamburgers and sits on the toilet to long tweeting.


Posted 1:41 pm, 05/22/2019

I don’t think Abe understands what “irreversible” means.

Abraham Drinkin

Posted 1:41 pm, 05/22/2019

Good job Hangs! It only took you three more postings to realize that AOC is just not very bright!


Posted 1:38 pm, 05/22/2019

Was she exaggerating? Sure. Remember when Trump exaggerates or quotes the wrong facts he was joking or trying to make a point/


Posted 1:36 pm, 05/22/2019

In an apocalyptic report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)�"a United Nations agency
United Nations

The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that was tasked to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international co-operation and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. The headquarters of the UN is in Manhattan, New York City, and is subject to extraterritorialit…

focused on climate change�"warned the world the planet has 12 years, or until 2030, to reverse global warming. Oct 10 2018


Posted 1:35 pm, 05/22/2019

Dozen = 12

Am I right?

Abraham Drinkin

Posted 1:34 pm, 05/22/2019

Since you nitwits are unable to Google for yourself this is what is quoted in the IPCC report:

"The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people."

In case your reading comprehension is also lacking, the report doesn't say that we will all die in 12 years.


Posted 1:24 pm, 05/22/2019

Please do tell what did the IPCC report....You may not like it very much but that's neither here nor there.


Posted 12:38 pm, 05/22/2019

Well, don’t leave us with a cliffhanger! Will Han get out of caronite? What did the IPCC report?

Abraham Drinkin

Posted 12:26 pm, 05/22/2019

AOC: "Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like: The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?" Ocasio-Cortez told Coates. "This is the war �" this is our World War II."

That's not what IPCC reported.


Posted 11:56 am, 05/22/2019

I know it doesn't fit their narrative to state that she was basically repeating what the IPCC came out and said.


Posted 11:32 am, 05/22/2019

Hate to be negative, but I get the feeling a lot of our conservative friends on here are thinking they aren’t going to be around in 12 years anyway, so why bother?


Posted 11:21 am, 05/22/2019

IPCC says we have 12 years to get climate change under control.

Abraham Drinkin

Posted 11:18 am, 05/22/2019

According to AOC we are all going to die in 12 years anyway, so to quote Hillary "what difference at this point does it make!"


Posted 10:42 am, 05/22/2019

Thanks for stopping by!


Posted 10:03 am, 05/22/2019

you poor wittle democrats. Trump is still your president and will be until January 2025. Embrace it.


Posted 9:54 am, 05/22/2019

Ob? See, I can’t even spell correctly now.


Posted 9:53 am, 05/22/2019

Ob, no. Too early for that mental image, Sparks.

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