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In the beginning was the Word. And the Word became Flesh.


Posted 8:55 pm, 09/20/2018

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 3:35 pm, 09/20/2018

Jesus identifies SIN. It's Through His Death and Resurrection you can be Saved. You need to read and ACCEPT Jesus if you are going to serve HIM.

You are coming along, now you admit that Jesus both died and was resurrected and that a person can be saved through his death and resurrection. Now if you will admit that his death was to pay your sin debt that you could not pay you will be on your way to receiving the new birth and the Holy Spirit, and Eternal Life. Praise the Lord take a few more steps to the Saviour.


Posted 7:35 pm, 09/20/2018

Why did Jesus have to die on the cross


Posted 4:30 pm, 09/20/2018

To prove go everyone that it is Through His Words is Eternal Life. Read who Jesus is...


Posted 3:40 pm, 09/20/2018

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 3:35 pm, 09/20/2018

Jesus identifies SIN.

So sin is identified, now what? why did he have to die?


Posted 3:35 pm, 09/20/2018

Jesus identifies SIN. It's Through His Death and Resurrection you can be Saved. You need to read and ACCEPT Jesus if you are going to serve HIM.


Posted 3:13 pm, 09/20/2018

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 3:01 pm, 09/20/2018

Would you know what Sin was

Do you know why Jesus had to die on the cross? just a simple answer, you don't have to post a big bunch of verses.


Posted 3:01 pm, 09/20/2018

Would you know what Sin was if Jesus hadn't been born to break the bonds of death Through His Resurrection ????


Posted 11:52 am, 09/20/2018

And no one had been saved or redeemed yet because Jesus had not been crucified and ressurected yet.
So basically Jesus was working with sinners under the law of commandments


Posted 10:24 am, 09/20/2018

Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?
Then Simon Peter answered him, LORD, to whom shall we go? THOU HAST THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE.
And We BELIEVE and are sure that thou art that CHRIST, the SON of the LIVING GOD


Posted 8:33 am, 09/20/2018

mhjsr is the liar, pagan, antichrist son of satan


Posted 8:20 am, 09/20/2018

500 Jesus says that HE not your PAGAN HEATHEN Christian Religion Saves the Soul.


Posted 11:07 pm, 09/19/2018

Says mhjsr, the modern day pharisee


Posted 12:55 pm, 09/19/2018

Jesus gives you a CHOICE. Life with him or Death with Satan. You know now what Sin is because of his DEATH and Resurrection. You have the Power To overcome temptations if you care to. Satan Trimble and runs from the Power of Jesus. Choices LIFE or DEATH


Posted 10:10 am, 09/19/2018

He that Jesus sets free is totally free from the bondage of sin, mhjsr tries to live by the commandments and is in bondage of sin


Posted 10:05 am, 09/19/2018

Jesus brings Freedoms from mankind.


Posted 9:06 am, 09/19/2018

agnostic (view profile)

Posted 11:43 pm, 09/18/2018

Are you still quoting superstitious goat herders from over 2000 years ago?

It like a tug of war, one day you think maybe, the next you say no way. Hang in there Ag, you will finally see that light.


Posted 11:43 pm, 09/18/2018

Are you still quoting superstitious goat herders from over 2000 years ago?


Posted 11:38 pm, 09/18/2018

mhjsr the Pharisee


a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.

a self-righteous person; a hypocrite.


Posted 11:17 pm, 09/18/2018

And then mhjsr the pharisee killed him


Posted 7:33 pm, 09/18/2018

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. I receive not honour from men.

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