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Why did Jesus come to the Jews FIRST?


Posted 10:09 am, 09/26/2022

Jesus commandments. Did Jesus say follow the 10 commandments? Why did he die on the cross?


Posted 9:48 am, 09/26/2022

Do you know what the Commandments are????

19 Thou knowest the commandments.

If you keep the commandments that Jesus quotes. You would keep the other four. You would have only one God you wouldn't have idols you wouldn't blaspheme his name and you would keep the Sabbath Day. You so busy trying to get to sin you fail to understand what you are to do.


Posted 9:42 am, 09/26/2022

But Jesus didn't speak follow the 10 commandments, this is we're you don't understand.


Posted 9:09 am, 09/26/2022

Bitter. REPENT means to have remorse for what you have done and NOT TO DO IT AGAIN. Breaking the laws of God is SINNING.
You need to read in the light not in darkness. You need to prepare the wine bottles before you put new wine in them. That is why repentance is necessary.. read very slowly.

And I know that HIS COMMANDMENT IS LIFE EVERLASTING: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.

Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

19 Thou knowest the commandments.

You can make all the excuses you want but it doesn't change the WORDS.. if you loved Jesus you would keep his words and not put into them what you reason about them are.

Bitter Old Man

Posted 9:39 pm, 09/25/2022

"Jesus plainly tells you that the Commandments is Life EVERLASTING" That is a lie. Jesus is not recorded as saying like that. Jesus did say that God's commandment for HIm to say exactly what God told Him to say was Life Everlasting (John 12:50) but it is simply not born out by Scripture to assume that God told Jesus to tell us to "Keep the 'Ten Commandments.'" Jesus never said that and your mental acrobatics can't make it true.

You change what Jesus said to fit your religious beliefs. You are a liar and a false witness.

"Why are you so blind and can't understand that we are to live by every word that was spoken by God."

If you believe this is true you have to change the tenants of your religion. You can't live by every word that was spoken by God and not keep the Ceremonial Law, Circumcision and the Mosaic laws. They were words spoken by God too.

I guess my question is why are you so mute about what Jesus really said?


Posted 7:39 pm, 09/25/2022

REPENT is the word you need to learn FROM..


Posted 7:37 pm, 09/25/2022

Bitter. Sin is the transgression of the law. Is the world without sin? Do people still kill? Commit adultery? Steal? Dishonor parents? If they are then sin is alive and growing because of people like you and your Christian Religion. Jesus plainly tells you that the Commandments is Life EVERLASTING. Why are you so blind and can't understand that we are to live by every word that was spoken by God.

Bitter Old Man

Posted 6:38 pm, 09/25/2022

I didn't say it, the Bible said it. You quoted it in your post. The problem is that you misunderstood what Jesus said about it, but that is hardly a surprise is it?.

"Jesus took away the law of circumcision the Laws of Moses and the ceremony laws. The Covenant that God spoke to the Israelites is still in effect today and opened to the world" Is what you have written twice in this post. I know that is what you believe, but it isn't true. When you say that your self-created religion is based on the words of Jesus and those are what you believe then you are offering false witness. Jesus never said those things.

Trying to fit the new covenant into the old covenant is a lot like sewing a new patch onto and old coat or pouring new wine into old wineskins. Didn't Jesus say something along those lines? Oh yes, in Matthew 9:16-17 we can find Jesus's thoughts on such things.

Perhaps, M, you should actually put your faith in what Jesus promised us. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would lead us to truth (John 16:13) and will tell us what to say when our faith is challenged (Luke 12:12.) I am certain that when you finally trust Jesus and listen to the Holy Spirit you will stop being a false witness, stop slandering and at long last realize that your self-created religion is born out of your own delusions.

Those are only two of Jesus's promises, but they seem to be a good place to start.


Posted 5:16 pm, 09/25/2022

Bitter are you saying that the Disciples Sin on the Sabbath Day by picking grain? That's funny. WHY WAS IT UNLAWFUL Bitter??? WHY??? because the Jews say so.lol. You need to read the Bible.

