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Rude and Disrespectful people and GOWilkes....


Posted 9:05 pm, 07/28/2014

1goddess (view profile)

Oh redfly red red red...honey you are number uno


Posted 9:03 pm, 07/28/2014

Oh redfly red red red...honey you are number uno


Posted 8:57 pm, 07/28/2014

justcause24 (view profile)

The OP is right, some of you should go by the saying, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. I'm not talking about someone who tells them like it is once in a while, but it's those that live to do it & seem to spend your every waking moment on this site waiting for the next one you can kick when they're down & those of you that keep on & on saying snide comments, acting like you are perfect when you're probably in worse shape financially & mentally than the ones you pick on, probably changing your user name as you go. Y'all take what someone says & twist it to make it look like they're the blame. And Lee you're about #1 on the list of the rude, callous, disrespectful, just plain nasty list, you try to start something w/anybody unless it's one of the few that agree with you. You refuse to show your face or let us know who you are, about everyone knows who I am & I don't care, bring it on. A lot of folks have quit coming here or don't make a comment for that very reason. Far as I'm concerned they can eat a cow pattie I'm not backing down. And you others shouldn't either.

I Want you to know that I am Hurt and Pissed off because I thought I was #1


Posted 8:15 pm, 07/28/2014

Momma'sgonecrazy (view profile)

Posted 1:52 pm, 07/28/2014

Rude and disrespectful people flock to GOWilkes, why is that? I had quit going on GOWilkes for a long time because no matter what the topic is, I noticed the SAME people making rude and disrespectful comments on almost every post. It is really sad that this forum was created so people in the community could talk about topics and communicate with others and hopefully get SOME positive feed back, but the reality is this forum is FULL of people who get their jollies by bulling and belittling others for their thoughs and feeling.

I would like to point out a few things here:

1. People see what they want to see. Look on the homepage right now, and you'll see 18 positive threads, and two negative ones (including this one). It's only because you're wanting to see negative that you see negative.

2. I don't see where you (Momma'sgonecrazy) have ever reported anything. You have to be reasonable; if you don't report anything, you can't complain about it. It's like, if you see your neighbor beating his wife but you don't call the cops, you can't complain that your neighborhood has gone downhill.

3. The forum is exactly what the users want it to be. If you don't like what you see, you have the ability (responsibility?) to create threads and posts that you DO like. And if people troll you afterward, it's your right (responsibility?) to report it.

Mq (view profile)

Posted 3:25 pm, 07/28/2014

You forgot to promote a business you have to buy advertizing.. to trash a business you can do that free of charge..

Not true at all. We have always allowed a one-time announcement of a new business; after that, you're welcome to post in the classifieds. You are not allowed to spam, though.

And yes, people are welcome to discuss a positive or negative experience that they have had at a business. We do monitor that fairly closely, though, and older usernames are trusted more than a username created with the sole purpose of complaining.

People regularly post about positive experiences with local businesses. If you have failed to see that, then I would refer you to my earlier comment: "people see what they want to see".

justcause24 (view profile)

Posted 5:44 pm, 07/28/2014

The OP is right, some of you should go by the saying, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. I'm not talking about someone who tells them like it is once in a while, but it's those that live to do it & seem to spend your every waking moment on this site waiting for the next one you can kick when they're down & those of you that keep on & on saying snide comments, acting like you are perfect when you're probably in worse shape financially & mentally than the ones you pick on, probably changing your user name as you go. Y'all take what someone says & twist it to make it look like they're the blame. And Lee you're about #1 on the list of the rude, callous, disrespectful, just plain nasty list, you try to start something w/anybody unless it's one of the few that agree with you. You refuse to show your face or let us know who you are, about everyone knows who I am & I don't care, bring it on. A lot of folks have quit coming here or don't make a comment for that very reason. Far as I'm concerned they can eat a cow pattie I'm not backing down. And you others shouldn't either.

I am hesitant to point this out, but when this username began posting again a few days ago you made two posts: one to complain about the site, and another to attack another poster (which was removed).

Then, in the post pasted above, you again complained about the site, and then attacked another poster.

Surely you realize that these are the types of posts that the OP (and you) are complaining about?

justcause24 (view profile)

Posted 5:44 pm, 07/28/2014

A lot of folks have quit coming here or don't make a comment for that very reason. Far as I'm concerned they can eat a cow pattie I'm not backing down. And you others shouldn't either.

For the record, as compared to the same period last year, the traffic on GoWilkes is up by 6.4%, and the number of posts are up by 8.64%. You may not be seeing the same usernames, but as you know, many of them are simply posting under a new username now.

But let me end with this:

Be the change you wish to see in the world... especially on GoWilkes.

Pepe Silvia

Posted 7:55 pm, 07/28/2014

Don't you just love it when people start a thread calling everyone on here names (in this case rude and disrespectful) then wanting positive feedback? Really, you just called everyone on here names and expect us to smile and say oh, you are so right.

