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Posted 5:05 pm, 05/31/2023

Ever hear of Joseph Campbell?


Posted 4:32 pm, 05/31/2023

Uh, Wiki?


Posted 4:31 pm, 05/31/2023

antithesis (view profile)
Posted 2:10 pm, 05/31/2023
You should read more non-Euro literature, Bestie! Expand your mind


Posted 2:10 pm, 05/31/2023

You should read more non-Euro literature, Bestie! Expand your mind

The concept of dragons being evil monsters is relatively modern, dating back to around the 8th century. It appears to be strictly European, and possibly based on the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

In most (if not all) other cultures, dragons are wise and benevolent creatures. Going back to around 5000 BC, the Chinese believed dragons were wise and kind with celestial powers.

In fact, in Chinese mythology it was dragons that taught man how to talk!


Posted 8:15 am, 05/31/2023

I should have said treasure.


Posted 8:13 am, 05/31/2023

There resides in our collective conscience the hero's slaying of the dragon which will bring great blessings or wealth.
Wealth is a tricky blessing.


Posted 8:12 am, 05/31/2023

Eastern dragons are smaller and serpentine and do not always have wings�though they can fly.

Apparently, Eastern dragons use levitating flatulence, but anti is just full of crap. Maybe she needs some ex-lax brownies?


Posted 8:07 am, 05/31/2023

I would not consider a dragon as fluid like. Maybe for some. It is more likely the Hero's nemesis, whatever that may be.


Posted 8:02 am, 05/31/2023

At the end of the day, we cannot ignore our collective conscience.


Posted 7:58 am, 05/31/2023

OMG! Don't get me started with the Asians! We are just focusing on Anti's history here.


Posted 7:55 am, 05/31/2023

Dragons in Asia don't have wings.


Posted 6:22 am, 05/31/2023

But to be true, they are kinda rare.


Posted 6:20 am, 05/31/2023

Creatures like worms, slugs, and jellyfish are rarely fossilized because they don't have hard parts... they just decompose too quickly to become fossils.

Oh, for the love of God, anti! You can by worm fossils on Ebay, cheap. Beyond that,



Posted 1:42 am, 05/31/2023

It's true, Anti. Not only wells but canal systems.
Pretty impressive.


Posted 1:10 am, 05/31/2023

I kinda like the idea of dragons and it would be really cool if they had been real, in any form

Consider how the mythical dragons are always very serpentine... almost fluid like.

Creatures like worms, slugs, and jellyfish are rarely fossilized because they don't have hard parts... they just decompose too quickly to become fossils.

What if dragons did exist, but they didn't have hard bones so there was nothing to find?

Or... since the myths always have them living in caves, maybe they instinctively went deep inside of mountains to die. The bones could still be there, but you would have to move a literal mountain to find them.


Posted 12:59 am, 05/31/2023

Uh, no. Native Americans were digging some pretty sophisticated wells long before the arrival of Europeans. They even had these fancy walk in wells.

Great to hear! Now take it up with ScienceDirect, I'm sure they'd love to hear all about how they're wrong...


Posted 12:57 am, 05/31/2023

"Most fossils are found deep underground"
More lies

The word fossil comes from the Latin word fossus, meaning "having been dug up." Fossils are often found in rock formations deep in the earth.


For an organism to be fossilized, the remains usually need to be covered by sediment soon after death. Sediment can include the sandy seafloor, lava, and even sticky tar.


For the purpose of this thread, the odds of multiple, unrelated cultures finding complete, large, fossilized skeletons of similar dinosaurs that resemble the mythical dragons... just laying on the ground... are infinitesimal.

And then, of course, we have to also believe that each of those cultures destroyed the fossils... if they hadn't then we would still have them.


Posted 11:56 pm, 05/30/2023

I kinda like the idea of dragons and it would be really cool if they had been real, in any form...but then again I like zombies, dracula, frankenstein and of course witches too!!!


Posted 10:03 pm, 05/30/2023

There is very little honesty in your assumptions, anti. Just pointing out that Native Americans had rich trade and exposure to many different cultures. They were miners and well builders and nothing like your desire for them to be known as savages.


Posted 6:08 pm, 05/30/2023

antithesis (view profile)
Posted 4:56 pm, 05/30/2023
You are actually claiming that traditional mineshafts were not possible until the 1920s?

That was really hyperbole, but the "first well drilled in the Western world was... in 1859."

Uh, no. Native Americans were digging some pretty sophisticated wells long before the arrival of Europeans. They even had these fancy walk in wells.

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