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don't give up on Hillary


Posted 3:36 pm, 07/05/2015

We understand your difficulty keeping your subliminal thoughts from confusing your screeds but when you spend all your time with the collective you mistakenly think everybody is your comrade.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:
Laredo, showing his prestidigitation with a full deck was distributing a round of blackjack for the boys when Worst turned to Sparklin' and said, "You know, no matter what card they play, we got the Trump for it." This caused TnT to offer that "if'n they play the racist card, we got the Trump for it!" and before Finley could finish uttering "if'n they play the sexist card, we got the Trump for it!!" the whole room expounded on the many cards to be played and rejoicing in having the Trump for all of them!!!

HILLARY, Don't look, I'm stacking the deck against you!!!


Posted 12:04 pm, 07/05/2015

Top, you raise excellent points. There just isn't any energy on the right for their own candidates, unless one truly believes Donald Trump has a shot at the nomination, and he obviously doesn't.

Heck, Sen. Sanders has more energy in his campaign than the top Republican candidates have combined. It's strange...twenty-some candidates, and there's no one on the right to for the Conservatives to really get excited about.

It's like a football coach telling you he has two great options at quarterback...what that really means is he doesn't have one.


Posted 11:58 am, 07/05/2015

Ha! "Comrad"! Man, I wish I could say I did that on purpose...


Posted 11:58 am, 07/05/2015

Comrad, I'm proud of you. At least on July 4th we can trust your allegiance is with the good old USA! Good job!


Posted 11:33 am, 07/05/2015


Posted 11:25 am, 07/05/2015




Posted 11:00 am, 07/05/2015

Just me and the boys doing our best to educate people about the entitled one and her many attributes.

HILLARY, Could I get a little help here, the wool is slipping!!!

Top Soil

Posted 10:55 am, 07/05/2015

goatboy (view profile)

Posted 9:00 am, 07/05/2015

I see you want to change the topic again, as per usual. What, you don't like talking about the heifer?

No just pointing out your obvious hypocrisy and bias.

I'm not a fan of Clinton either, I hope she doesn't get the nomination. And I think once the majority of people get more educated, people will see that Clinton is just another status quo politician who isn't interested in middle class America.

If you are a true Republican/Conservative, you should focus on selected the best possible candidate to represent your party, instead of attacking the other side candidates in hopes that the attacks make up for the poor selection process of your party. It didn't work in 2012, why would it work in 2016?


Posted 10:31 am, 07/05/2015

Answered previously when you posited the false equation regarding battle flags so I will refresh your cluttered memory. I only fly Daddy's 48-star!

HILLARY, so proud of my base. They'er IDtenTs, but they're my IDtenTs!!!


Posted 9:36 am, 07/05/2015

Basking, wasn't the VP before Biden passed over? Of course, by that time, even Cheney's own party knew he was evil incarnate.

But, yea, Joe Biden would make a heck of a president. He's done a great job these last six or so years. I wish he had eight more in him.

Goat, if you don't like "fake" campaigns, I will assume Sen. Sanders is the man for you. No one on the right certainly qualifies. Excellent chioce, by the way. Although Sec. Clinton will also be a excellent steward for our great country.

Conrad, which flag did you fly yesterday? No, no...I don't want to know the answer.

Off topic!!!!!


Posted 9:12 am, 07/05/2015

Cankles may be roping off the press now, but she'll rope them in later. You know they love a left wing candidate. By 2016 they'll be sweethearts.


Posted 9:09 am, 07/05/2015

Trollpire, off-topic as usual? Crawling up from the sewers, what a surprise! And dripping with Hillary excrement! Yum!


Business Insider spoke with most of the attendees, and they explained the high level of secrecy that surrounded the event one of them dubbed "the thrill of a lifetime." There were warnings about leaks, drives to undisclosed locations, and a campaign staffer who confiscated the guests' cellphones ahead of the sitdown.

