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F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia

Mad Scientist

Posted 6:31 pm, 01/12/2019

After two years and millions of dollars of investigations, inquiries, probes and whatever else, the left has found nothing, nada, zip against President Trump. Yet the liberal butthurt doesn't go away.


Posted 5:59 pm, 01/12/2019

TNT, I burst out laughing at you, and I take Smonk seriously.
Gonna talk about Obama again? HaHaHaHaha!


Posted 5:58 pm, 01/12/2019

Better wording: Trump was working on behalf of himself, with Russia.


Posted 5:10 pm, 01/12/2019

Donald Drumpf: The Manchurian Candidolt.


Posted 4:32 pm, 01/12/2019

Oh my theg , his mouth bothers me ,not his big oversize rear end.


Posted 4:26 pm, 01/12/2019

Posted 1:33 pm, 01/12/2019
Better gather all your buddies together tnt , rump's mouth is getting him into more and more trouble.

Again stop obsessing over Trumps arse


Posted 3:30 pm, 01/12/2019

God nut bag please take your medication.

You are past due. I'm getting a little concerned.

Gate way and your latest conservativetreehouse

Publish extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence

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Power Line's authors typically support right-wing causes
. Power Line often vigorously criticized Democrats and liberals, alleging dishonesty, immorality, bad judgment, and disloyalty to the United States
The Power Line authors believe the media suffer from systemic bias, claiming that many reporters and editors are partisan liberals. They frequently question the integrity of organizations such as Associated Press, the BBC, Reuters, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.


Posted 1:33 pm, 01/12/2019

Better gather all your buddies together tnt , rump's mouth is getting him into more and more trouble.

this n that

Posted 1:29 pm, 01/12/2019


Posted 12:24 pm, 01/12/2019


How many of you GWers burst out laughing at smonk, the mush brained loon, for saying that Gateway is not an acceptable site for news, as that loon just made a thread featuring a story by the NY Times?

The NY Times. The same NY Times that has printed dozens of 'fake news' stories, and straight out lies for more than three years against Trump.
Including the story this loon used today. The story with the purposefully mis leading headline to get loons like smonk to fall for it.
The NY Times that deliberately hid the truth in the story all the way to the 9th paragraph before they told their gullible readers, smonk, that the story is just another story about nothing.

You do see how utterly S tu pid and amusing that is don't you?

And I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut, that loon still doesn't see what's funny about that.


Posted 1:26 pm, 01/12/2019

Russian spies are always welcome in the White House since rump took over.


Posted 1:21 pm, 01/12/2019

Glad russia released their tape of pprump talking with russians about firing Comey on their behalf. Looked like they were all having a jolly good time.

this n that

Posted 12:50 pm, 01/12/2019

Need more?


this n that

Posted 12:38 pm, 01/12/2019

That's just one source pointing out obama's corruption. And you're a fool for thinking your comments about a site that is only printing the story that is being printed in many places somehow makes the story LESS.

American Thinker has a story... so does Powerline and others.. Here's what they are printing for their readers to read.

Scott Johnson at Powerline:

The Times story exposes more than one scandal. It exposes the overlapping scandals of which Trump is the victim, not the perpetrator. They are the biggest scandals in American political history.

One does not need to be a clinician to get a handle on the madness that permeates the Times story. There is an utter lack of self-awareness. The actors here �" the Times and their sources �" share the understanding that the story reflects poorly on Trump. As Paul puts it, however: “If it’s true that the FBI undertook the investigation described by the Times, this tells us plenty about the FBI. It tells us nothing about Trump.”

Quotable quote: “The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, took over the inquiry into Mr. Trump when he was appointed, days after F.B.I. officials opened it.”

What it tells us about the FBI is that the agency was so besotted with Trump hatred that they opened a treason inquiry into the actions of a sitting president. The timing of the investigation would suggest it was a revenge investigation for firing their director.

The fiction that FBI officials and agents who hated Trump did not let their bias color their "professional" behavior was debunked by the IG report on the Clinton email investigation. There was bias, the IG reported it, and it clearly affected their judgments.

But that interferes with the narrative being pushed by the Times. So it's conveniently forgotten.


Posted 12:24 pm, 01/12/2019



this n that

Posted 12:19 pm, 01/12/2019


I told you smonk, you were dumb for posting it.
Once again I will enjoy pointing out the ignorance of the brain dead liberals.

Bandit, a few weeks ago posted this.. "Trump is clearly a Russian Agent".

That had me laughing for days. Why? Here's how really dumb that statement is.

Bandit says.. 'clearly" .. If it was so 'clear' why did ALL OF AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES FAIL TO FIND IT?' What does that tell you about how inept is all of our intelligence agencies are if what bandit said was true?

And if it was so 'clear' why did the FBI, and the DOJ and two intell agencies run by corrupt Brennan, and Clapper have to become a part of the coup and use the phony, unverified dossier to lie to the FISA courts to seek a warrant on people who were on the Trump campaign as little helpers around the edges, never really meeting Trump. Like Carter page, and G Papadopolus .
By the way Papadop says he is going to reveal everything. And talking heads say Papadop is going to end up 'very, very wealthy" for the crimes committed against him.

And why when one of Admiral Rogers staff saw what the unlawful searches revealed, did Adm. Rogers stop their ability to search.. kept the info from his boss, who was one of obama's corrupt operators, and immediately went to New York City, to Trump Tower to inform candidate Trump he was being spied on by his political opponents, corrupt obama and crooked Hillary.

And if it is so CLEAR' why has Mueller spent more than 25 million tax dollars, hired 17 democrat Hillary loving donors and corrupt lawyers, and spent the last two years trying, and still can't find anything.

More and more people understand that the only reason that Mueller continues is to stop the discovery that obama and Hillary were up to their necks in all of these many crimes.

He's covering up the evidence of the crimes they failed to carefully get rid of, because Hillary was a certainty to win, and no one would ever know what they had done.
Except she didn't, and now everyone knows obama is corrupt and a liar.

You libs are such patsies. Useful fools, and you just look so dumb and .

The connected dots draw a much different picture than the lies you constantly paint.
It may destroy some of you when it all finally hits the fan.

Worm food.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 12:15 pm, 01/12/2019

I don’t remember Trump telling the President of Russia he could be more flexible after the election.


Posted 10:51 am, 01/12/2019

Bandit Gandy and Smonk drink the cool aid like the jack ***es you both are. NY times what a joke 😂😂


Posted 10:07 am, 01/12/2019


Posted 9:52 am, 01/12/2019

bandit (view profile)
Posted 9:41 am, 01/12/2019
There's nothing new about that. He's been a Russian agent since the beginning, ****, even BEFORE the beginning.

It's been obvious, he's never even tried to hide it.

Do you realize how bad you just sounded? He has nothing to hide

Really? Nothing to hide? Then, why does he lie ALL THE TIME?

gwliar, do you know what a collaborator is, in regards to aiding and abetting someone who works with a foreign power against his own country?

I doubt you and this n that, among others, have a clue. Look it up.


Posted 9:52 am, 01/12/2019

bandit (view profile)
Posted 9:41 am, 01/12/2019
There's nothing new about that. He's been a Russian agent since the beginning, ****, even BEFORE the beginning.

It's been obvious, he's never even tried to hide it.

Do you realize how bad you just sounded? He has nothing to hide.


Posted 9:50 am, 01/12/2019

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