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Creation and Evolutionism


Posted 6:49 pm, 08/11/2014

Chris does not appear to be capable of moving beyond his limited understanding of origins. Which is fine, lots of folks don't even care and that's fine. To set himself up as an authority is like asking a three year old to describe particle physics. He bears watching, though, as his agenda is dangerous for all of us, the spiritual and the non-spiritual.


Posted 6:21 pm, 08/11/2014

This whole thing is fun until someone losses an eye.


Posted 6:15 pm, 08/11/2014

believer in god (view profile)

We aren't rejecting God's word we are rejecting your word. You are possessed by Satan.

i'll take the blame for a lot of s***,but this f-tard is a christian problem not mine


Posted 6:10 pm, 08/11/2014

Posted 8:02 am, 08/11/2014
I'm sorry. I forget that you guys aren't spiritual (those who reject God's Word), so I shouldn't expect you to grasp truth or to logically & spiritually understand it. This is why you think the Biblical account of origins is so foolish.

Well, that statement sorta makes you look like an idiot. The Biblical account of origins is not foolish at all. You are the one, that is making a mockery of it.


Posted 12:38 pm, 08/11/2014

Chrissy, I really wish that you would not pervert the word of God. You are a liar and a fraud. If you have kids, I hope you aren't teaching them your crap.


Posted 10:18 am, 08/11/2014

AronRa concisely sums up the creationist position.

"I can follow wherever the evidence leads, but you have a doctrinal obligation to defend the baseless assumptions of your initial conclusion with no evidentiary support at all. No matter how obvious, you're not permitted to concede any error ever, even when you know you're wrong. That's what makes your position so dishonest."

The full quote begins at 7:20.

believer in god

Posted 9:01 am, 08/11/2014

We aren't rejecting God's word we are rejecting your word. You are possessed by Satan.

Top Soil

Posted 8:51 am, 08/11/2014

besides quoting redundant scripture and threatening me with torture, what evidence do you have? The fact that creationists want to force schools to teach their religious beliefs is an admission on their part that they know their churches have failed to teach their religious beliefs.

But lets ask this question, why does religion need this government subsidy? Why does Christianity need government welfare through public prayers, motto's, and the teaching of myths in public schools? Is their religion so weak that it's going to go out of business without them? Why does Christianity need a government handout?


Posted 8:28 am, 08/11/2014

The bible is a scam . It manipulates the laws of the universe in order to control you. Smoke and mirrors. What you believe to be the power of god is in you. It's in us all. Our ancestors knew of this power and sought to control and direct it.

Chris C.

Posted 8:02 am, 08/11/2014

I'm sorry. I forget that you guys aren't spiritual (those who reject God's Word), so I shouldn't expect you to grasp truth or to logically & spiritually understand it. This is why you think the Biblical account of origins is so foolish...

1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV
[14] But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


1 Corinthians 1:25 KJV
[25] ...the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

And by your own claims, you have revealed your own foolish heart...

Psalm 14:1 KJV
[1] The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God...

Psalm 53:1 KJV
[1] The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God...

You see, if you reject the truth of God's Word, and think within your heart that man is wiser than God, then you are reduced to foolishness.

1 Corinthians 3:19 KJV
[19] For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

I really wished that you would not reject God's Word. By rejecting it, you are rejecting the Creator Himself. I promise, you will one day wish that you had listened.
And I promise that one day, you will have wished that you did not influence others to believe like you do.

Top Soil

Posted 11:01 am, 08/10/2014

Bestill (view profile)

Posted 10:57 am, 08/10/2014

His binary thinking has already done him in! My hope for Chris is that he comes to some point that he wants to study scripture.

the liberal thinking that goes into most Hebrew classes will, I think, be his snapping point. you can bend you logic only so far before something has to give, and it won't be his ego.


Posted 10:57 am, 08/10/2014

His binary thinking has already done him in! My hope for Chris is that he comes to some point that he wants to study scripture.


Posted 10:54 am, 08/10/2014

Bestill, my motive for starting this thread was and is ultimately to defend God's Word as being true, starting with Genesis. Nearly all of my arguments have been for the purpose of defending Genesis.

YOU FAILED! You have failed because you clearly have no understanding of the scripture and continue to mock it! Shame on you!

The theory of evolution is responsible for most of the world's rejection of the Bible.

You are sounding like an idiot. Pull yourself together and take another look!

Top Soil

Posted 10:51 am, 08/10/2014

Bestill (view profile)

Posted 10:47 am, 08/10/2014

No, But hope springs eternal. One Hebrew class! Just one! Let's be good spirited and encourage him! I honestly believe that folks called hold an obligation to at least spend a moment or two in study. I am almost feeling so bad for the poor guy that I almost thought I would tutor him, but at this point...I honestly believe that he is not interested in sacred scripture. I think the agenda has sunk him. So sad!

