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School Lunch


Posted 10:32 pm, 10/10/2019

Family Style is considered the best practice in pre-k, and kids that bring their own lunch are really being deprived of a great learning opportunity that encourages their development.


Posted 9:29 pm, 10/10/2019

I totally agree moon-shine. Sometimes my lunch is a pack of cheese crackers or potted meat - BooHoo to the ones who expect steak and shrimp. Stay humble and eat what's offered or bring your own food!


Posted 8:54 pm, 10/10/2019

I guess I'm old school....

We grew up with very little and school lunches always tasted good to me no matter what it was.
I also remember getting breakfast at school back when it was first getting started.
Cereal was always offered and our first hot breakfast was cheese toast and raisins
We loved it!


Posted 8:31 pm, 10/10/2019

I've been for lunch as well and I think the food looked fine. The portions was a good size, I know every child is different but mine eats school lunch everyday and they've never said anything bad about it. It's a hot meal for the kids. They can eat it or do without.


Posted 8:28 pm, 10/10/2019

I believe they had a salad bar as well- in case the main menu or the second option (which is a PB&J or toasted cheese sandwich-depends in the day) doesn't suit the child. They have several options. Also, the PB&J are the individual packaged frozen then thawed UnCrustable brand type sandwiches. Fresh fruit was also available. They lunch ladies will even slice it for the child.


Posted 8:04 pm, 10/10/2019

Family style huh??

That's cool


Posted 7:43 pm, 10/10/2019

I actually went to an elementary school today and had lunch with my child. The menu was 2 beef or chicken tacos (crunchy or soft shell), Mexican corn, lettuce, tomatoes, and a chilled cup of strawberries. The second option was a PB&J. I got the chicken tacos and crunchy shells. The food was fine. I ate it. Was it Plaza Del Sol quality? No..but it was far from the hog slop I'd been told the food was. I would rather eat it than the hospital cafeteria food by FAR! All K-12 kids can pack if they choose. Pre-K cannot pack. They are required to eat the main menu lunch at school. Not sure why this is..just know it is served family style in their classroom for Pre-K.
Just my experience. Thought I'd share. Is it 5 star cuisine? No, but what I had was not bad.

Wrestling grandpa1

Posted 3:40 pm, 10/10/2019

Those lunches at school are filling. And the students can either eat it or not...but to complain it's yuck, is typical of children at th ad that age...children can be encouraged to take and eat or be quiet...plain and simple. ..have had 4 go thru and they ate what was prepared..still hungry when they got home but they ate the lunch...


Posted 11:17 am, 10/10/2019

I could eat them all day and that soup too.


Posted 10:14 am, 10/10/2019

Yes!! Good stuff! Again, that was when the food was made from scratch.


Posted 9:33 am, 10/10/2019

Are we talking about them Peanut Butter Bars (squares)?


Posted 9:24 am, 10/10/2019

Pollock I still get warm and fuzzy thinking about that soup. It was so good! What about those Peanut Butter things they made? Yummy!


Posted 7:59 pm, 10/09/2019

This is from 2011, but I can imagine that things haven't gotten much better:

In the past 10 years, more than 23,000 children have become sick as a result of hundreds of food poisoning outbreaks in our schools' lunchrooms. A recent investigation conducted by USA Today found that the meat served in U.S. school cafeterias undergoes less testing, and is held to lower safety standards, than the mystery meat in Big Macs and Whopper Juniors.


In 2009 alone, the USDA purchased $151 million of commodity pork to prop up failing industrial pork producers. Even worse is the USDA's purchase of "spent hens" (i.e. worn out, diseased chickens from the factory farm egg industry), which KFC won't even serve to it's customers.

Previous reports have estimated that nearly 30% of the 100 million-plus egg-laying hens culled find their way into our children's lunch via the National School Lunch Program each year. The remaining product ends up as Alpo.

Why does meat that is made into dog food served to school children across the country?


Interesting to read just why they want kids to buy the low quality lunches... the government is funneling the money to their buddies.

Fishingpole, you should read the article. Clinton tried to fix it, Bush Jr made it worse. I think Obama was all talk, I never heard of any real improvements in quality during his administration.


Posted 7:37 pm, 10/09/2019

I believe I read that the op's child is in pre k?

So there may be more rules at that level, but isn't pre k voluntary?

Joseph T.

Posted 7:15 pm, 10/09/2019

Pollock (view profile)

Posted 3:13 pm, 10/09/2019

Js, I still think you should talk to someone at the school about letting your child pack his own lunch, they may be willing to make an exception?

No she shouldn't she just needs to pack her kids lunch and tell the school if they don't like it to get f^%$. If they don't like that she should make it an issue using the news outlets.


Posted 6:18 pm, 10/09/2019

Thanks Michelle OBama for the great lunches


Posted 4:59 pm, 10/09/2019

I for one will not eat that so called nutritious food that is served in the elementary schools unless it has been upgraded in the past few years.High school food is better because of the options.


Posted 4:53 pm, 10/09/2019

Bestill is right, it is balanced meal and the food they serve is really not bad! Sometimes they'll consider potatoes or corn as the veggie of the day, which I would prefer more green each day.

If you take a look at the breakfast menu though, it's all sugary and processed foods. I think they could improve breakfast menu and offer more healthy options, but I'm not going to start a thread to complain about it.


Posted 4:25 pm, 10/09/2019

Looked the menu. Looks balanced and nutritious. Tell the kid not to be afraid to try new things, and do the whole..."if you do not eat your vegetables, no dessert for you" You could also instill some gratitude if you throw in the..."there are starving kids in Africa that have to walk 10 miles for water and can't go to a nice school like you."


Posted 4:04 pm, 10/09/2019

Remember when those lunch ladies were capable of cooking real food in the lunchrooms?

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