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The parade of Uncle Toms on Fox News


Posted 3:43 pm, 06/26/2022

Centurion I love how you use quotation marks as you say people when describing black people. Clearly right wingers don't need to turn anything around on you. And anyone who has kept up with the liberal rhetoric and outright hatred of our current Lt Governor Mark Robinson knows you liberals aren't shy about using the N word yourselves. Why is it that your ilk is so intimidated of people in general but most specifically black people who are capable of independent thought that contradicts your own "thought"? Sorry, your post doesn't hold water but THANK YOU COME AGAIN!


Posted 2:02 pm, 06/26/2022

Don't ya love to watch the right wingers with their ducking and weaving while trying to turn THEIR raciism back onto the liberals? And all the time they're longing for the days when they could use the "N" word in public, and the "boy" that helped them with their groceries would address them servilely as Mizz or Suh.

What a disappointment: Trump was unable to bring back the good old days when these "people" were kept in their place!


Posted 12:52 pm, 06/26/2022

Acumen your whole post here proves who the true racist is. You calling black people "Uncle Toms" and undermining the intelligence of black people just because they don't share your unscrupulous and ignorant views? You should be ashamed of yourself!

old lady

Posted 11:55 am, 06/26/2022

Everyone knows a black man does not have the intelligence to decide for himself if he is a conservative or liberal. So that is why you are calling him a uncle tom and that makes you a #1 racist.


Posted 8:25 am, 06/26/2022

Is ex-President Mc Ears an Uncle Tom. After all him and the Mooch moved to an elite predominately white neighborhood and live with the rich and famous. ( he didn't move there to grow grapes)

old lady

Posted 8:22 am, 06/26/2022

You are racists!! Not surprising however.

Deep Creek

Posted 7:45 am, 06/26/2022

Oh h*** no.Leave Clarence alone.


Posted 7:41 am, 06/26/2022

Democrats are the real racist, just listen to what they say and watch what they do.


Posted 7:39 am, 06/26/2022

Little man and Acu using racial slurs......that's baaaaaad!


Posted 12:12 am, 06/26/2022

The biggest Uncle Tom sits in the Supreme Court


Posted 11:37 pm, 06/25/2022

Fox New is pulling a line of conservative blacks out of the woodwork. They are totally unaware that they are just jesters for the right.

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