His binary thinking will do him in.


Posted 10:47 am, 08/10/2014

No, But hope springs eternal. One Hebrew class! Just one! Let's be good spirited and encourage him! I honestly believe that folks called hold an obligation to at least spend a moment or two in study. I am almost feeling so bad for the poor guy that I almost thought I would tutor him, but at this point...I honestly believe that he is not interested in sacred scripture. I think the agenda has sunk him. So sad!

Top Soil

Posted 10:24 am, 08/10/2014

Bestill (view profile)

Posted 10:20 am, 08/10/2014

Dude! So sorry that you miss the whole point of Genesis! At the end of the day, all I can do is encourage you to study scripture! Take a class! Meet a mentor! Anything! Just start somewhere!

are you seriously suggesting Chris to Evolve his views on genesis. lol


Posted 10:20 am, 08/10/2014

Dude! So sorry that you miss the whole point of Genesis! At the end of the day, all I can do is encourage you to study scripture! Take a class! Meet a mentor! Anything! Just start somewhere!

Top Soil

Posted 8:14 am, 08/10/2014

Chris C. (view profile)

Posted 11:47 pm, 08/09/2014

Bestill, my motive for starting this thread was and is ultimately to defend God's Word as being true, starting with Genesis. Nearly all of my arguments have been for the purpose of defending Genesis,-and you have been failing

because it is the accurate version of our origins. -The only evidence you have provided was asserting that the bible is the truth, assertion doesn't prove something is right

But you have somehow missed my point for my overall stand.- No we get the point, you are a prime example of how god is created in mans image. you need to give other people orders so you can feel important like some kind of kitchen worker telling the infantry and generals how to fight the war.

You, and everyone else must be born again, if you want to go to Heaven when you die. That is the most important message in the entire Bible. - I said it once before but i like it. instead of being born again why not just grow up.

But, because of the falsely so called "science" of evolution convincing millions of people around the world that they can't trust their Bibles, the gospel message is sabotaged. - no its people waking up. science works, planes fly, cars go,computers compute. evidence has convinced people to throw away their bibles, just like evidence is used to prove innocence in the court room. asserting that the bible is true doesn't make it so.

It takes God's Word to get people to the cross, but if people reject God's Word already within their hearts, then they are definitely not going to take heed to a salvation message that comes out of that same book, thus never reaching the cross. - I am so made, that I cannot believe. What, then, would you have me do?

The theory of evolution is responsible for most of the world's rejection of the Bible. This is what drives me in what I do. -but you lack the facts and the bits of evidence which make evolution true.

My entire motive, my entire heart's desire, is for people to know they can trust God's Word, so they can be confident that the salvation message is true, and worthy of taking heed to. - people once did trust in the bible, they believed it to cure disease, rule of law, explain the explainable. But it has failed at every attempt at this. never has a supernatural explanation ever replaced a natural explanation. People are noticing this, and are leaving the old myths behind.

If that is not for you, then I feel sad for you, but I would recommend that you move on, because I'm going to continue to defend the truth of the Bible here in this thread, as long as God allows me to do so. - threatening me with he** is like a hippy threatening to punch you in your aura. this also leads to a question of morality, are you going to be ok with praising a being for eternity when that being is actively torturing the ones he loves for infinity, because of finite crimes they committed?

And when I share some scientific information, it is not because I claim to be a scientist, because I do not. But it is because I want to show that real, observational and verifiable science actually confirms the Bible to be true. And when I make a logical argument to refute the fallacious and unsound claims of evolutionists, it is just to simply show how ridiculous their claims are, while pointing back to the Bible as the source that makes sense of all the evidence that is available. - nothing you have stated can remotely be considered as real or logical. you avoid the hard questions and post the same debunked information you get from one website. you fail to realize that your own claims crumble when your logic is applied to them. you are not a scientist and it shows, nor did you pay attention in 8th grade science class. if "real, observational and verifiable science" confirms the bible, then that would be the championing idea. but its not. not because there is a conspiracy of anti-christian scientists, but because there is evidence, facts, and data to support the claims made by scientists.

-added the blue text


Posted 2:20 am, 08/10/2014

Religion stands in the way of everything. We need research in stem cells, nanobots, genes, and we need a full out space program. We are just seconds away from immortality except for the foot dragging of religion. You and I could live long enough to walk on planets on other stars, meet aliens from other worlds and see wonders that we can only imagine now..


Posted 2:05 am, 08/10/2014

Chrissy, it was your motive to piss on scripture, lie and distort the truth. You know it, I know it, we all know it. Take your lies elsewhere.

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