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Posted 5:14 pm, 01/12/2018

No, i agree, the child should not do time as a matter of fact, the parents shouldn't be convicted of murder, because they have to stay home and take care of the child, the murder victim should not receive justice because of the child involved, lmfao, that's what you sound like fool

You should be deported.


Posted 5:14 pm, 01/12/2018

And your argument regarding my education makes no sense as my brother and I were parochially schooled, as were all six of my children. Of course, this does not mean that I would ever entertain the thought that any child should be denied a public education.


Posted 5:11 pm, 01/12/2018

You shouldn;t have been able to stay here and take my childrens job 20 years later, You know it too


Posted 5:10 pm, 01/12/2018

Once again, if your parents are convicted of murder, should you serve the prison sentence with them? Should your brothers and sisters be placed in prison with them as well?
If not, why not? It's a simple question.


Posted 5:10 pm, 01/12/2018

at this point...the US citizenry can neither afford to build the wall or ship millions of people back to their native countries.

So, why not carve a pathway to citizenship? The DACA kids had no say in coming here...and wouldn't it behoove us to encourage their parents to seek this same citizenship based on their work history, their stability and what they've contributed to the economy?


Posted 5:07 pm, 01/12/2018

Look at it this way. If your mom and dad murder somebody else, will they get to raise you doing a life sentence, the answer is NO. That is where we are at. You and your parents should have been deported the day you signed up for your free education,My parents had to show a birth certificate when I started school ! When you could't provide that, back home you should have went


Posted 5:05 pm, 01/12/2018

If not, why not?


Posted 5:01 pm, 01/12/2018

Maybe look at this way, Johnii, which is the way the a very conservative Supreme Court decided your issue.
If you murdered your wife, should your infant son sit on your lap when you go to the electric chair?


Posted 4:55 pm, 01/12/2018

You trying to tell me that you have no family in your own country ! That is where you go, home to your family. Start a business there, it's not my fault, you need to blame this on your parents, it is their fault. You people trying to say personal property is one thing to tress pass on, but federal, state, county and city property is up for grabs to illegals, lmao. We own that too, so the minute you step one foot into this country illegally, you are TRESS PASSING and should be deported.

These people already couldn't get along in their own country so here they come causing trouble here.


Posted 4:54 pm, 01/12/2018

Once again, we have been there done that. Seriously, Johniii, if you do not like the law, change it, accept or move to a country whose laws you approve.


Posted 4:49 pm, 01/12/2018

That is my point goddess, they not supposed to have stayed !!!!!! They all supposed to have all been deported, they signed up for school, they knew right then they were illegal ! why wasn't the entire family of illegals deported at that time? I'll tell you whey, because of liberal democrats like Brown of California, pardoning criminals from our south just because he wants their vote ! and leaving Americans that did the same crime in prison to rot ! That is why, the democratic party has got so low, they willing to bring their voters in from other countries illegally !


Posted 4:46 pm, 01/12/2018

Regarding the change to law...if you want folks arrested and deported for trespassing you would have to change the law. Others who have tried have been found lacking as the courts found the practice unconstitutional.
If you want to change the law, go for it. There is a process in place for you to do so. Now, snowballs chance in Hades, but, no harm in trying.
Until then, why lie about our laws?


Posted 4:41 pm, 01/12/2018

How are these DACA kids trespassing??/ they were brought here as children by their parents that yes, I would say are trespassing.

It's like your mom and dad took you to Canada as a 5y/o and stayed, you went to school and graduated and hopefully onto college, you're now a working class person in Canada....

so I see it as ok...my mom and dad brought me here, it's the only home I've ever known...if I get deported now, where do I go????

this has nothing to do with morals, it has to do with a foundation and history that the parents started building for their kids and family...and the kids made the most of it. Their educated, they work...they've been in the country for 15- years or more, why can't their be a pathway to full citizenship first...if they don't seek that pathway, then find out why, find out what is prohibiting them from doing so...why do they need to be deported first and ask questions later???


Posted 4:36 pm, 01/12/2018

So you do not think American Citizens have the right to close all boarders? The tax payers own and pay for everything in this country. I guess when you all get to America, you going to change our laws the way you see fit. I can see that you wanting to do this very thing already. maybe you can change them to the same laws where ever you came from, it was so great there ! I've already saw the standard of morals of these hombres, lmao


Posted 4:34 pm, 01/12/2018

but you do not think people in this country illegally, should be caught and deported? It is ok, to break 1 law but not another, you explain that to me .

So murder is a law you like
Tress passing is not a law you like
tell us more about your standard of morals Bestill

this is him being sarcastic bestill, a blind man can see that.....I don't think you can use this to get out of your story spinning.


Posted 4:31 pm, 01/12/2018

And again, Johnii, it is entirely your fault.


Posted 4:29 pm, 01/12/2018

but you do not think people in this country illegally, should be caught and deported? It is ok, to break 1 law but not another, you explain that to me .

I am actually ambivilant about that. It depends.

So murder is a law you like

Murder is not a law. Murder is a crime.

Tress passing is not a law you like

I respect trespassing law and never trespass on private property if I am aware of it.

tell us more about your standard of morals

Well, you don't have the time and I do not have the energy.


Posted 4:27 pm, 01/12/2018

So, where do you liberals draw the line on tress passing? If somebody comes in to your home uninvited, should you be able to call the law and have them removed? I say you should.

Ok, if somebody comes into your yard, and will not leave, should you be able to call the law and have them removed? I say you should.
Ok, what if somebody comes into your country illegally, tress passing, should they be removed, and i'll remind you, this is against the law" I say they should be deported. but, I think they should be sentenced to 1 year of hard labor to pay for their deportation.
You all act like the dreamers are the only people in America dreaming, we have a lot of young American citizens dreaming, right now they dreaming that 750 thousand illegals that should be deported have jobs that belong to them. at no fault of their own ! It's not my fault. It is not the fault of these young men and women that had their jobs taken by illegals.


Posted 4:18 pm, 01/12/2018

I think our country would be by far better off if we were to deport conservatives.


Posted 4:17 pm, 01/12/2018

I think we should invade Mexico. Of course we will win and then stay on and build up Mexico like we do in all the countries we conquer. That way we cut out the middle man.

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