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The Red State Murder Problem


Posted 6:53 am, 02/04/2023

What do Muriel Bowser, Lauri Lightfoot, Keisha Bottoms, Latoya Cantrell, Catherine Pugh, Stephanie Rawlins, Tishaura Jones AND Viola Lyles all have in common?


Posted 3:08 am, 02/04/2023

that was from Mark Thiessen at the Washington Post reff the THIRD WAY ARTICLE in your link


Posted 2:41 am, 02/04/2023

The �Red State Murder Problem'? That's Just a Democratic-Driven Myth

No, it doesn't. The bogus claim comes from a March study by the Democratic think tank Third Way, which purports to show that, contrary to "the right-wing obsession over homicides in Democratic cities: murder rates are far higher in Trump-voting red states than Biden-voting blue states." According to Third Way, of the top 10 states with the highest per-capita murder rates in 2020, eight (Missouri, Louisiana, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, Mississippi and Arkansas) voted for Donald Trump, while just two (New Mexico and Georgia) voted for Joe Biden. "Republicans seem to do a much better job of talking about stopping crime than stopping crime," Jim Kessler, an author of the report, told Axios.

One problem with that: In most of these red states, the high murder rates are driven by the lethal violence in their blue cities


Posted 7:22 pm, 02/03/2023

Hey reddy, IF there are not enough guns to go around, then what do YOU intend to do with ours once YOU grab them?


Posted 6:38 pm, 02/03/2023

The problem is that there is not enough guns to go around. If a librarian or a school teacher does not have a military style rifle to keep the library or the school safe then nobody is safe.


Posted 5:25 pm, 02/03/2023

One again the whole point is that even in the red states the carnage in the democrat controlled large cities skew the numbers.

Absolutely false. As I've pointed out countless times, this is in the same study:

Even when large cities are removed from red states, murder rates are still higher.


Posted 3:36 am, 02/03/2023

And i thought you posted several times you dont believe in GOD? So which is it HERR SPRINGY?


Posted 3:34 am, 02/03/2023

Once again what book? LOL


Posted 3:32 am, 02/03/2023

168Amax (view profile)

Posted 2:56 am, 02/03/2023

Says the man who say the Jewish people are out to kill or enslave us all because of what it says in their book. ROFLMAO

The book is either God's words or it is not.


Posted 2:58 am, 02/03/2023

Would that mean the people in the blue states to ? Asking for a friend. LOL


Posted 2:56 am, 02/03/2023

Says the man who say the Jewish people are out to kill or enslave us all because of what it says in their book. ROFLMAO


Posted 2:40 am, 02/03/2023

See what I mean? The guy is totally nuts.


Posted 2:20 am, 02/03/2023

Tell us about the Jews own book who says we are all their enemies Herr Springy? Post a link please?


Posted 1:59 am, 02/03/2023

168 just goes on and on asking stupid question. Even when you give him the facts, he still goes on and on asking stupid questions. I think he is kind of nuts.


Posted 1:57 am, 02/03/2023

One again the whole point is that even in the red states the carnage in the democrat controlled large cities skew the numbers.


Posted 1:53 am, 02/03/2023

Again, Max, you're just trying your best to distract from the actual topic. No one is talking about cities but you, we're talking about national statistics. You just so desperately want to pretend that Chicago is some kind of example for the nation

But fine, whatever. If it'll shut you up.

Chicago's homicide rate peaked in 1994, just after the Reagan / Bush Sr regimes, at 33.1. Then it dropped during the Clinton administration to 17.1.

It stayed at about that rate during the Junior and Obama administration, then under Trump it jumped back up to 28.1.

So again, the stats show that Chicago's homicide rate increases when Republicans are in charge of the federal government, and decreases when Democrats are in charge. Which, as I've said a few times, is more likely to be a direct reflection of the economic recessions under those Republican representatives.

I can't find stats for Baltimore, sorry.


Posted 1:34 am, 02/03/2023

so just how much did the homicide rate drop in Chicago or Baltimore under Obama for instance as compared to the Bush administrator if at all


Posted 1:29 am, 02/03/2023

You're ignoring the facts, though, Max. No one is denying that crime is greater in cities, but what I've pointed out several times is that the crime rate consistently goes down when Democrats are in charge of the federal government.

Unless you're arguing that the city representatives change their policies to reflect Democratic national leadership, then you're just making a strawman argument.


Posted 1:26 am, 02/03/2023

Is your theory that those cities only do this when Republicans are in charge of the state and federal government, and then change when Democrats are in charge of the federal government..

Talking about control of the city governments, When was the last time Republicans controlled the citys of chicago or Baltimore for instance. Who is to blame for the conditions there except the city officials?

About 70 percent of the counties, accounting for 20 percent of the U.S. population, had no more than one murder in 2014, with 54 percent of counties experiencing zero murders, the report found.

re.Meanwhile, 5 percent of the counties, which made up nearly half the population, accounted for more than two-thirds of murders in the country, with the highest numbers concentrated in areas around major cities like Chicago and Baltimore

And most of these large cities are Democrat controlled


Posted 1:06 am, 02/03/2023

Those aren't policies, they're just unsubstantiated theories that you've made up.

The fact that that many of those blue cities have allowed gangs to virtually control large parts of their cities

Is your theory that those cities only do this when Republicans are in charge of the state and federal government, and then change when Democrats are in charge of the federal government?

The problem is failure to enforce existing laws for fear of losing votes.

Which elected positions in these cities are you imagining are afraid of losing votes?

And blaming the violence on every thing but the thugs who are turning the streets into war zones,

Or... maybe you should actually listen to what they're all saying?

You keep arguing against facts with made up assumptions, but that doesn't change the facts. When the GOP is in charge, the economy suffers. When the economy suffers, poverty increases. And poverty is directly proportionate to violent crime. It's really as simple as that. I know you desperately want to say "but, but... that's different!" But I'm sorry, the facts just do not support what you want to believe.

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