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Posted 9:17 am, 02/17/2015

Because you have people on both sides who are extremists, they're not willing to see the other sides points of views, it's all or nothing for some of these people. Personally speaking I am pro gun, it's my personal feeling, as to why, that's just how I believe.

That I said, I believe very strongly in Gun laws, I also believe in Safety and would put Safety above the law. If people were safe in All things they do, we wouldn't need a lot of the laws on the books that we have. Just simple steps to insure safety would eliminate a lot of laws in all walks of life, not just when dealing with guns but many things in life.

I'd add that I really do not see any need for any more Gun Laws because it's already out of hand. I do not believe the government should ban certain types of firearms nor should they have a right to ban words or any thing else, I think that should be left to the states and the people of those states. That said, I do not see a need to own machine guns for the average person either maybe for some collectors but not the average person.

I can tell you, a hundred other people can tell you a million times that Guns do not kill people, it takes a person to kill another person. People like me will say, We could kill another person a million ways and never ever see a gun but the Anti-Gun person will always go back to the gun because in their minds that is what the problem is. That needs to change!

The problem is not the Guns or the Gun laws, the problem is with the people on both sides. The problems are in a lot of cases, not all cases but people do not want to take responsibility nor do they want to put the blame where the blame goes. It's a lot easier to blame objects than to blame someone else, it's easier to blame objects like Cell Phones when accidents happen as example. The blame goes on the person who caused the accident by using the cell phone, not the cell phone. Some people get that and the same thing can be applied for the misuse of a Gun. When a gun accident happens, the person causes the accident. That type of person would have caused an accident regardless of what they were using.

In most cases the first thing you see when an accident happens involving a gun, ban the guns, change the laws, and all the hoop la that goes about for days and days. But hardly ever will you see an Anti-Gun person blame the person who caused the accident. Hardly ever will you hear someone who has no understanding of guns blame the person who caused someone to be killed, it's always 100% of the time the gun. Set back and watch if it ever comes to light the person might, just might have caused the accident, you watch how many excuses will be made on their behalf and it will go back to the guns every time. Watch for yourself, you don't have to go far either, you can get that right on this Website.

That is a huge, huge reason why Gun owners take the stance they take, their minds are to blame the person not the gun, but the anti-gun person will blame that gun every time and nothing you could say will change it. Nothing you could prove would change it...They are just not willing to really blame the person or child, they want to blame an object. That is why people who own guns will not compromise and will get so bent out of shape.

In some peoples mind they say well if you didn't have that gun the accident wouldn't have happened. Is that really true? If someone is so careless they'd allow a child to get their Gun then what other accidents would that person cause, with a car or with a cell phone? If they are so careless with a gun, how careless would they be with their cars? I know you and others will not understand that but it's just true, when people are so careless, they'd not take the proper precautions to put a gun away, unload a gun or lock the gun they're careless and they'll be just as careless with other things as they are with that gun. Don't believe that? Just sit back and watch!

Guns are dangerous, cars are dangerous and cell phones can be just as deadly when combined with the right person. You'll hear people say it's not the same thing, because you need a car, you need a cell phone but you don't need a gun. Well fact is you don't need a Cell phone, you don't need a car either. You have it because mainly you want it and it makes things easier for you. Someone who owns a gun for whatever reason, will explain a million times as to why they feel the need to own a gun or guns. People who don't own guns just don't get it and they never will and it doesn't matter what is said. They just don't get it...Just like Gun Owners don't get the Anti-gun persons attitudes or mindsets.

In a nut, the problems aren't guns or gun laws, or cars or cell phones, or planes or trains or any other object that might cause another harm. The problem is and always will be the people who are either careless, lack good judgment, don't follow the laws on hand, don't care, don't teach their kids, and never ever take responsibility for their actions. You know what? That doesn't have to be a gun owner either those types of people are from all walks of life and they're everywhere.

If both sides of this age old argument would decide to work together, each side change it's mindset just a little. You'd see a lot of good come from it. However until that happens, all you are going to see is arguments and debates and nothing really get resolved. Both sides are going to have to sit down and actually talk with some comprehension and understanding and compassion and use a hellva lot of common sense.

Which is apparently lacking on both sides!


Posted 1:23 am, 02/17/2015

Not its not impossible. Atf baned 7n6 ammo.also import on ak-47. Now the ss109&m855 is next on list to be baned. Click link to sign pettion. Also contact atf


Posted 10:41 pm, 02/16/2015

You can 3d print your ar15 or download the CNc file.