Take some time to clean off your own front porch before you start whining because you are doing the exact same thing you are whining about.

You want a positive thread, then start one. And make it all positive. None of this crap of "all these thread on here are negative so I want to start a positive one." That alone started it negative. I'm so sick of seeing people whine and complain about the very thing they are doing at that moment.

Like it or not, everyone is different. Everyone takes what someone says differently. As for the few bullies, ignore them. It's that simple. If they don't get the attention they seek they will get bored and go away.


Posted 7:35 pm, 07/28/2014

Lee do you believe in abortions?


Posted 5:55 pm, 07/28/2014

Justcause24, Awwww I just don't know what to say about all those words you said about me, My heart just melted....I think. Seems you are sore about something? I will wear that ***** crown with pride my dear, When will you hand it over? Seems you have worn it for a few years with pride it seems. I promise to do the same my dear :) .There are People on here know me , A few do that is. I don't broadcast my entire life history on here like you others. If there's something you want to know , inbox me, If i feel it's your business then I will tell you. Now go grind your axe in someone else's back.


Posted 5:53 pm, 07/28/2014

Here is an example for you Momma'sgonecrazy.

drknowitall123097 (view profile)

Posted 5:37 pm, 07/28/2014

It lets the world know just how stupid people in Wilkes county really are. They can't spell, they can't read and they can't form a rational thought. The county is full of bible thumping drama queens and pill heads. It is a haven for fat hillbilly jokes. Wilkes's heros are outlaws and murderers. I mean, can't they find one Wilkes county citizen to make plays about who is not famous for something other then murdering their girlfriends or robbing banks? I mean, where else could you find a place where the town mayor and leading citizen is found dealing nickle and dime bags? What a f..king joke!


Posted 5:44 pm, 07/28/2014

The OP is right, some of you should go by the saying, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. I'm not talking about someone who tells them like it is once in a while, but it's those that live to do it & seem to spend your every waking moment on this site waiting for the next one you can kick when they're down & those of you that keep on & on saying snide comments, acting like you are perfect when you're probably in worse shape financially & mentally than the ones you pick on, probably changing your user name as you go. Y'all take what someone says & twist it to make it look like they're the blame. And Lee you're about #1 on the list of the rude, callous, disrespectful, just plain nasty list, you try to start something w/anybody unless it's one of the few that agree with you. You refuse to show your face or let us know who you are, about everyone knows who I am & I don't care, bring it on. A lot of folks have quit coming here or don't make a comment for that very reason. Far as I'm concerned they can eat a cow pattie I'm not backing down. And you others shouldn't either.


Posted 3:32 pm, 07/28/2014

I can put up with the rude people on gowilkes it's the ones in everyday life that I can't stand !!!!


Posted 3:25 pm, 07/28/2014

You forgot to promote a business you have to buy advertizing.. to trash a business you can do that free of charge..


Posted 2:35 pm, 07/28/2014



Posted 2:35 pm, 07/28/2014

mommotwo (view profile)

Posted 2:34 pm, 07/28/2014

Sometimes people interpret "rude and disrespectful" in different ways. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are rude and disrespectful. I'm kinda blunt about some things sometimes. I don't mean any disrespect (usually).

Exactly! or you tell them something they don't want to hear like the truth and they get made and want to play victim.


Posted 2:34 pm, 07/28/2014

Sometimes people interpret "rude and disrespectful" in different ways. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are rude and disrespectful. I'm kinda blunt about some things sometimes. I don't mean any disrespect (usually).


Posted 2:33 pm, 07/28/2014

All last week Windsofchange whined and moaned about her power going to be cut off and as soon as she got what she was after she stopped posting, until today, but just wait next month she'll have another drama and need help, and of course she'll get told the truth about how they waste money etc. She'll get mad and pout because of hearing the truth. Then you have those who post stupid questions, You'll get smart remark answers in return. Like I said if you don't want to hear it, then don't post it to begin with.


Posted 2:30 pm, 07/28/2014

Just speaking the truth "Momma" . When people don't hear what they want, they get mad and pout and claim people are being mean. Then if you hear the truth you accuse people of attacking you. If you don't want to hear the truth or get people's opinions then don't post on here! You are asking for it yourself! You bring it on yourself!


Posted 2:23 pm, 07/28/2014

There's rude disrespectful people everywhere. You just have to accept that how someone else treats you is usually a reflection on them...not you. Just....


Posted 2:16 pm, 07/28/2014

It takes all types to make the world go around. If you quit frequenting the site, then, they win.


Posted 2:09 pm, 07/28/2014

I keep telling people if you are faint of heart, best not post anything on GoWilkes, because it usually turns around to bite you right in the old pa-toot.


Posted 2:07 pm, 07/28/2014

See what I mean, Lee001, I didn't put ANYTHING personal at all and you went right for the kill. Haha..little men with keyboards make me smile! Soo easy to prove a point when so many people are eager to help me!

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