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North Wilkesboro to buy laptops for elementary school?

Old lady

Posted 10:49 am, 11/19/2018

From the news on WKBC, town has decided to fund $23,000 of the requested amount.

sparkling water

Posted 10:31 am, 11/19/2018

Many of you do not understand that Education is a BUSINESS.

Fewer still understand that the Business of Education is not about children or learning.

[email protected]

Posted 9:53 am, 11/19/2018

Chromebooks requested by NWES were listed by requestor at $240 apiece, not $847. Chromebook Cart that includes 28 Chromebooks was listed by requestor at $7900 plus. Not sure where these other amounts came from.

Old lady

Posted 11:28 pm, 11/18/2018

I just checked minutes from town meeting. Principal requested 3 chromebook carts. “ These carts contain 28 chrome books. This will supply each grade level with a cart to share.” They hired 6 part time tutors that work for 19.5 hours each week. Each cart is $7913.

Looking at a site Niche that rates public schools, North Wilkesboro has low test scores. I checked the difference in 4 schools that I have heard have the most need. The school with the most need, their reading score is 52% proficient compared to North Wilkesboro 32%. In math, the poorest school has a grade in math of 57% and NW is 47%. I understand that NW school has 42% of Hispanic children. How many are efficient in English? I support the principal and her team in feeling that tutors were needed more in their situation.

As I stated before, I feel our county does not support our school system enough. Our county cannot grow and bring businesses in without a work force that is educated and willing to work.


Posted 9:54 pm, 11/18/2018

I'm kind of confused by that logic, too.

It's a public school, right? Full of qualified teachers? And don't they still have the "peer helpers" clubs?

If that's true then why do they need to hire 6 additional tutors? Isn't that what the teachers are there for?

Old lady

Posted 8:56 am, 11/18/2018

I do not think you can say that the NW school used their money improperly. It was decided that hiring 6 tutors would help students more than having laptops. Isn’t it all about test scores now? If the town has had a policy of helping that school in the past, good for them. However, I do agree that other schools in the town need help too. We should demand that all students in our county have the same opportunities to learn.


Posted 10:09 pm, 11/17/2018

It is unbelievable how much property the TNW,TW,and the county of Wilkes owns,but when a new building project is suggested they always shade it towards Faw!


Posted 9:28 pm, 11/17/2018

That's a very good point, Backwater. If the Town is providing funds for schools now, then how do they justify giving money to one school and not the others? Nichols is right... the school didn't use their money properly, and now they're setting a precedent for all of the schools to expect more money.

It's a slippery slope.

But then again, how much property did the town buy from their buddies on the pretense of building a new fire station?


Posted 8:22 pm, 11/17/2018

CC Wright should ask the TNW to fund it the same amount of Money,then use it to hire tutors.


Posted 2:31 pm, 11/17/2018

The cost looks like a typo. 84 or 28 laptops?


Posted 7:58 am, 11/17/2018

I don't live in NW so I don't have a dog in this fight. If I did I'd find out why the Chromebooks were so high. It looks like if you bought them in volume you could get them cheaper.


Posted 10:23 pm, 11/16/2018

Do you know what that software is? I can't imagine they need anything more than Google's free version of Microsoft Office and whatever website they use to get and submit assignments.

I just get really tired of all these people and organizations grossly overcharging for things to cover "administrative costs."

Mad Scientist

Posted 10:09 pm, 11/16/2018

I may be wrong, but I believe the price per laptop includes licensing for software ...... which is whatever the school system uses.


Posted 9:40 pm, 11/16/2018

And the price is exorbitant.


Posted 9:38 pm, 11/16/2018

End of grand test scores.
The dumb writer of this article probably went to CC Wright.


Posted 9:33 pm, 11/16/2018

That's really not the problem, old lady. The problem is that NW Elementary was given the money, and instead of buying laptops they hired 6 tutors. And now they expect the town to give them more money so they can buy the laptops that they were supposed to have bought the first time.

$847.82 apiece. Isn't that high for a Chromebook?

And that's a great point, Os, I didn't see that one!! Buy you're right, a brand new Chromebook goes for $200 at retail:

It might not be the best school in the county, but 28 laptops should be $5,600, not $24,000! It sounds like somebody's planning to put about $18,000 in their pocket... you know, for "administrative fees"

Old lady

Posted 9:27 pm, 11/16/2018

I think it is great that the town purchased these for the students in the NW school. A lot of these students are low income and this will help them to have the same chance as students in other schools. Also, the county does not support the schools enough in my opinion. Just check on the appearances of some that just a few years ago were the newest and best in the county. Much work needs to be done just to keep up the school buildings and property.


Posted 7:36 pm, 11/16/2018

If you decide to spend the funding elsewhere why start asking for more.52 % of children at NW elementary are Hispanic,30% White and 10% are black.It seems the BOE should direct the school to spend the money on technology.Sometimes it seems to be friends employing friends.

Hot Mess

Posted 7:22 pm, 11/16/2018

Wait and see if the county doesn't end up buying for every school and passing the bill along in county taxes

“You’d better be careful, because C.C. Wright’s our school, too, in town, and they’re going to ask the same thing if they get wind of this,” said Nichols.

Hot Mess

Posted 7:20 pm, 11/16/2018


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