You can't stop ammo either.

Stop worrying about gun control it's impossible .


Posted 9:52 pm, 02/16/2015


Posted 7:01 pm, 02/16/2015

People who are antigun are stupid. If they was smart enough to do just a little bit of research they would see gun control dont work. Also dont be stupid . People kill people not guns. If there was no guns we still be killing people.


Posted 6:56 pm, 02/16/2015

Gun control.dont.work its a fact. Also guns dont kill people click this like to stop the atf ben on ammo



Posted 6:06 pm, 02/16/2015

Shooting an innocent man with a gun has already been banned.

Would you like to ban the police from having firearms also.


Posted 6:00 pm, 02/16/2015

liberal (view profile)

Posted 5:56 pm, 02/16/2015

This is absolutely unacceptable that the purchase of guns can be deadly for an innocent man. I can't understand why the government doesn't want to recognize this problem and make the lives of citizens safer. by banning them all.

This is because your just that Stupid !!!


Posted 5:56 pm, 02/16/2015

This is absolutely unacceptable that the purchase of guns can be deadly for an innocent man. I can't understand why the government doesn't want to recognize this problem and make the lives of citizens safer. by banning them all.


Posted 8:23 pm, 01/31/2015

Yes it does, but for some reason gun advocates think that the right to bear arms is the only constitutional right that is virtually without limit. You have the right to practice your religion, but not if your religion involves human sacrifice.

So human sacrifice is OK as long as it is in your body?


Posted 8:11 pm, 01/31/2015

Liberal (view profile)

Any small arm can legitimately be considered to be a "weapon of mass destruction" or an "assault weapon."And should be banned ......

It has to be the same size as a Lib-TardOcrats Tiny Brain.. No Weapon has every been made that small, yet.


Posted 8:04 pm, 01/31/2015

Any small arm can legitimately be considered to be a "weapon of mass destruction" or an "assault weapon."And should be banned ......

Joseph T.

Posted 7:55 pm, 01/31/2015

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Posted 7:41 pm, 01/31/2015

6. The Constitution says I have a right to own guns.
Yes it does, but for some reason gun advocates think that the right to bear arms is the only constitutional right that is virtually without limit. You have the right to practice your religion, but not if your religion involves human sacrifice. You have the right to free speech, but you can still be prosecuted for incitement or conspiracy, and you can be sued for libel. Every right is subject to limitation when it begins to threaten others, and the Supreme Court has affirmed that even though there is an individual right to gun ownership, the government can put reasonable restrictions on that right.

That is because it is the only Constitutional right that is followed up with the statement of SHAL NOT BE INFRINGED. Before anyone's right to own a firearm is infringed on they should get their day in court under the due process clause.


Posted 7:51 pm, 01/31/2015

Women don't have wieners.


Posted 7:50 pm, 01/31/2015

If Lib-Tard-Ocrats could just invent a tiny Gun with a Tiny Bullet to shoot Tiny Babies in the womb and Kill them in the Name of Abortion,,, tthey would all for that


Posted 7:47 pm, 01/31/2015

Ultra Lib-Tard-Crats want to add amendments to the Constitution , but dont dare try to mess with their Right o Murders Babies by Abortion,,, they go CRAZY


Posted 7:43 pm, 01/31/2015

rightwingright (view profile)

All the libturds are scared of guns because they have small Weiners.

You may be on to something there


Posted 7:42 pm, 01/31/2015

All the libturds are scared of guns because they have small Weiners.


Posted 7:41 pm, 01/31/2015

6. The Constitution says I have a right to own guns.

Yes it does, but for some reason gun advocates think that the right to bear arms is the only constitutional right that is virtually without limit. You have the right to practice your religion, but not if your religion involves human sacrifice. You have the right to free speech, but you can still be prosecuted for incitement or conspiracy, and you can be sued for libel. Every right is subject to limitation when it begins to threaten others, and the Supreme Court has affirmed that even though there is an individual right to gun ownership, the government can put reasonable restrictions on that right.

And we all know that if this shooter turns out to have a Muslim name, plenty of Americans, including plenty of gun owners, will be more than happy to give up all kinds of rights in the name of fighting terrorism. Have the government read my email? Have my cell phone company turn over my call records? Check which books I'm taking out of the library? Make me take my shoes off before getting on a plane, just because some idiot tried to blow up his sneakers? Sure, do what you've got to do. But don't make it harder to buy thousands of rounds of ammunition, because if we couldn't do that we'd no longer be free.

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