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Article in the JP about the Greenway


Posted 3:10 pm, 04/22/2018

Greenway folks and the Wilkesboro town board are trying to take the land rights away from the ownership to do as they please.The Lenderman Lady does not want people in her back yard and Mr Brown does not want people in his pasture.


Posted 8:51 pm, 04/20/2018

Shea doesn't know that OC pulls an empty trailer around.


Posted 8:39 pm, 04/20/2018

5th Amendment, United States Constitution

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."


Posted 8:17 am, 04/20/2018

This job thing has really killed my spare time.

All work & no play makes Jack a dull boy.

(This thread needed a bump)


Posted 9:52 pm, 04/18/2018

Poor OC hasn’t had time for trout fishing. He’s too busy trucking and getting food across the country for people to eat. Ungrateful ****s.


Posted 9:34 pm, 04/18/2018

I wish!!! Delicious flaky trout.


Posted 9:22 pm, 04/18/2018

Plus OC has caught every trout from the Reddies to Cub Creek.


Posted 9:19 pm, 04/18/2018

The Greenway has taken away habitat for many creatures and there's no telling how many are on the edge of extinction because of our easy access to what was one of their few remaining safe havens. Why do we have to destroy and trample everything with our footsteps until nothing remains in our way?


Posted 8:57 pm, 04/18/2018

I’m on Mr. Browns side all the way. Sounds like a bunch of “rich” folks thought they were too falutin to be living around a farmer and HIS cattle on HIS land. And those slimy slithering snakes we let run our towns over stepped their playgrounds and screwed that family for “rich” ****s and their snobby complaints. If anybody did that to my Father or Grandfather for that matter those snakes wouldn’t get a **** thing from me and mine. I’d see to it if I had to fight those scum the rest of my days. Don’t back down Mr. Brown. There are more with you and agree with you than you know.


Posted 8:36 pm, 04/18/2018

Promote the Greenway all you want. Its just what everybody wants (a place to escape all the trash strewn all over the county).


Posted 8:22 pm, 04/18/2018

There are numerous people who live near WCC who are not thrilled with the noise and traffic of Merle mess but the town wont touch that

Wandering Homebody

Posted 8:04 pm, 04/18/2018

Firty Firty (view profile)

Posted 7:47 am, 04/18/2018

Let me just say this . The Yadkin River Greenway is NOT part of, or governed by, the town of Wilkesboro. It is a non profit group mostly consisting of volunteers. I agree that Wilkesboro over stepped its authority by making Mr. Brown take his cows out, but the Greenway shouldn't`t suffer because of this. The Greenway actually doesn`t take the land from land owners. All it does is get an easement on a narrow strip of land (I think 30ft wide ), along the river side. Most of this strip is in the area of the tree line next to the river and doesn't`t take usable grazing or hay acreage. Although some of you may not use the Greenway (G&G ), as indicated by the time you spend on GW, it is used by a lot of us health conscious Wilkes Countians. It actually adds to the overall quality of life here and is used as a recruitment tool by various agencies to promote Wilkes County. So to get an easement, along side the river to connect our segmented Greenway and make it whole, as it should be, I don`t think is too much to ask the Browns to bury the hatchet.

I would have agreed with you on the Greenway group not suffering because of the whole debacle with Wilkesboro, but not anymore. The article in the papers has a representative from the Greenway talking to Wilkesboro about getting it condemned so the Greenway can have an easement. They might not have done anything to the guy 20 years ago like Wilkesboro did, but it looks to me like they are trying to find a sneaky loophole too.

Again, I love the Greenway and use it several times per week, but they are still overstepping here.

It doesn't have to connect in order to be used or promoted. I'm not sure it's a huge recruitment tool anyway since every county around us has their own version of a Greenway and walking trails. So it's not a big stand out from the rest or anything.


Posted 7:58 pm, 04/18/2018

This thread has been eye opening to me! I walk the Greenway when I am downtown. I had no idea about this problem with Mr. Brown. I cannot blame him!! Somehow local residents stopped him from grazing cattle on his land?? Wow! As someone mentioned-all the stink of litter spread; and the daily stench of Tyson? Wow' I'd rather have cattle manure!


Posted 6:35 pm, 04/18/2018

I remember a thread from long ago where some one was whining the coffee place at west park wouldn't let them park closer to the Green Way entrance, They were going there to walk and got all butt hurt cause they had to park a couple of hundred feet farther away, And I don't know about you guys but when I leave work the last thing on my mind is walking a few miles, I am still amazed that some one hasn't go mugged or attacked down there


Posted 6:13 pm, 04/18/2018

Drug peddlers roam that Greenway at all hours of the day and night.

Forget that and clean up the **** trash around here. The whole county is a F'ing **** hole.


Posted 6:11 pm, 04/18/2018

I don't usually pay attention to local politics but I believe it's about time to start. I mean WTF!


Posted 6:09 pm, 04/18/2018

Bury the hatchet alright in the Wilkesboro boards head, What kind of business would a green way attract, Young professionals want to live in a place with some night life. Try building some clubs and bars


Posted 6:08 pm, 04/18/2018

Sounds like the entities that govern Wilkesboro & North Wilkesboro need to wake up without a job in the very near future.


Posted 6:06 pm, 04/18/2018

I can't believe they'd be so bold to post their intentions to take someones land in the JP. This really makes me want to vomit & move far, far away.


Posted 5:59 pm, 04/18/2018

Have they tried sending a big tiddied woman out to the farm with some opiates? If that doesn't work forget it.

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