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It has been a bad week for Democrats


Posted 4:03 pm, 01/22/2022

Was that supposed to make sense, jusnosnuffin'?


Posted 4:01 pm, 01/22/2022

Let's not forget the fake electorates that the previous administration attempted.


Posted 3:56 pm, 01/22/2022

foxnit, are you claiming that if no insurrection charges are brought then no one did anything wrong?

Seditious conspiracy is nothing to be concerned about?
Your downplay of Jan. 6th is the mantra of the alt-righties, and it's obvious why.


Posted 10:40 am, 01/22/2022

Waterboy, the fact is, you did not see the word , charge, plea, or conviction for insurrection at all in any of your blathering. There has been no INSURRECTION charge in the INSURRECTION investigation. Why can't you get that through your thick skull. Nearest thing we have had to INSURRECTION was the attempt to change the election results of 2016 by the Clinton and DNC and maintaining a 3 1/2 year hoax that yielded nothing. No collusion, have you heard?


Posted 10:34 am, 01/22/2022

10 people have been charged with seditious conspiracy for their actions on January 6, 2021.

In case you don't know, seditious conspiracy is defined as:

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

So it is a lie to say no one has been charged with trying to overthrow the US Government on 1/6/21. More charges are coming.....


Posted 9:55 am, 01/22/2022

ConFakey, why did foxnit bring up loser DJT? You didn't whine either!


Posted 9:35 am, 01/22/2022

It also spins a false accusation about independent voters.


Posted 9:31 am, 01/22/2022

The clown prince of Pissantville fakes superior knowledge by asking a lot of questions rather than contributing what it knows.


Posted 8:36 am, 01/22/2022

They fear Trump will run again., It is strictly fear,

Deep Creek

Posted 8:35 am, 01/22/2022

Throwing s*** against a wall and hoping and PRAYING something sticks.


Posted 8:31 am, 01/22/2022

What are the charges against Rhoades? Why were your tourist friends chanting "hang Mike Pence" as they made up a gallows? What was the goal once the doors were smashed in? Why did folks help those like Pelosi to hide? Hide from what?

You like the "independent council" yet you hate independent voters?

Deep Creek

Posted 8:29 am, 01/22/2022

They have nothing as usual.Chasing their d*** tails.The lenghts these people are going too get Trump is pathetic.


Posted 8:24 am, 01/22/2022

The very premise is flawed because there was no insurrection. No charges, no conviction, no evidence, no insurrection. Why can't you get that.?


Posted 8:21 am, 01/22/2022

Liar, I said FULL disclosure on BOTH sides. This is a fake investigation, one sided, and pre-determined outcome. So of course I would like ALL parties involved. By an independent council.


Posted 8:18 am, 01/22/2022

No mention of investigating Elmer S. Rhodes, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Pence or Mitch McConnel?


Posted 7:27 am, 01/22/2022

JustWhine, I am probably like most Republicans and would call for full disclosure, including records and e-mails from Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police. I would also like to hear under oath from Liz Chinnie and Haystack Abrams. Full, open, complete investigation and then a public admission from Pelosi that no insurrection charges were issued because no insurrection took place.


Posted 7:17 am, 01/22/2022

What's your thoughts on this? Doesn't seem to be ideal. What was Tucker's opinion of this? Its just hard to fathom why y'all have been mum on this. The wild conspiracy theories y'all would run with if it was a (D) would be remarkable.



Posted 7:14 am, 01/22/2022

Tucker write that whine for you?


Posted 6:54 am, 01/22/2022

As Democrat scrambled to walk back most of what Biden said in one of his few public appearances, we can't help but to have "some" sympathy. However we fall short on being able to comfort them by saying things will get better. Sad to say but we can see that Democrats tried to execute ever good plan they thought they had and failed. Problem is, they still have 3 more years ahead and will not be able to just sit back an pass the time without trying more tricks and gimmicks to make us a Socialist country. The substitute plans and posturing to keep the base stirred will only get worse. Sad but true, but folks, we tried to warn you. Buckle up , we are in for a bumpy ride

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