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Legal Abortions so far this year a counter


Posted 12:41 am, 01/19/2018

Why do you hate men for being men?


Posted 12:40 am, 01/19/2018

I hope that was a joke, cause if it wasn't then it's my duty as a women to castrate the man so he won't ever have to worry about another child of his aborted again. Sound fair? You get the baby, but you lose the ability to produce any further offspring. Then men can screw as much as they want while shooting nothing in the process.


Posted 12:13 am, 01/19/2018

All women who get pregnant should be forced into manual labor & raise their child in a christian home.

It's a woman's duty.


Posted 12:11 am, 01/19/2018

Women are just too irresponsible with them bearded clams.

It's all the womans fault, selfish, fertile women.


Posted 11:48 pm, 01/18/2018

OpenCasket (view profile)

Posted 9:18 pm, 01/18/2018

I believe once the sperm has fertilized the egg life begins & all life is sacred. Once human life has begun no one has the right to end it. It's irresponsible & selfish to put your own needs about an innocent life.

I honestly don't see how mothers to be could go through with such a process. Sure there are medical emergencies & certain defects that would probably need to be aborted.

That's just how I feel about abortion. It's unnecessary and senseless to me.

You know what else is selfish? Expecting us to be your breed cows and putting up under stress and rejection from the outside world. If you actually cared about what happened to your offspring. You would have used a condom. But instead you let sex over cloud your judgement and her pill not 100% effective. What is effective is absence but then your denying a couple or married couple there right to physically and spiritually bond and strengthen their closeness to each other. I'll make it plain and simple before he even tries to put one over on me. you get me pregnant and you child will be aborted before it's brain is fully developed. But if you want to prevent the murder of your offspring. You better wrap that ***** up tighter then your hand or zip up and actually court me like the women I am rather then looking to get in my pants.
Women don't owe you anything. We owe the obligation to allow you pass you genes on and skip out on raising it financially and in case folks have not noticed. Pregnancy happens more often then non from failed contraception. Look numbers and tell me that doesn't make you wonder? At least when you're both on a birth control, then you hopefully have a back up one that protects from pregnancy. It blows my mind how folks think someone abortion is any of their business and say they're protecting life but not the life of a women who will face rejection or possibly die. They don't know if she's been raped, abused, maybe she can't raise it and doesn't want her child to settle for less and be a human trafficking profit for the government to sell like cattle to women who cannot get pregnant. I was in foster care and I can tell you. I would rather someone pull the plug early compared to what I saw and have seen other kids that were like me that faced more abuse then from our parents. And why? Cause they lived in poverty. So the idea that children should live in poverty and parents scrounging for ever scrap to feed them with is a selfish?


Posted 11:39 pm, 01/18/2018

bobster123 (view profile)

Posted 9:02 pm, 01/18/2018

"How many natural abortions that god had a hand in? I bet it is well over 40k." Hangsleft
Hangsleft, that is God. We do not play God. Have you read or seen how a late term baby is aborted?

They recoil and grimace when the foreceps tear them apart or the suction device rips them open. I can't say this is murder because that is a legal term, but I can say it's the merciless slaughter of innocent human beings.

Those are very few and it's only when the mothers life is in danger. You don't just walk into an abortion clinic late term and say. Cut this little parasite out of me. You have to have a medical reason and a valid one at that.


Posted 10:58 pm, 01/18/2018

Too bad no one pushed TFR’s momma down a flight of stairs when she was pregnant. Then she wouldn’t have to go through the rest of her life, every day saying, “I should have let him put it in my ***”


Posted 10:00 pm, 01/18/2018

Thread Fight


Posted 9:41 pm, 01/18/2018

Beast? Honey, you are the one with horns and hoofs. .


Posted 9:38 pm, 01/18/2018

That is your problem along with others on here, you know nothing but have million opinions.


Posted 9:37 pm, 01/18/2018

The key point in your rant is that "you know nothing".


Posted 9:35 pm, 01/18/2018

I read what time's thread shows in the heading, but I never open his/hers because he/she is so far left they can't consider anything beyond that narrow belief.

time, I know nothing about the government paying the farmers not to grow food to keep the prices up.
But I can't see any relevance of that to the slaughtering of unborn human babies.


Posted 9:23 pm, 01/18/2018

that was for OC and Shea....not that beast that posted benealth them.


Posted 9:19 pm, 01/18/2018

did I ever tell you I love you......sorry shea....I love you too chickie!


Posted 9:19 pm, 01/18/2018

bobster, What do you call letting a child pass away for lack of medical treatment just because the child has no money?


Posted 9:19 pm, 01/18/2018

bobster, What do you call it when our government pays farmers not to grow food just to keep the prices up?


Posted 9:18 pm, 01/18/2018

I believe once the sperm has fertilized the egg life begins & all life is sacred. Once human life has begun no one has the right to end it. It's irresponsible & selfish to put your own needs about an innocent life.

I honestly don't see how mothers to be could go through with such a process. Sure there are medical emergencies & certain defects that would probably need to be aborted.

That's just how I feel about abortion. It's unnecessary and senseless to me.


Posted 9:17 pm, 01/18/2018

....but nooo....the baby don't feel that.


Posted 9:14 pm, 01/18/2018

especially when they get up to the 9th month....thats right, because the health of the Mother could mean mental health....so up to the day, that child could be born....they will put some kind of seaweed device in her to dialate the cervix and oooh yea, you will have labor....just like if you were in a hosptal....an excruciating labor and when it time for that baby to drop, they'll put you in a toilet seat room or if they can pull the legs out first and get the torso....they'll take a pair of clippers and snip that cord in to......it suppose to be done before the head comes out.....


Posted 9:07 pm, 01/18/2018

The lleh its not murder, anyway you slice it.

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