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Posted 12:46 pm, 07/15/2020

In a special episode from his basement sanctuary today, demented joe addressed the people of Arizona and told them that Arizona is an important city.


Posted 9:08 am, 07/04/2020


"I'm Joe Biden's husband, Joe Biden".


Posted 7:44 am, 07/04/2020

At this point this election is headed in the exact same direction as the 2012 Obama vs. Romney race. Obama was easily beatable in 2012, all the Republicans had to do was give the voter a credible option to vote for against Obama and they failed to deliver. They put a guy in the running that most conservative minded voters weren't particularly motivated by or enthusiastic to vote for and neither was anyone else. Biden is to old school for many liberals, pretty much the last of a dying breed that just isn't far left enough for a lot of liberals these days plus he is a bumbling stumbling old fool with clear signs of early stages of dementia and isn't even fit to hold the job of POTUS. My guess is the Democrats know they can't beat Trump in 2020 with their current crop of choices to vote for. They know that the far left is way to far left to appeal to the centrist leaning independent voter who are the ones that always decide the outcome of elections not the far right or the far left. That was made pretty obvious during the Democratic primaries. I wonder what future Democratic primary races will look like when all they have to offer now is a demented old fart who can't even remember what he is trying to say long enough to actually say it is still the most credible option that they have? I'm glad Biden won the nomination personally, it goes to show the Democrats haven't yet completely lost their minds by nominating any of the other delusional lunatics they had to choose from and that some of the left have even a modicum of common sense ever so slight as it may be. But unfortunately we all know Biden has no back bone and he will do nothing but ponder to and attempt to appease those same lunatics and their ilk if he wins. Fortunately the Independent voter knows that as well. So congratulations Democrats now you know how conservatives felt in 2012 when we got stuck with a candidate that wasn't worth the time and effort to vote for. You will enjoy the same results we did when it's all said and done: your nightmare will only continue on for another 4 years.


Posted 7:06 am, 07/04/2020

In this episode demented and corrupt joe claims his Lancaster, PA outing was in Harrisburg.


Posted 10:08 pm, 07/03/2020

In today's bloggogaffe demented joe introduced himself as joe biden's husband, joe biden while pandering to the teacher's union.


Posted 9:23 am, 07/01/2020

I thought they said White Powder. I love white powder, it's my favorite.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 7:15 am, 07/01/2020

Why is Joe Biden saying he is getting constantly tested for a cognitive decline?


Posted 5:32 pm, 06/30/2020

Yuge gaffe at presser today when demented joe trails off and forgets which of his media dogs he's supposed to call on for the next scripted question.


Posted 8:13 am, 06/30/2020

White powder!!


Posted 7:52 am, 06/30/2020

And you cannot deride the contributions from Asians and South Americans today! GoodLord! Without them, you would not have a Walmart!


Posted 7:48 am, 06/30/2020

Foreign Workers DID build this country and continue to do so! Don't forget he Chinese and the Irish!


Posted 7:45 am, 06/30/2020

Demented and corrupt joe told nbc news that foreign workers built this country and his administration would admit at least a hundred twenty five thousand every year under his visa guidelines.


Posted 7:16 am, 06/28/2020

During yesterday's edition demented and racist joe confused President Donald J. Trump with obummer and then couldn't continue with a question, forgetting his canned answer and admitting he could not remember.


Posted 6:22 pm, 06/25/2020

In a sparsely attended campaign rally in Pennsylvania today, numerically challenged joe claimed over a hundred twenty million Americans have died from Covid.


Posted 1:21 pm, 06/16/2020

In yesterday's blogogaffe slimeball joe's wife got to coach him thru reciting his lesson from the obummer school of public address um oh um I mean um like um ......


Posted 4:46 pm, 06/13/2020

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:28 pm, 06/11/2020

Joe Biden: "Even Dr. King's assassination did not have the worldwide impact the George Floyd's death did."


Posted 8:27 pm, 06/06/2020

Aw. Izums mad?


Posted 8:22 pm, 06/06/2020

Any last words while you bugger on, scumbag swucy?


Posted 8:18 pm, 06/06/2020


I just summarized every sentence you're ever written.

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