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Evidence Trump's immgration policies are working


Posted 9:53 pm, 01/20/2020

What about the just over 2 million that are incarcerated. Your math ain't holding up.


Posted 9:50 pm, 01/20/2020

So you're saying that of the US population, non-working age, retired and disabled only total a little over 29 million, right.


Posted 8:48 pm, 01/20/2020

In retrospect, people in retirement age are considered to be outside of the workforce, so no, they don't count as part of the Labor Force Participation, anyway.

So of people that are of legal working age, are physically able to work, and that want to work, 62.9% of them have a job. At least, according to the Republican website, MarketWatch.


Posted 6:43 pm, 01/20/2020

Where did I say I'm ok with it?


Posted 6:32 pm, 01/20/2020

So you're saying that out of an estimated population of 329.45 million, 300 million are considered work force, whatever.


Posted 5:56 pm, 01/20/2020

I'm sorry, that's 15.419% and 15.808% of the population, not 15.419 million... I read the chart wrong.

But the logic still applies.


Posted 5:55 pm, 01/20/2020

You need to stop living in the past, Reagan and Bush are no longer in office.

It's not living in the past, I'm showing you the err of your ways. Since the 1980s, Republicans have pushed for open borders while Democrats have been tough on illegal immigration. And now, you can still see that Trump is not as tough on illegal immigration as Obama was.

So your whole anti-Democrat argument is proven false.

I don't care what party is advocating open borders and allowing illegal immigrants to stay because they work cheap, not only is it is a bad idea it's wrong as well.

Haha, you sure cared at 5:10 and 5:16, when you thought it was the Democrats!

But lucky for you, no Democrat candidate is in favor of open borders:

In fact, if being tough on illegal immigration is a key issue for you, Biden is by far the toughest candidate... much tougher than Trump or any of the other Democrat candidates.

Just wondering if this includes persons no longer working or looking for because they have retired?

Obviously, it has always included everyone that is in the labor force. The number of people retired in the US rose from 15.419 million in 2017 to 15.808 million in 2018:

So while it has gone up by about 400,000 people, it's negligible against the labor force participation that counts 300 million people: and finds that 38% of them are not working.


Posted 5:54 pm, 01/20/2020

LOL, Trump works illegals himself.


Posted 5:51 pm, 01/20/2020

So you're in favor of taking advantage of the illegals, thanks for clearing that up.


Posted 5:44 pm, 01/20/2020

Well there isn't a language they are required to speak in order to stay...


Posted 5:43 pm, 01/20/2020

Sure, but according to the Republican MarketWatch.com, Labor Force Participation is down (from 63.5% to 62.9%):
Just wondering if this includes persons no longer working or looking for because they have retired?


Posted 5:40 pm, 01/20/2020

You need to stop living in the past, Reagan and Bush are no longer in office. I don't care what party is advocating open borders and allowing illegal immigrants to stay because they work cheap, not only is it is a bad idea it's wrong as well.


Posted 5:39 pm, 01/20/2020

As for your claim of refusing to give one person credit; that is total BS, because you continue to give Obama credit for Trump's economy.

No, I just look at historic data. When you see an improvement that begins in 2010 and continues through 2019, how do you point to 2017 and say, look, THAT's where it began!

Trump has been President for going on 4 yrs now and unemployment is at a 50 yr low.

Sure, but according to the Republican MarketWatch.com, Labor Force Participation is down (from 63.5% to 62.9%):

This means that unemployment is only down because people are being considered out of the labor force.

It's true that if you cherry pick data then you can make anything look good. But I try to look past the party bias and look at real facts. Which might SEEM biased to you, but only because I'm not seeing what you're hoping I'll see.


Posted 5:33 pm, 01/20/2020

Cowboy, you really need to remove the blinders:

Some Democrat candidates have pushed in favor of removing the statute that makes it a misdemeanor to illegally cross the border, several (including Biden) want to leave it in place:

So it's completely false to say that Democrats want open borders. They have all agreed on a path to citizenship, but traditionally it's the GOP that is in favor of completely open borders with no oversight.


Posted 5:30 pm, 01/20/2020

Like I said Anti, you and people like you, will never give Trump credit for anything good he accomplishes.

As for your claim of refusing to give one person credit; that is total BS, because you continue to give Obama credit for Trump's economy. Stop living in the past......Trump has been President for going on 4 yrs now and unemployment is at a 50 yr low. Obama is just a distant memory or part of your wet dream.


Posted 5:19 pm, 01/20/2020

So, you think Trump's plan is working??? Have you been to Wal Mart lately?


Posted 5:16 pm, 01/20/2020

I know the Democrats are pushing for open borders and allowing an unskilled workforce that can't speak the language to stay.


Posted 5:13 pm, 01/20/2020

Do you think it's democrat farmers using the labor? I know around here it sure isn't.


Posted 5:10 pm, 01/20/2020

Allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the country and work for low paying jobs usually without benefit of health insurance and worker's compensation is nothing more than modern day slavery, so just like in times past the Democrats are looking to enslave a group of people.


Posted 5:02 pm, 01/20/2020

Anti, just how do you think we can have an accurate count of the illegals living in the country? Remember the stink raised when Trump wanted to count them in the census? It's anybody's guess.

As I said before, there's no guaranteed way to count them. Obviously. But that's why I used a Republican organization as a source... I figure that if it's skewed then it's to the GOP's benefit.

Trump has made deals with other countries to take in asylum seekers and to stop the caravans from coming and causing a crisis at the border (that wasn't a crisis at the border until the Dems decided to admit there was one, only to blame it on Trump). This is something other Presidents never did.

Because there was never really an issue before. There have been Central American caravans in the past, but most sought refuge in Mexico without coming to the US:

The caravan from 2018 had dwindled to about 500 by time they reached the US, and 403 of them applies for refugee status. I'm not sure what Trump policies made any impact on that.

If there are fewer illegals coming in because we have other countries helping us, then we don't have as many to deport.

Except that the Republicans disagree with you, we have more than 14 million.

It doesn't matter what good things Trump accomplishes, you, and others like you,will never give him credit.
Like when you posted your link to argue welfare spending was up under Trump. You forgot to mention the only place it had risen was Medicaid expansion and that had risen greatly and will continue to do so, especially if more states implement it. Food Stamp usage is at a 10 year low, but you never mentioned that.of course.

Because all of the accomplishments you keep posting come from biased sources that ignore actual facts. I refuse to say that things are better when they're not, and I refuse to give credit to one person for someone else's successful policies.

Compare over time:

It's obvious to anyone that the percentage of population in poverty hasn't really changed very much since the 1970s, but the amount of money spent per person has risen dramatically every year since 1983.

You can blame that on Obamacare, but since it went up in 2017, 2018, and 2019, that falls on Trump and denies any argument you can have that welfare is down.

The general decline in SNAP benefits is likely due to "the consequences of the very low level of unemployment and gradually rising wages," said Michael Wiseman, professor of public policy at George Washington University

And as you can see, SNAP went up immediately after the Bush Depression, and began going down in February 2013:

I don't deny that Trump hasn't done anything too bad to hurt the economic improvements that Obama began, but it's naive to ignore historic data just because it doesn't support what you want to believe.

You don't go to jail for 6 months to 2 years for civil offenses.

Please do try to keep up. I said that being an illegal immigrant is a civil offense... you copied a section about actively immigrating illegally. These are different and unrelated things.

If they're caught at the border, then yes, it's a criminal offense.

But if someone comes here legally and overstays their visa (which is how most illegal immigrants are here), it's only a civil offense.

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