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Beto on Guns


Posted 9:09 pm, 09/18/2019

Time to change subjects, Hollywood is off limits


Posted 9:05 pm, 09/18/2019

You can tell the left is not serious about gun control.

Let's be honest here, gun control is another hot topic issue like abortion, immigrants, and gay rights... but neither side is going to do anything. It's all just about controlling the narrative and getting the average voter worked up over something.

If you pay attention to the campaigns then you'll see that Democrats and Republicans usually say the same thing about gun control. Yet nothing happens. I mean, Bush Sr and Bill Clinton worked together to pass an Act to ban assault weapons, then Bush Jr argued in favor of a further ban on assault weapons in 2004. Trump said he wanted to ban assault weapons, yet here we are in 2019 with a Democrat campaigning on the same thing.

If they all agree on it, then why isn't it done? It seems like everyone has agreed on it for about 25 years!

People get murdered and raped in maximum security prisons. How much more of a controlled environment can you find than that.

We should actually start another topic on this, because the US prison system is a totally different issue. I keep reading about how other countries handle their prisons and don't have anywhere near the inmate violence and recidivism that we have!


Posted 8:54 pm, 09/18/2019

Preventing crimes without some type of mind control is impossible. People get murdered and raped in maximum security prisons. How much more of a controlled environment can you find than that.


Posted 8:50 pm, 09/18/2019

You can tell the left is not serious about gun control. Why not nip the violence in the bud and ban weapons in movies and video games. Really, that is where most of the minds get poisoned. I am in favor of confiscation and banning Assault weapons, explosives, and handguns, in Hollywood.


Posted 8:38 pm, 09/18/2019

No one is saying that it's impossible, Joseph, just statistically improbable.

And as we've pointed out, if there were a nationwide ban on guns then those three masked teens wouldn't have had guns, either. But there's something fishy about that story... the man that's "highly protective of his mother" just happened to be standing outside at 4am with his semi automatic assault rifle when 3 teenagers came up to rob him?

168Amax, I don't disagree with you, but I think that you and I see the purpose of government differently. You seem to believe that the sole purpose of legislation is to punish people that commit crimes, but I believe that it also has a responsibility to prevent crimes when possible.

So to me, common sense gun laws (like requiring a license for any gun, insurance, and an annual competency test) would do more to prevent a crime from happening in the first place. Which cuts down on both homicides and the number of people in prison for committing those crimes.

Joseph T.

Posted 7:36 pm, 09/17/2019

It sure worked for this homeowner who took out 3 punks for good.


Posted 1:42 pm, 09/17/2019

Just keep Hanging On !


Posted 1:12 pm, 09/17/2019

Myth #10: We don't need more gun laws-we just need to enforce the ones we have.

Fact-check: Weak laws and loopholes backed by the gun lobby have made it easier for people to get guns illegally. And existing gun laws aren't preventing guns from getting into the wrong hands: More than 75 percent of the weapons used in mass shootings between 1982 and 2012 were obtained legally.
As much as 40 percent of all gun sales involve private sellers and don't require background checks. In a survey, 40 percent of prison inmates who used guns in their crimes said they'd gotten them this way. More than 80 percent of gun owners support closing this loophole.
� An investigation found that 62 percent of online gun sellers were willing to sell to buyers who said they couldn't pass a background check.
� When researchers posed as illegal "straw" buyers, 20 percent of licensed California gun dealers agreed to sell handguns to them.
� The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives did not have a permanent director for seven years, due to an NRA-backed requirement that the Senate approve nominees.


Posted 1:05 pm, 09/17/2019

Myth #6: Carrying a gun for self-defense makes you safer.

Fact-check: In 2014, according to FBI data, nearly eight times more people were shot and killed in arguments than by civilians trying to stop a crime.
� In one survey, nearly 1 percent of Americans reported using guns to defend themselves or their property. However, a closer look at these claims found that more than half involved using guns in an aggressive manner, such as escalating an argument.
� A study in Philadelphia found that the odds of an assault victim being shot were 4.5 times greater if he carried a gun. His odds of being killed were 4.2 times greater.



Posted 12:20 pm, 09/17/2019


The man got to his bedroom maybe, if he had not had a weapon what could have happened.


Posted 5:27 am, 09/17/2019

The old man could always lay down on the floor and pretend to be unconscious. Or maybe he could put his money on the porch and use the honor system. At least they wouldn't have to tear his door up coming in.

Training video:


Posted 12:03 am, 09/17/2019

Zero tolerance for any gun crime is something the vast majority of gun owners would back


Posted 12:01 am, 09/17/2019

What makes even more sense is enforcing the hundreds of laws already on the books. Or even better pass legislation that carrying a gun while committing any felony including possession of narcotics is a flat 10 years, no parole no early release. Using a gun in any crime life without parole. Killing some one the death penalty Red flag any on with a police record of gang affiliations. This might not stop mass shooters but it would dang sure slow down the carnage in our major urban areas. Which the numbers of totally dwarf the loss of life in mass shootings. Send a message that that any crime committed with a fire arm or while carrying one is going to mean a long sentence. No excuses no sad story's about how hard their life is. No probation. Get caught misusing a firearm goodbye for the minimum of a decade. Also treat every one equal underage gang members commit hundreds of drive bys . If you old enough to pull the trigger you get sentenced as a big boy.


Posted 10:16 pm, 09/16/2019

Arizona gun store had a Beto Gun sale! Ar-15 sold for $399.00 and sold out in 4 hours!


Posted 9:05 pm, 09/16/2019

I honestly think that most gun owners are delusional. Not all, but most.

I'll give you an example. My mom's friends are an elderly couple, and the husband has a 9mm handgun. He asked me if I have a gun (the answer was no), and he started grilling me with questions like, "what are you going to do if someone kicks in your door while you're watching TV?"

In his mind, he would use his gun to defend himself and his family.

Except that his gun is in the bedroom, in a drawer in the nightstand. So if someone kicks in his door while they're watching TV, does he think he's going to recognize what's happening, run his 80 year old self to the bedroom, find the gun, and then come back to the living room, faster than the attacker can pull the trigger?

Realistically, he could have it on the table beside of him, but by the time he realizes what's happening he would still be too late.

So it's really just a security blanket with no actual value. He thinks he would defend himself, but it's just not likely to happen. What's a LOT more likely is that he's going to accidentally shoot himself or his wife one day. Or worse, he's going to escalate a situation from a robbery to a double murder.


Posted 4:00 pm, 09/16/2019

Liberals always remember this:A Gun in Your Hand is Better than a Whole Police Force on the Phone ☎️ 😃.

sparkling water

Posted 3:59 pm, 09/16/2019

We reload.


Posted 3:56 pm, 09/16/2019

Probably! But this is about the long game, not short. There's not a lot that the government can do to change this generation's mentality towards guns, but raising taxes on ammunition will affect the next generation.

It would probably take 30+ years for this to have an impact on the firearm homicide rate.

The alternative would be to follow Japan's lead and begin requiring a license and insurance for all firearms, and a mandatory competency test to renew that annual license. It would take 10+ years to weed out people that keep guns without a license, but eventually it would have an impact.

Which is probably why the Federal AWB didn't have any impact, 10 years just wasn't long enough of a test.


Posted 3:39 pm, 09/16/2019

There is probably enough ammo in Wilkes county homes to invade a third world country.

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