For Pottawattamie County Democratic Party Chairwoman Linda Nelson, her meeting with Clinton began "a couple weeks ago" with a phone call from Troy Price, a veteran Iowa operative who's working on the campaign. Nelson said Price asked her to join him and Matt Paul, another Iowa-based Clinton campaign staffer, for breakfast on Thursday.

According to Nelson, she and Price have met before when he was in Council Bluffs, so she didn't think the plan was unusual. However, after Clinton launched her campaign last Sunday and word got out that the candidate would be in the area, Nelson began to suspect this meeting with Price might have a special guest.

"I texted Troy Price and said, 'Hey, is Mrs. C going to be at breakfast?' And, boy, my phone rang right away," Nelson recounted. "He called me. He said, 'I am authorized to say that you are having breakfast with Matt Paul and Troy Price.'"

Despite Price's evasiveness, Nelson was convinced she would be meeting Clinton. She teased Price about it and said he responded with a warning: "If the media finds out, it's over."

Some of the people who had coffee with Clinton only discovered what they were in for on Thursday morning.

Mike Yowell, a local LBGT activist, said he was expecting to talk with Price about having Clinton speak to his group, the Council Bluffs Community Alliance, at some point during the campaign. When he got to the place where they planned to meet, the Village Inn, Yowell realized Clinton would be in attendance when Price asked him to sign a form.

"I get there, and the first thing he said was, 'I need you to sign this release.' And I said, 'Why? Who's going to be here?'" Yowell explained. "

The people who had coffee with Clinton had to sign the release forms because the event was filmed for


Posted 9:05 am, 07/05/2015



Posted 9:00 am, 07/05/2015

I don't care for Jeb. The last thing this country needs is another Bush or Clinton.

I see you want to change the topic again, as per usual. What, you don't like talking about the heifer?

I read an article last night about all the restrictions put on these fake "chat videos" that Hillary runs. All the restrictions, non-disclosure secrecy agreements folks are required to sign, confiscate cell phones, background checks, etc., etc.

Cue the cameras, it's set up to look like a spontaneous meeting in some restaurant or kitchen. Anything but.

How people can fall for this fake crap, can you explain it? I mean, other than blind party fealty? It's truly sickening.


Posted 8:52 am, 07/05/2015

First repubicans were obsessed with young boys, now they've moved on to goats :'(

Top Soil

Posted 8:34 am, 07/05/2015

oatboy (view profile)

Posted 12:00 am, 07/05/2015

Her whole campaign is nothing but a series of fake, staged photo ops.

so is Jeb Bush's. but I guess your opinion about the honesty of politics is only applicable to one side.


Posted 7:19 am, 07/05/2015

Atta-boy Goat. Way to go reporting on all things HILLARY. When 'Ol goat takes an oath, he's serious. I woulda not want to find myself on his bad side!

Well, the expedition outdid themselves and the bounty of their piscatorial success will be shared at the big Sunday dinner at grandma's after worship, soon as we can find enough loaves to go around. Being a day of rest, and believe me some of the boys must have celebrated in excess given the conditions presented at muster, we'll read the Sunday papers and keep abreast of the talking heads of the media dogs and try and keep up. Staying ever vigilant to the machinations of HILLARY and her base is quite the undertaking, but I am confident the boys are equal to the task.

Worst and GHWB report from Daytona decrying the removal of the crowd cams. Seems the faithful obviously didn't heed the memo about which flags were PC enough to wave!

With Pirate in command of the cleanup detail from the celebratory conflagration those boys have just about got the parade grounds policed and the tubes and platforms stowed 'til next time.


Posted 12:42 am, 07/05/2015

I feel bad for joe. How screwed up does a sitting Veep have to be for his party to completely skip him for the nomination?


Posted 12:00 am, 07/05/2015

Her whole campaign is nothing but a series of fake, staged photo ops.

Designed to keep press and real people/unscripted interactions, under tight control.

I grew up in that state, shook hands with an unknown peanut farmer once. No security, advance team, ropes, etc.

Times have changed. Not for the better.

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