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Trump Rewrites History: I Never Said Mexico Would Write Out A Check For The Wall

this n that

Posted 10:00 pm, 01/10/2019

You're a serial liar bandy. You're on her passing on lies every day. And you've got like minded mush brains to uphold you. Mostly going unread.
Millions of people know exactly what you and your ilk are.
You just don't matter.
Everything you're hoping for will come to nought.
just watch it all play out before your lying eyes.

And now look what's happened.

Don't you liberals have sense enough to notice that with every new Trump narrative, all the media voices sound the same,using the same words, hour after hour.. "manufactured crises' was the buzz word of today.
And they tell that with a straight face. While videos show there's nothing manufactured about that invasion. It's a crisis, and some democrats know it, and democrats are cracking.

And you think the public doesn't notice that all the time, every time? It's not effective, it's laughable, and predictable.


Posted 9:10 pm, 01/10/2019

So tnt, explain to us in detail exactly how the slightly changed NAFTA is paying for the wall?
When you are done enlightening us about that, then explain why Trump shut down the gov't because he needs some money for the wall?
Logical thinking clearly indicates that if Mexico is paying for the wall then Trump doesn't need US taxpayer money for it, and he has no need to shut down the gov't.
Explain it clearly in detail you logical marvel.


Posted 9:07 pm, 01/10/2019

Tax payers should't have to pay for one inch of trump's wall !!


Posted 9:02 pm, 01/10/2019

CNN'S Acosta Proves the wall works, thanks jim.


Posted 8:24 pm, 01/10/2019

t n t, don't you ever get tired of spinning for a serial liar?

this n that

Posted 8:19 pm, 01/10/2019

Truth is, I don't think Trump ever laid out exactly how he planned to have Mexico pay for the wall.

I saw a lot of his rallies, and he said 'mexico will pay for it'. He liked setting off Mexico's leader at the time.

He knew it would make the news, and the media would play the back and forth over and over.

The media was telling the country that Trump was dead set on building a border wall. And most Americas agree with him.
That won him votes. And the media caused all those people who watch CNN and not much else,to hear that news over and over. Finally a man running for President that promised to do what they have been waiting years to hear.

And here you are thinking what Trump was doing at the time was 'lying"? No mush brains,, it was a page from 'the art of the deal'.

And you can't deny what he is saying about the money saved by getting out of NAFTA, and forming USMCA.

And you can't deny that it is true that will be "Mexico paying for the wall". albeit indirectly, and the President just stated.

I wish a few liberals had the brain power of logic thinking. You miss so much of understanding what reality is by being mush brained sheep.

Sometimes all one can say is.. pitiful, just pitiful.


Posted 7:52 pm, 01/10/2019

The comments are hilarious. ...I wish trump supporters would donate their brains to science so, someday, scientists can discover what the **** is wrong with them.😂


Posted 5:28 pm, 01/10/2019


Posted 4:40 pm, 01/10/2019


Posted 4:32 pm, 01/10/2019

He wanted be king instead of president...and, he is...THE KING OF LIARS, that is


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