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The 12th woman has come forward to accuse Donald Trump of doing what he bragged about doing


Posted 12:13 pm, 10/28/2016

And admitting to grabby women by the v*gina against their will is now just locker room talk. Not sure which locker room he hangs out in, I tend to not hang around sexual predators, at least none that I aware.

He spoke specifically about a woman in his "locker room" talk and she has since spoken out.


Posted 12:09 pm, 10/28/2016

Posted 9:21 pm, 10/27/2016
But, he is a Draft Dodging wh*remonger

Finally!! You admit to the truth about TRUMP!!


Posted 9:41 am, 10/28/2016

False Trump has not admitted to touching those. He has denied it from the beginning. Hillary is paying them women to say that. She has ran a nasty campaign, just like she did with Obama. it didn't pay off then, and I don't think it will now. If it does, it is because Bill Clinton and Obama has set back the moral standards of the country 150 years, A bj is no longer sex now? Yea, that's Hillarys excuse !!!!! So there you go !


Posted 8:30 am, 10/28/2016

Sarge would believe Drumpf over his own daughter.

Even if he saw it happen.


Posted 8:24 am, 10/28/2016


Ole Sarge

Posted 8:23 am, 10/28/2016

Which one of the women did the honest and forthcoming Trump admit to grabbing? I seem to have missed it.


Posted 8:16 am, 10/28/2016

So Trump admits to grabbing women on multiple occasions, women say yes he grabbed them, yet the right still call the women liars. Well except for Bill Clinton, of course he raped that women in the 70s even though under oath she said it never happened it must have really happened when it "came out" many years later.

Double standard much.

Ole Sarge

Posted 8:12 am, 10/28/2016

My strongest argument is the "source" . Statistically a no-brainer coming from democrats. Just remember, all liars are not democrats but all democrats are liars. It will give you an edge if you will just come to grips with it.


Posted 8:08 am, 10/28/2016

nobody even wants to here about these lies that crooked Hillarys campaign has paid these women. The real story is the way Bill Clinton having sex and raping interns in the oval office and Hillary trying to cover it up, by smoking the CIGAR that bill used as a d*ldo !!!!!!


Posted 8:07 am, 10/28/2016

Same with Cosby, same with other powerful people.

Difference being, Trump admitted to grabbing women. You heard it and women have said yes he did.

So you have him saying he did and women saying it happened, yet you still don't believe it.

Ole Sarge

Posted 8:01 am, 10/28/2016

Oh, I see. No one would listen because it was Trump. Makes perfect sense. lol


Posted 7:59 am, 10/28/2016

The same could be said for the women that accused Bill Clinton years later or Bill Cosby or any powerful person.

Maybe they thought they were the only one, maybe they were young and didn't know what to really do, maybe they did say something but no one listened because it was Trump.

His own words back up these women.

Ole Sarge

Posted 7:58 am, 10/28/2016

Let's use a little "common" sense here. Can you honestly picture a man doing what Trump said he did? Honestly?

Ask yourself 1.Who are these women? 2. How could he have done this repeatedly without someone not seeing?
3. Why would he want to do it? 4. Why now would one a day come out? I guess the most telling is 5: Who is behind this? You are on your own


Posted 7:45 am, 10/28/2016

Thank you Proverbs for showing a little common sense on here. Smart post..


Posted 10:27 pm, 10/27/2016

I think it's fascinating how all these women were offended years ago, and finally show up in 2016 to make their claim. If I was a suspicious person, I would be thinking Cankles paid these women to come forward and lie their fat arses off.


Posted 9:25 pm, 10/27/2016

No Bill is not on the ballot, but I bet Hillary has grabbed more woman butt then Bill and Donald combined.


Posted 9:21 pm, 10/27/2016

But, he is a Draft Dodging wh*remonger


Posted 9:20 pm, 10/27/2016

Bill ain't on the ballot.


Posted 9:10 pm, 10/27/2016

Do you mean like Bill Clinton


Posted 9:09 pm, 10/27/2016

Is it possible a bunch of rich spoiled wh*re mongering draft dodging brats who have never really had to work a day in their lives, could lead this Nation? Well, you know, I have my doubts.

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