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How EV�s will impact the electric grid


Posted 6:51 pm, 09/28/2022

Something is not germane to the the situation if our resident knowitall cannot refute it. What a phuggin' pretentious blowhard!


Posted 5:58 pm, 09/28/2022

Sure finsBoy, you accept tar sands mining, fracking polution, emissions, and petroleum waste because "we already do it."

Are you going to also tell us that nuke power generation waste is OK because we already have it?


Posted 5:52 pm, 09/28/2022

Coulda any of YOU worthless, liberal AND leftist zhitZ care to state how many KWH of electricity it takes to fully charge a Chevrolet Volt?

This is not a trick question AND only asked as a basis for further discussion.

State a verifiable number and let's have at it.


Posted 5:09 pm, 09/28/2022

Johnboy, you can dodge a target even better than springy. You better do a lot more research. Where do you think they get the earth for those evaporation pools? It takes moving 500 tons of soil to get the metals (plural, not just lithium) to make one battery. The equipment to mine those metals are still petroleum based machines. So while destroying an entire eco system, the oil is still being burnt. We can also go further that almost every product in existence requires petroleum as a material to produce that product. So unless you find another way to make plastic, you aren't getting rid of oil wells. You're just adding to the problem with toxic pits and hauling away mountains. Remember when you all whines about the Duke power coal waste leak? These highly toxic ponds are even worse.

As for Mr Hankey, he doesn't comprehend that other supporting technologies had to advance before battery technology could really advance. His anecdotal example of some quaint golf carts delivering milk is not germane to the situation.


Posted 4:38 pm, 09/28/2022

Hey jester, how do YOU feel about the efficiency ratio of the best photovoltaic cells?


Posted 4:30 pm, 09/28/2022

Hey little Jimmy you questioned my knowledge of replacing a chevy volt battery. A battery can cost between 3500 and 35,ooo. There you have been schooled.


Posted 3:26 pm, 09/28/2022

Hey fakerConradDrew, do you enjoy being narcissistic, sarcastic, and immature troll?


Posted 2:48 pm, 09/28/2022

Hey henroid, how did YOU feel when redskinner posted this lie?


Posted 10:59 am, 09/27/2022

Coulda YOU share your feelings with us about the metrics of insolation?


Posted 2:22 pm, 09/28/2022

EV's were functioning milk delivery vehicles in the UK as far back as the 1930's. Yes their Ni-Cad batteries were large and heavy and yes they had to recharge every 8hrs, but that was the 1930's. Had there been persitent development in battery technology since then the kids today would be asking "what's a lithium battery?"' But big oil and the auto industry made sure that it was kept well and truly under wraps and so we lost over half a century of research on an effective replacement for the good old (almost 150yrs old) lead acid battery.

But as long as there's gullible knowitalls around I guess manufacturers in every field will continue to produce obsolescent items that are cheap for them to make, but costly for the consumer to own.


Posted 1:09 pm, 09/28/2022

Hey fakerConradDrew, huff and puff all you want, you're still stalking and trolling.

Got any more orders for finsBoy?


Posted 12:56 pm, 09/28/2022

Hey jester, no matter which way YOU flog it, YOU're still pestering AND buggering your distractions.


Posted 10:48 am, 09/28/2022

HaHaHa! finsBoy, how long has Faker been your master?

Lithium is used for EV batteries, cell phone & tablet batteries, and ceramic and glass mfg.
How does lithium mining compare to tar sands extraction regarding pollution levels?


Posted 9:25 am, 09/28/2022

Hey FINS, responding to jester's distractions only begets moer distractions. Please quit feeding it.


Posted 9:01 am, 09/28/2022

Johnboy, do you have any idea how big the trucks and mining equipment are for the lithium mines? What do you think is powering that equipment?


Posted 8:38 am, 09/28/2022

Who said that an asteroid wiped out all the dinosaurs? From what I've seen on this thread there's whole bunch of 'em still around.


Posted 7:39 am, 09/28/2022

Quite funny watching faker go off topic with questions about battery waste as he accuses others. Now ask one of your friends a studip question.


Posted 7:34 am, 09/28/2022

Quite fummy watching 'ol jestershouldajolly complain about "off topic" then it pesters 4 more tsudip distractions.

YOU go, boy!


Posted 7:16 am, 09/28/2022

Air Pollution | Fracking Pollution Issues (psu.edu)

Then there's waste motor oil and exhaust fumes. How do you like sitting in traffic with diesel fumes?


Posted 7:05 am, 09/28/2022

Cracker, I don't know what you think solar charging stations are the solution to, but they are not. They have very slow charging capacity. To be effective at all, they need more batteries. And if you think that will solve the disposal problem, then you clearly don't understand batteries at all. They are finite. The product can't just be passed along for ever.

Mr Hankey doesn't comprehend that EVs are not reducing any pollution. It will only transfer the point of origination. The mining process to get enough heavy metals to produce batteries for a full conversion to EVs is going to produce an insane amount of pollution , while at the same time destroying entire ecosystems.


Posted 7:01 am, 09/28/2022

Speaking of "off topic" fakerConradDrew, your repeated question about battery waste in landfills has no relevance to the OP's title: How EV's will impact the electric grid

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