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The Parable of the good Samaritan.


Posted 9:43 am, 03/21/2018

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 8:30 am, 03/21/2018

Huckabee you and 1047 are the same. Pagan Christian.

Here is the thing with you mike, you do not realize that as time goes on you are getting closer to the truth of God's word, that is the good thing about these debates, it causes you to read the scripture and as you read you are adjusting your views more and more.God said his word would not come back void but would accomplish what it was sent to do.


Posted 8:30 am, 03/21/2018

Huckabee you and 1047 are the same. Pagan Christian. Jesus sign His Covenant His Promise with His Blood. Sealed it at His death. Confirmed it on His Resurection .. He Lives and Only He can Save. You can't. Jesus died to give you Life ... Both of you rely on Traditions and Fables to obtain Salvation. Jesus Christ Said I Am The Way Truth and Life Nobody goes to The Father Except Through Me. So you Christians keep on worshiping The Great wh*re . Pay your Salvation 10% . You have a choice. Eternal Life or The Second Death..


Posted 9:52 pm, 03/20/2018

Oh Mikey I guess you are going to tell us that you follow Jesus words perfectly all the time. I tell you what air head, us Christians will make it depending on Jesus shed blood on the Cross instead of listening to your judgmental attitude. So go ahead Mr. Perfect try to make salvation hard and make people miss the mark if you want too. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord as good as we can and let Jesus be the judge when we stand before him instead of being judged by you Mikey.


Posted 6:59 pm, 03/20/2018

Huckabee Where have I Added to anything? Satan knows what the Bible says and Satan uses that knowledge to Deceive people. There is Only One Way to receive Eternal Life and That is Through Jesus. No matter what you Pagan Christians believe. You got to Have Faith in His Words and Follow them. All y'all Christians needs to understand that Jesus signed His Promise to those that Follows His Words. Follow His Words..


Posted 5:49 pm, 03/20/2018

Mikey There is no use to try to debate anything with you because you have got your head so far up in the clouds or up your arse that you are so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good. We know what the scriptures say and we don't need your added BS added to it trying to change what it says. I don't go along with what some Christians believe or I don't go along with what Catholics teach, but I would listen to either one of them before I would listen to an airhead like you.


Posted 12:56 pm, 03/20/2018

So your 10% you pay to Your Pagan religious Religion christianity can't buy anything from Jesus... You can't buy Salvation. It canes from Jesus. Have Faith in Jesus. Your Works your way of Life Does Follow you.. Who do you Serve? Jesus or Christianity.


Posted 12:51 pm, 03/20/2018

1047 & Huckabee.. If you had Faith in The Words that Jesus taught y'all folks would Follow His Words. But y'all refuse to hear Jesus. It's by FAITH in Jesus that I am Saved. Nothing I do for him physically can please God. Its by being Obedient to his Words that his people receive His Grace His Help to stay Saved.. You Christians do whatever man tells you ( Roman Pagan Catholic CHRISTIAN Universal Religion) even though it's a lie. Can't Serve Two Masters. Keep Jesus in your Heart. Jeremiah 31:31-35


Posted 11:12 am, 03/20/2018

Huckabee (view profile)

Posted 9:49 am, 03/20/2018

The Good News is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. HE has paid it all and all to him I owe

Of course you are right, and you have just entered into this debate. the point you make is the point I have been making all along. Salvation is by grace through faith in what the Lord Jesus did on the Cross for all mankind. Not of our works at all. Some of the points I made in this thread was intended to bring that out by just what Jesus was doing when he told the lawyer to love his neighbor as himself, if the lawyer did try to do that he would see that he could not do that and would have to come back to the Lord Jesus for the help that he really needed, and that was Salvation by Grace,


Posted 9:49 am, 03/20/2018

The Good News is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. HE has paid it all and all to him I owe. Put your faith and trust in Jesus and he will carry you through and you will not have to worry about all this debating that Mikey and 1047 is doing. Everything has already been Finished on the cross for our sins, large and small. Just put your faith in Jesus, and He said I will never leave you or forsake you. Accepting Jesus in your heart and professing Him with your mouth to others is all it takes to be saved, not of works should anyone try to boast.


