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Ferguson Blame Should Go To Obama. Sharpton, NAACP, Jay Nixon, and Police

alonzo harris

Posted 8:36 am, 11/26/2014

Now, the Ferguson protests have been embraced by ISIS! OBAMA REALLY LIKES THIS!!!


Ferguson protests used as fuel for Islamic State propaganda

Islamic State activists on Twitter are using the Ferguson protests to encourage its supporters to carry out attacks in the United States.

A Washington-based nonprofit group that monitors the social media activity of pro-Islamic State accounts said Tuesday that a "prominent group" is telling followers to use Ferguson-related hashtags to spread ISIS propaganda and incite more violence.

Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) translated one tweet from Al-Nusra Al-Maqdisiyya (@bakoon7) as saying,"O lone mujahid, you must use the breakdown of security in #Ferguson to increase the burning in America. They are squabbling over worldly [matters], so you send them to ****! #ISIS."

Another was translated to say, "O supporters of the Islamic State in America, what is happening in #Ferguson is a valuable opportunity that will not return. Rise up and engage them with themselves, away from the mujahideen. Spill their blood in the roads and in the neighborhoods."

Truth Speaker

Posted 8:24 am, 11/26/2014

Ferguson Show Obama and Eric Holder Worst Black Leaders Ever


Posted 8:22 am, 11/26/2014

Remember all the riots and looting when O.J. was acquitted? Me neither.

alonzo harris

Posted 8:14 am, 11/26/2014

Yes this really happened...

alonzo harris

Posted 8:11 am, 11/26/2014

The image of college yuppies laying down on the highway while banging a drum..."no justice, no peace"...is quite comical. How long before one of them gets run over, prompting the next civil rights brouhaha?

Wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 7:44 am, 11/26/2014

Truth Speaker....really? your attempt to make a point is just pointless, Dumb, Stupid...but this is your Mind Set...now let me ask you this directly...Have you had a face to face with President Obama....Rev. Al Sharpton, Jay Nixon, The NAACP and or the Police?... the answer is a great big NO...take a camera crew and confront any of the ones you mentioned and then post it on here or Yahoo or other web unedited except for foul language....then perhaps you will be taken seriously...but again that will Never Be....

on the hill

Posted 7:42 pm, 11/25/2014

(hope this hasn't been posted)

Grand jury proceedings are secret, and when no indictment is handed down � as was the case for Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson � the files remain locked up.

But in an unusual step after a grand jury deliberation, transcripts of testimony that jurors heard considering Michael Brown's death have been released to the public.

Late Monday night, officials made available 24 volumes of material, covering 23 meetings that the grand jury held between August 20 and November 21.

A CNN team is going through all of the court documents. Here's what has emerged so far from that review:

Wilson had never used his weapon on duty before the shooting

Wilson had never fired his gun on duty before shooting Michael Brown, he told the grand jury.

Asked if he had ever used excessive force before, he replied: "I've never used my weapon before."

Wilson testified the area of the shooting was �hostile'

Wilson called the area where Brown was shot a "hostile environment."

"There's a lot of gangs that reside or associate with that area. There's a lot of violence in that area, there's a lot of gun activity, drug activity, it is just not a very well-liked community. That community doesn't like the police."

Wilson said he hoped to arrest Brown

Wilson told the grand jury his original goal was to arrest Brown, after identifying him as a possible suspect in a shop theft.

"My main goal was to keep eyes on him and just to keep him contained until I had people coming there," he testified.

"I knew I had already called for backup and I knew they were already in the area for the stealing that was originally reported. So I thought if I can buy 30 seconds of time, that was my original goal when I tried to get him to come to the car. If I could buy 30 seconds of time, someone else will be here, we can make the arrest, nothing happens, we are all good. And it didn't happen that way."

Wilson was carrying mace, not a stun gun

Wilson told the grand jury he didn't normally carry a stun gun.

"We only have a select amount. Usually there is one available, but I usually elect not to carry one. It is not the most comfortable thing. They are very large. I don't have a lot of room in the front for it to be positioned," he told the grand jury.

The officer testified he was carrying mace when he encountered Brown.

Wilson said he feared Brown could beat him to death

Officer Wilson told the grand jury that Brown punched him in the face when the officer drove back to him.

Wilson said he tried to get out of his cruiser but Brown slammed the door shut twice and hit him with his fist.

"I felt that another of those punches in my face could knock me out or worse � I've already taken two to the face and I didn't think I would, the third one could be fatal if he hit me right," Wilson said.

Wilson fired 12 times


Posted 7:31 pm, 11/25/2014

Chicken Sh*t Nation Guard Obama's Toy's.

Clean it up

Posted 7:17 pm, 11/25/2014

alonzo harris

Posted 4:58 pm, 11/25/2014

Y'all are aware that Amnesty International is monitoring ferguson?
Get ready for the next narrative for Holder, Sharpton and co...



Posted 7:14 pm, 11/25/2014

Do to them like we did in Vietnam take them out and don't look back.

alonzo harris

Posted 4:58 pm, 11/25/2014

Y'all are aware that Amnesty International is monitoring ferguson?

Get ready for the next narrative for Holder, Sharpton and co...


Posted 4:27 pm, 11/25/2014

Just announced on the news there were indeed 700 National Guardsmen in Ferguson last night. There will be over 2,000 tonight.

Slaytanic Wehrmacht

Posted 4:21 pm, 11/25/2014

IN YOUR FACE (view profile)

A Payless Shoe store in Ferguson Missouri was looted last night Not a single pair of work boots was stolen.


Posted 3:50 pm, 11/25/2014

Some people act human and then others don't.


Posted 3:46 pm, 11/25/2014

..But nary a word about the young man dead and the pain his parents will have to live with forever

Goyadkin and gosurry just simply don't have the activity that gowilkes does for whatever reason.

It is sad anytime a young man or woman loses their life. That doesn't always make them a saint. It should have NEVER gotten this far out of control and people would not be "taking sides". When you force people to take sides on an issue, then don't be surprised when they do. This is probably going to be a very dark time for America because the powers that be insist on dividing us.


Posted 3:42 pm, 11/25/2014

Have they started the book movie new cars new house servents money o thank you son your mom and dad will never want again welcome to the rich and famous.


Posted 3:39 pm, 11/25/2014

I guess you missed the part where I said I didn't think it would come from the White House...uh huh.


Posted 3:37 pm, 11/25/2014

The thugs death is gona make his parents rich and then they will say thank you son for being a thief.


Posted 3:25 pm, 11/25/2014

Doggone those people that are not "lilly white" skinned thinking they can be in positions of authority..Voted or appointed either!! When are some of you posters gonna let us in on how you must've chose who your parents were??

And not a bit of racism on GW's? Checked Go Ashe,Surry,Yadkin few minutes ago and not a single thread about this tragedy in Ferguson? Don't think there are many that think this is a good situation..But nary a word about the young man dead and the pain his parents will have to live with forever....Good job Wilkes County....Live up to your reputation, it's deserved.Get 3 or 4 more packs of backer...At least 3 more rifles in your back window of your trk.


Posted 3:24 pm, 11/25/2014

How can you expect anyone from the White house to stop people from breaking the law less than one week after Obama violates the law?

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