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Christians help get out the vote!!,....defeat the liberal agenda in Washington...


Posted 2:49 am, 10/31/2014

BATMAN im gay its not a choice i totally disagree with you i dont want a woman in my bed i want a man believe what you want sexually a women does NOTHING for me i ask god to change me {{{{{ EVERY NIGHT}}}]] im still attracted to a man sexually comments very welcome


Posted 1:24 am, 10/31/2014

for the record batman... I'm a straight, married, Christian man.


Posted 1:16 am, 10/31/2014

but, I give you the benefit of the doubt and I accept your apology. Maybe we can have a civil conversation in the future.


Posted 1:14 am, 10/31/2014

batman, im willing to expect your apology, I really am. but seriously, i'd rather hope that you would be a man and admit to a momentary short coming. Is this how you conduct yourself on this forum every day? this is the first time I've seen your screen name. I'm nobody special but when I make a mistake, I own up to it.


Posted 1:09 am, 10/31/2014

surfnturf if you knew how bad I typed you would know my apology was sincere...gnight......peace......


Posted 1:07 am, 10/31/2014

shadow maybe you don't but unfortunately others do.....as is the case in Houston......and that is what concerns me....again I am not out to get gay people.....what you do is your business.....but the whole gay marriage thing is a mistake.....civil unions was the correct way to go....give all the benefits except the title of marriage......that I was ok with......I am actually more moderate on that stance than most conservatives.....yet you guys are angry at me because of my faith???


Posted 1:04 am, 10/31/2014

batman, I don't know you from adam. I want to accept your apology but I cannot. if the letters on the keyboard were close enough to form smurfnturf out of surfnturf, I'd let it go, and I actually WILL let it go, but it's only because I'm done with you. Your fear and frenzy only make me worried. But my intelligence only makes me hopeful. Are you so aggressive because your thoughts and ways of thinking are being rendered obsolete?

are you losing your battle? because you're not gaining any friends. I think I'll stay away from here for a while, it's toxic.


Posted 1:03 am, 10/31/2014

vote your conscience I will vote mine...that is why we call it America....but liberals do not own this website or control it for now so as long as freedom of speech exist I will shout it to the roof tops.....before America goes down for good......at least I will know I tried!!!!!


Posted 1:01 am, 10/31/2014


How do we gay people living our lives INVADE your religion or faith? We're not asking you to participate In our lives. Just to let us live them.


Posted 1:01 am, 10/31/2014

In 1892 the United States Supreme Court emphatically declared that America was "a Christian nation." If you read the Court's opinion, you will gain a nearly-complete education in the Christian history of America. You will agree that America was once a Christian Theocracy, and if you hear the heart of Justice David Brewer (who wrote the opinion for a unanimous Supreme Court), you'll know that if he and America's Founding Fathers could see America in 2007, they would begin immediately working to make America a Theocracy again.

Flatlander Now

Posted 1:00 am, 10/31/2014

Batman has been pretty much been silent for months and now is making an eleventh hour desperate push to muster what votes he feels he can garner with his tactic that conservatives always resort to... demagogic fear. Well, I have news for you, if you think that you have changed any minds to your way of thinking or swayed any votes to your side, you are completely operating in an alternate universe. ANY PERSON THAT HAS THEIR VOTE DETERMINED BY WHAT THEY READ ON GO WILKES OR BY ANY MEDIA ADVERTISEMENT HAS AN IQ OF A SACK FULL OF HAMMERS and should not be given the right to vote.Make up your own minds and give these prima donna conservatives the attention they deserve which is NONE.


Posted 12:58 am, 10/31/2014

and I'm certain you can read...... it's just sad that you can't comprehend.


Posted 12:57 am, 10/31/2014

it is after midnight I did not mean to misspell your name I apologize......surfinturf......


Posted 12:57 am, 10/31/2014

and for the record.... I may have been inclined to answer your last question with respect, but why should I?

a. You don't care what the answer is.

b. you called me smurfnturf.

c. You're an idiot and I don't feed idiots.

d. You have no respect for anyone who isn't named batman


Posted 12:55 am, 10/31/2014

again can you not read??...I said God loves the gay person as much as the child in the womb......what is not clear about what I said??????

But what the gay person now wants is to push their lifestyle on everyone......did you not read the papers in the last few days??? about the mayor in Houston requiring pastors to send a copy of their sermons so she could review them first???......I know it is hard for a non believer to understand why this is so important......but it is......I am sorry if my believing in God offends you......I have gay friends....I have no issue with them as long as they do not invade my religion or faith......but according to the bible sin is sin.....period.....


Posted 12:53 am, 10/31/2014

and scatman... oops I mean batman... I didn't disrespect you... I'm super duper sorry that I made you feel stupid. why on earth did you feel the need to change my screen name and disrespect me? smurnturf? really? Can't you have a debate without acting like an idiot?


Posted 12:48 am, 10/31/2014

when did America become a Christian nation dude? If you actually look to history, America as a majority decided to NOT be a Christian or religious nation. We voted on it. we separated church and state. and isn't it silly for you to cry God when the politicians you stand behind don't know your god from a hole in the ground?

I'm not gay but of the gay people I know, i'm pretty certain they didn't choose it. I am kinda under the impression that they were that way to begin with. but I don't have a problem with them. the ones I know are pretty responsible. they are always there for their friends.... and they seem to just want to be left alone but want the same rights we have. I get it. they make me laugh and wonder what the F I'm doing wrong. I never said you wanted to kill a gay person, I only asked why you felt that a 3 week old fetus is more important than a gay adult. it's kind of a simple question, mr Christian.


Posted 12:44 am, 10/31/2014

Dave Thomas, famed founder of the Wendy's restaurant chain and television spokesman, was born Rex David Thomas on July 2, 1932, in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Thomas never knew his birth mother, and was adopted by a couple from Kalamazoo, Michigan, when he was 6 months old. Thomas's adoptive mother died when he was only five, and by the age of 10 Thomas had lost two stepmothers as well. He spent summers in Maine with his adoptive grandmother, Minnie Thomas, who was his closest relative and a big influence in his life.


Posted 12:40 am, 10/31/2014

smurfnturf I want to ask you one question......do you honestly think a child that is in the womb that has a brain and a heart..eyes and ears and can feel pain is not a human being?....And that at any time someone has the right to murder that child because they choose to?......sleep on that......roll that over in your mind tonight......Dave Thomas who founded Wendy's was within hours of being aborted but his mother changed her mind at the last minute......how many Dave Thomas's have been murdered under the name of abortion?????

Romney supporter

Posted 12:39 am, 10/31/2014

We really need Christians to send legitimate prayers so God will make our candidates win. Since our church is the only true church you will need to join in order to heard by God.

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