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In light of the opiate addiction problem


Posted 6:58 pm, 07/23/2019

Using other drugs to control withdrawal and other side affects while detoxing are an important thing.


Posted 1:57 pm, 07/23/2019

Rednecker, I feel one is as bad as another . There was a lady that had asked us about treatment and how much it cost us to send her . She said she wasn't aware of any local treatment that didn't involve using a different drug . That's when I felt like it was important to post that there is help available. I would assume they treat all addictions . But my stepsister was just there for pills and heroin .


Posted 9:17 pm, 07/22/2019

Meth is just as bad if not as worse.


Posted 8:55 pm, 07/22/2019

Addicts in recovery, that want to stay sober, are the best employees. They typically work hard and feel honesty is a key to their sobriety.


Posted 3:59 pm, 07/22/2019

Countrygal , that's so good to hear !!! My stepsister gets low cost therapy services . I do pay her fee for therapy . But I pay it directly to the office & She attends them regularly. I had cut ties with her and a lot of our family had as well . We had spoken to some ppl and gotten some help as a family . And they suggested that we not accept her calls,let her come to our homes or give her any money (which I had stopped a while ago ) unless she was calling to say I'm going to treatment. It was hard but we stood our ground .


Posted 3:45 pm, 07/22/2019

aF ,I knew addiction isn't on a record that employers can access . But unfortunately she has a criminal record . Normally she wouldn't have committed the crimes she did while she was using drugs . She has an employer that was willing to give her an opportunity to prove herself . The important thing is she's aware of what she has to do to better herself. She's working part time at a job and working full time on herself and working to try to repair her relationship with her children . But she understands that will hopefully come in time.
As long as she remains sober,I have her back completely. We as a family have waited for this for a long time.


Posted 11:28 am, 07/22/2019

Congratulations to your sister Absher! I have been surrounded by addicts of all kinds my whole life. When I became an adult I decided it best to cut ties with all of them except for my Mother. Her addiction was the one that impacted my life and hurt me the most but despite it all I could never stop believing in her and the person that existed before her addiction and disease. A near death experience is what it took to make her want to get clean. She has never worked a program or had any type of professional help but I think she could really benefit from it. It is something that she continues to struggle with on her own every day. Thanks for sharing the information.


Posted 7:07 am, 07/22/2019

"The only real system that works long term is involuntary commitment and counseling, coupled with counseling for the families."

That's not true. The only thing that works is when the addict decides to commit to sobriety. There are many methods that work for different people. However, while most systems don't publish stats on success rates, I would say counseling to deal with issues makes the odds much higher


Posted 6:59 am, 07/22/2019

It's none of your business what step she is on unless she wants to tell you.

Also, addiction isn't on any record. She doesn't have to disclose it on any job application. It's actually a protected disability under the ADA. A criminal record is a different story though.

I wish her the best. The program only fails if she gives up on it.


Posted 10:44 pm, 07/21/2019

I'm very happy for you and your sister , in today's world we know she's been through a lot.


Posted 9:30 pm, 07/21/2019

Af... I didn't realize the difference in the names of the steps . I just know that she's doing so good and without the program here she wouldn't have gotten to the rehab in Asheville. I am and I know she is grateful for both of the places because she would still be buying pills and "subs"� off the street if she hadn't made the choice to go .


Posted 9:26 pm, 07/21/2019

Drive....oh she has a lengthy criminal record , I wasn't suggesting because she was an addict that is her record . She's made some pretty bad choices legally,and now she's dealing with that endnof it . She's definitely working a program . She's at meetings everyday . She's in close contact with her sponsor and she's finally going to therapy to deal with the reasons why she turned to drugs and the things that's happened because of her choices while she was on drugs . We as a family had to learn to stop enabling her, we went to meetings ourselves and they taught us some things to hep us as well. She stayed in the detox center here for 10 maybe 12 days ,they were able to get her into a rehab after she left here. This is the longest she's been sober in 10+ years . She says some days are harder than others , but she's taking it day by day . Her sponsor is a wonderful tool in her sobriety .
The name of the place here is Synergy Recovery, it in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood. Sorry I don't know the name of the street ,I just know how to get there.


Posted 8:03 pm, 07/21/2019

It was the Asheville program that got her clean then. The detox facility just got her sober. I hope the best for her, and I hope she's working a program. Otherwise the odds of staying clean aren't high.

You said because of her record, does she have a criminal record? Also, you still didn't tell us the name of the place.


Posted 7:06 pm, 07/21/2019

The only real system that works long term is involuntary commitment and counseling, coupled with counseling for the families.

So many people think it's OK to send the addict to counseling, and when they get out they'll be good. But they don't realize that they (the family members) are often the ones enabling or triggering the problem, so the addict falls right back to old habits.


Posted 4:02 pm, 07/21/2019

Absher, just because she was an addict doesn't mean she was a criminal. Addicts don't always leave a detectable history. They are all around us functioning "normally". Some addicts use to get high, but most use just to be able to function due to chemical dependence.


Posted 3:49 pm, 07/21/2019

That is great news!!! Most people never overcome addiction. Tell her she is amazing!


Posted 1:44 pm, 07/21/2019



Posted 1:41 pm, 07/21/2019

Her record will keep her from some kinds of employment


Posted 1:39 pm, 07/21/2019

She had a counselor while she was there . She saw a Dr. and was started on some depression medication and a anti anxiety medication that isn't addictive,she also finally went to another program in Asheville and came home and goes to see a therapist and attends meetings in the building where the detox program is plus goes to meetings in lenoir sometimes too ., and has a sponsor. PLUS , she takes random drug tests for the family. And has passed with flying colors . She's back into the workforce as well ,part time for now ,but she's working.


Posted 11:10 pm, 07/20/2019

Just put the name here. But I'm skeptical of any program that doesn't have some sort of counseling.

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