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The 12th woman has come forward to accuse Donald Trump of doing what he bragged about doing


Posted 9:09 pm, 10/27/2016

Heps, I appreciate your compassion but you don't need to 'sympathize' with me. I am happy with my life. I am also happy that I voted for Donald Trump and would do so again. I admire him even more now due to the way he has dealt with all the negative media against him...believe it was 91% at last check. He is truly an inspiration!



Posted 9:02 pm, 10/27/2016

The women coming forward didn't change what was already obvious to me.


Posted 8:40 pm, 10/27/2016

empowers no I don't but I know wh*remongers go through a lot of wives.


Posted 8:38 pm, 10/27/2016

empowers, you've had some kind of "episode," haven't you? I've already voted too, for whatever that means.

Not to insult you, but you just don't sound like a woman who is used to much respect from men, you don't expect it, and it is fine with you that Donald Trump brags about grabbing women by the ******.

Yet, you say that you've been bullied before and you have implied that you won't go there again. One of your tales is untrue. Which one?

Do you like being made to feel inferior (and in fact, you said that women's brains are inferior to men's) because you think that's what you deserve? If you think you deserve it, you probably do. It's a pity, poor you.


Posted 8:27 pm, 10/27/2016

Crypt, I don't believe everything I hear, do you?


Posted 8:25 pm, 10/27/2016

GOP used to stand for Grand Ole Party, now it's Groping Old Pervs.


Posted 8:02 pm, 10/27/2016

I also wonder if, she had her butt hanging out of her shorts inviting a groping? Or if she showed plenty of cleavage for the same purpose? I know, I know that wouldn't make it right to grope her.

Have seen so many women dress seductively and then complain about the attention they get. Guess I'm 'from the old school' but styles of women's clothing these days are just too seductive. I know it is wrong for a man to take advantage but by the same token, it is also wrong for a woman to tempt a man.

How many males are in prison because they were led astray by a seductive female? And I also wonder how many males are in prison due to a female, especially underage, telling a lie and the jury believing it? We would probably be surprised at the number. Very sad.

The ones who really belong in prison are roaming free!

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 7:41 pm, 10/27/2016

who she's voting for ?????? Miss Finland??????


Posted 7:39 pm, 10/27/2016

Wonder how much she made on this deal or who she is voting for?


Posted 7:38 pm, 10/27/2016

Slick Willy Clinton like wh*res


Posted 7:37 pm, 10/27/2016

325 million people in the USA and the GOP ended up with a group of wh*remongers leading them.


Posted 7:28 pm, 10/27/2016

You say another one? Oh my what should I do? Sounds like back yard, over-the-fence gossip to me. I know how that can go.


Posted 7:09 pm, 10/27/2016

Wikipedia <<<<------ LMAO,

river otter

Posted 5:27 pm, 10/27/2016

on the Billy Bush bus tape. As to the veracity of these claims, it should be noted that Laaksonen didn't seek the tabloid out. Ilta-Sanomat, the second largest paper in the country according to Wikipedia, reached out to Finnish women who had encountered Trump and that's how they discovered her story.

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