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Mar a Lago dying


Posted 10:51 am, 01/25/2021

Look at ho Bindens net worth has went up since being in office. Do you really think they are not all crooked.


Posted 10:31 am, 01/25/2021

Sure thing Fins. I know 2 dentists personally, one is a very good friend of mine for 35 years. Therefore I know all about the dental profession, and how their businesses are doing all over the country.


Posted 10:24 am, 01/25/2021

Can you not read? I do know. I have good sources inside that world. You can keep trying to make this into something it is not. But the fact is, this story is exaggerated at best


Posted 8:37 am, 01/25/2021

I don't have sources, that's why I said that neither you nor I know if the story is conspiracy or not.

So what if you have friends in high places in the golf resort world?
I never suggested that Trump is living a pauper's life. I have no doubt that he will always be rich, folks like him have many ways of protecting their wealth.


Posted 8:17 am, 01/25/2021

I know 1000x's more than you do. I have a friend that owns two high end clubs. And a client that has been to Mar a Lago as Trump's personal guest. He also flew on the 757. What sources do you have? Did you miss anti whining about the membership being "undisclosed"? I clarified that's the same as all clubs. I didn't say it's some secret society and word never gets out. Contrary to your wet dream of Trump living a pauper's life, this is an exaggerated story


Posted 7:15 am, 01/25/2021

Fins, you claim that all golf resorts are in the same boat right now? That's absurd.

You also claim that the memberships are undisclosed. So what? Do you think that the members are invisible? That no one goes there and no one sees or talks about what's going on there? Some of the employees know exactly what's going on, and what condition the business is in, and some like to blab about it. Just like GW.
So is the story about Mar a Lago a BS conspiracy? You have an opinion but you don't know any more than I know.


Posted 10:06 pm, 01/24/2021

Donald should not have listened to Putin. He would be a lot better off today.


Posted 10:01 pm, 01/24/2021

Foxy, do you lie for fun or do you believe your lies? How long have you been the Mar a Lago spokesmodel?


Posted 9:49 pm, 01/24/2021

I forgot to explain that all clubs are non profit corporations also so they can discriminate. This gives them a lot of leeway on their memberships.


Posted 9:46 pm, 01/24/2021

All clubs membership rolls are anonymous from the government. Their is no requirement for them to be disclosed. Some clubs (usually ones with homesites) publish directories and distribute them to their members. But the more exclusive typically do not.

This is more whining and conspiracy BS.


Posted 7:46 pm, 01/24/2021

Even Springy comes up with something original every once in a while. Anti, copy and paste from rags gets disproved continually.


Posted 7:43 pm, 01/24/2021

Anti, did it hurt when you pulled this out of your*** and did you wipe? Do any of you loony leftist know why viewership of CNN, MSDNC if tumbling like a rock? Let me give you a hint, false reporting. Even some democrats like to hear some truth some of the time.

Albert Pike

Posted 7:42 pm, 01/24/2021

The problem with antithesis's post is this,

"They're allowed to keep their membership anonymous, which made it very easy for foreign governments to pay him off with no paper trail."

This sounds like pure conspiracy theory, since the membership is anonymous.


Posted 7:41 pm, 01/24/2021

Hammy is having another little fantasy about the left. Hammy you really know next to nothing about the left.


Posted 7:28 pm, 01/24/2021

I see none of the people in this thread have ever been to a high end club.

First of all, initiation fees are refundable when someone leaves a club. The price of the initiation fee is used to control demand. Back in 2008, due to the recession, a lot of clubs dropped initiation fees all together to get people to join. Others had waiting lists for people wanting to leave, because generally, a club won't pay back an initiation fee to a leaving member until they get two new members to join. Or at least that's how the club hopes to work it out. Finally a few years ago, clubs started bringing back initiation fees. But aging members have been a problem in all clubs since even before the recession. The recession made it worse. Younger people don't want to join multiple clubs. They would rather go to clubs that rent properties for short term with full club benefits for much less money.

Nothing in the articles is new or different from the majority of clubs in the world right now.


Posted 7:27 pm, 01/24/2021

Actually we don't give it much thought. However, it seems to be the only thing on your mind.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 7:15 pm, 01/24/2021

The lefties go ballistic supporting their sacred CNN. Obviously they never fact check CNN or they would know better


Posted 6:44 pm, 01/24/2021

Abe, anti is a smart lady. You don't have to be ashame for not being able to keep up.


Posted 6:24 pm, 01/24/2021

So Abe, who would you use, NewsMax? LOL

CNN is obviously anti-Trump yet has the ability to report factual stuff about him. I watch many media sites, and CNN is far from the worst.


Posted 6:20 pm, 01/24/2021

Abe, you drunk old fart, you wouldn't know a fact if it slapped your bald head.

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