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Facts closing in on obama

this n that

Posted 9:46 am, 05/19/2019

Biden and son's crimes in Ukraine being investigated..

Biden's son Hunter Biden forgot and left his cocaine pipe, and several pieces of identifying items in his rental car.
He must have been really messed up with cocaine to forget all those items that led cops straight to him..

Hunter Biden was released from the Navy in 2013 for testing positive for Cocaine.

Crack Cocaine pipe and other identified material found in Biden's rental car in Texas.

Even thought authorities say the pipe tested positive for cocaine,, they declined to prosecute.


Posted 9:33 am, 05/19/2019


Any day now...annnyyyy day now.

Right after Sec. Clinton is charged for...uh...wait a second...what was it again?

You are the most gullible nitwit in a sea of gullible nitwits.

this n that

Posted 8:51 am, 05/19/2019

obama... So many crimes,, years of corruption exposed.
Attkisson tells her story to Mike Huckabee.

obama crimes in need of a 'cover up".

obama was spying for years before Trump was elected.
obama is an evil SOB.

Trump winning the election ' sent panic through obama and the corrupt intell community,' says Sheryl Atkisson.

Attkisson knows for a fact she was spied on by obama and company when she was uncovering their inept bungling of 'fast and furious'.
She was working at home on her computer, and watched the words disappear as ****yped them.
They didn't want the truth of Fast and Furious to be known by the public.

She found computer experts who told her they were spying on her, and even found 'classified material' on her computer.

They attempted to frame Attkisson as they framed Donald Trump. But they are so inept, they failed at both, and now all their crimes are coming out to the public.

This really is just the tip of the giant iceburg of obama crimes that we will be learning about in the coming months.


Posted 7:19 am, 05/19/2019


Mornings with a drooling from the lunatic are the best mornings!

this n that

Posted 7:11 am, 05/19/2019

Joe with Judge Jeanne last night.

Joe di Genova: Remember, that briefing of President-elect Trump occurred on January 6th. And the day before on January 5th there was a meeting in the White House with President Obama, Vice President Biden, James Comey, Sally Yates and Susan Rice. And what were they discussing? The counter intellgence investigation against the incoming president of the United States. Barack Obama knew that James Comey was going to blackmail the incoming president of the United States.

Obama was in on it. And Joe Biden was also in that meeting. All is going to come out.

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