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The parade of Uncle Toms on Fox News


Posted 9:20 pm, 06/27/2022

Because I am the man.


Posted 9:17 pm, 06/27/2022

Why do you get to decide who there enemies are?


Posted 8:59 pm, 06/27/2022

Foxnose (view profile)

Posted 8:43 pm, 06/27/2022

A Democrat

We don't side with your enemy; we are your enemy.


Posted 8:43 pm, 06/27/2022

A Democrat


Posted 6:39 pm, 06/27/2022

What would you call someone who sides with the enemy of their own people?


Posted 5:35 pm, 06/27/2022

Once again blaming someone else for what you are doing. Not going to work.


Posted 5:16 pm, 06/27/2022

septic, I never thought I had the right to tell anyone what to think. However, I do have the right to state that someones way of thinking is wrong. Unlike you and your kind I don't long for the days when a white man could tell a black man what to do, and he'd dummed well better do as he's told!

Mistress Anne

Posted 5:00 pm, 06/27/2022

At least some black people consider it bad form when a white person calls a black person an "Uncle Tom." This article from the Washington Post adds some insight.


Posted 2:01 pm, 06/27/2022

The old liberal technique. Just accuse someone else of what you do and hope they back off. Not going to happen. Simple question. Do you, a white man, think you have the right to tell a person of color what they should think or how they should act?


Posted 11:01 am, 06/27/2022

septic, you seemto have an obsession with people of "color." why don't you express yourself the way you would when with your racist friends. Who the hull d'ye think you're fooling?


Posted 10:45 am, 06/27/2022

Okay. You don't tell a person of color how to think but just point out that they are not thinking the way you want them to.


Posted 9:55 am, 06/27/2022

septic, I don't think it's my place to TELL anyone what to think. However, I have a perfect right to point out that some people are wrong thinking. And in many cases they are not acting on what they truly think but what they consider to be their own best interests. A good example is that of a Republican that believes in "family values" yet votes for Trump.

DB Cooper

Posted 9:55 am, 06/27/2022

That Nancy Pelosi is a piece of work.


Posted 9:52 am, 06/27/2022

I think I have exposed the racism on this post. But you keep spinning Cent.


Posted 9:44 am, 06/27/2022

hilly, the reason you are evading the questions are twofold: If you answer them honestly you will expose yourself as the racist you truly are. Or, if you answer them in the evasive manner that you righties resort to you will expose yourself as the liar you really are. Kinda Catch 22 aint it and all because as an extreme right wing repub. you are by default a lying racist.


Posted 8:05 am, 06/27/2022

Did you watch Blinkie the Bigot in the video?


Posted 7:10 am, 06/27/2022

Look at the disdain in her facial expressions


Posted 7:09 am, 06/27/2022

If it had been black children she could have gone for a double.


Posted 7:08 am, 06/27/2022

Here is how Democrats like Blinkie Pelosi view minorities.


Posted 7:02 am, 06/27/2022

Deep, you are exactly right. Those sanctimonious hypocrites on Fake News and Lobbyist Chasing money hounds wouldn't live on the same side of town . But every time race comes up they put their mask on and march. They like to call others racist to shield their own guilt.

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