Posted 9:14 am, 03/20/2018

1047 if you know that Jesus can protect you from Temptation, Why do you insist on being a christian. You can't Serve Moses or John or Christianity and think you are following Jesus The Christ. You can't Serve Two Or Three or Four Masters.. Remember Jesus was tempted by Satan using The Words out of the Bible . But with a twist.. Same things are going on today. Using Paula Letters to confuse. Satan used the Words of The Lord to confuse those that lust after the world. Jesus makes a new Creation ... Turn to Jesus for Eternal Life.


Posted 4:31 am, 03/20/2018

sgtkracka (view profile)

Posted 10:55 pm, 03/19/2018

Thread fight? Mikey vs 1047?

David defeated Goliath not with a sword and spear, but with a small stone and sling.


Posted 3:54 am, 03/20/2018

OpenCasket (view profile)

The Holy Spirit will strip away everything that you hide behind, and you will see Jesus.


Posted 10:55 pm, 03/19/2018

Thread fight? Mikey vs 1047?


Posted 10:22 pm, 03/19/2018


Posted 9:28 pm, 03/19/2018

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 9:18 pm, 03/19/2018

He will keep you SAVED if you just Follow His Words. Have Faith enough to believe that Jesus can keep you from Sinning ... When you were Baptized didn't you pledge your Life to The Father Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus said It Is Finished.. Nothing Added..

So what you are saying is that it is Jesus that saves and keeps us and not we ourselves. That is good to know because I know that in myself I can't, It must be because he lives that I can live.


Posted 9:18 pm, 03/19/2018

1047 ? You can only be tempted. You decide what you do. It's not like you don't know what The Ten Commandments are. So you got a choice. If you carry Jesus in your heart you want go against His Words.
Revelation 14:12-13 .. When you walk with Jesus You walk in truth. He will keep you SAVED if you just Follow His Words. Have Faith enough to believe that Jesus can keep you from Sinning ... When you were Baptized didn't you pledge your Life to The Father Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus said It Is Finished.. Nothing Added..


Posted 6:16 pm, 03/19/2018

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 6:04 pm, 03/19/2018

1047 you went to Jesus for Eternal Life and he said to do the Commandments. Period.

I am trying to tell you that I can't keep them all the time.


Posted 6:04 pm, 03/19/2018

1047 you went to Jesus for Eternal Life and he said to do the Commandments. Period. That The First of The Commandments To Love God with your whole being. Help those that you can help. Have Compassion. Is what Jesus is saying. Most christians Follow what Jesus taught. Again two Masters No. Jesus Period.


Posted 4:42 pm, 03/19/2018

Ole Sarge (view profile)

Posted 1:45 pm, 03/19/2018

I really do not believe in Purgatory but I find myself wishing there was one, or some place for you two to get things worked out. I would hate to see both of you end up in **** , and I cannot imagine seeing either of you in Heaven.

See now we are getting the good moral people stirred up, and they would just as soon this talk would go away because it bothers their judging and condemning of the ones they have decided that are less than them. Ole Sarge wants H*** to be real a least long enough to cast us in.


Posted 4:36 pm, 03/19/2018

michaelhjsr (view profile)

Posted 1:37 pm, 03/19/2018

1047 How can you do the ten commandments and break them at the same time? There is Only 10 Commandments of God the rest are Laws of Moses.

I guess it is that part about loving my neighbor as myself. I just can't see how I can do that part, as myself would be just like myself. Now I may be able to like my neighbor a little like myself, and do a little for them like I would for myself. It is that part of loving them as myself, just like myself that I can't do. and according to Jesus I would have to do that before I would have life. Or do you think we could skim by somehow.

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