23 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. 24 The Pharisees said to him, "Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?"

25 He answered, "Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? 26 In the days of Abiathar the high priest, he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions."

27 Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath


Posted 4:32 pm, 09/25/2022

"You like to appear righteous in public, but God knows your hearts. What this world honors is detestable in the sight of God.

16"Until John the Baptist, the law of Moses and the messages of the prophets were your guides. But now the Good News of the Kingdom of God is preached, and everyone is eager to get in.d 17But that doesn't mean that the law has lost its force. It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the smallest point of GOD'S LAW TO BE OVERTURNED

The Jews rejected Jesus. Jesus took away the law of circumcision the Laws of Moses and the ceremony laws. The Covenant that God spoke to the Israelites is still in effect today and opened to the world. When Jesus died on the cross it tore down the curtain that separated the world from his Word. Will you pick up your cross and follow?


WILL YOU BECOME A CHILD OF GOD or will you WORSHIP traditions of man.

Bitter Old Man

Posted 4:11 pm, 09/25/2022

M, I am embarrassed for you. Did you really post Jesus's rebuke of the Pharisees in a misbegotten attempt to justify your misunderstandings? Instead of "cherry picking" a verse, let's look at the whole story. If you start reading at Mark 2 verse 23 you see that Jesus's disciples were being accused of violating the Sabbath by some Pharisees. Instead of arguing that what the disciples were doing wasn't a violation of the Sabbath, Jesus pointed out a time when David (before he was King) "broke the Law" yet was faultless. Jesus then said that He was Lord of the Sabbath. The Pharisee's understanding of the Law was no longer valid, much like your understanding of the Covenant laws.

Your memory must be likened to that of a goldfish. Just the other day I quoted what Jesus said were sins in your thread "Do you love Jesus enough to keep his word". I'll copy it for you:

Bitter Old Man

Posted 7:11 pm, 09/22/2022

M, we've already covered some of what Jesus said were sins. If you'll remember, giving false witness is a sin (Matthew 15:19) I figure every time you say "Jesus said" when Jesus didn't say it counts as a false witness. So is slander (you know, making accusations against someone without proof.) (Matthew 15:19) Look in the mirror and you'll see a person who has slandered others in this very thread.
As far as the rest of your list: Murder, yep, Jesus also listed Murder as a sin in that same verse. Jesus also lists thefts, adultery and other immoral sexual acts ***s in Matthew 15:19.


Posted 2:34 pm, 09/25/2022

�your mind is gone.


Posted 2:11 pm, 09/25/2022

The Jews rejected Jesus. So Jesus took away the law of circumcision the Laws of Moses and the ceremony laws. The Covenant that God spoke to the Israelites is still in effect today and opened to the world. When Jesus died on the cross it tore down the curtain that separated the world from his Word.




Posted 1:42 pm, 09/25/2022

mhj�are you on drugs or have mental issues. I have never seen anyone that's completely lost. Maybe Satan does have a strong hold on you after all.


Posted 12:08 pm, 09/25/2022

I tell you again. Sin has NOT been abolish. Look around at all the sin in the world. If sin had been taken away everyone would be keeping the Commandments of God. No sin can you just imagined all people loving people.


Posted 10:04 am, 09/25/2022

Bitter what is Sin? Is sin in the world today?

27Then he said to them, "The sabbath was made for man,* not man for the sabbath.i 28* That is why the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath."


Posted 9:47 am, 09/25/2022

Bitter.. what is sin? Is there sin in the world today?

Bitter Old Man

Posted 9:15 am, 09/25/2022

Don't you think it is ironic that in a desperate effort to find a quote from Jesus saying "Keep the 'Ten Commandments'" you use a quote from Him quoting a Commandment that is not one of the "Ten" (Deuteronomy 8:3) Is this one one of the Mosaic Laws or Ceremonial Laws?

Odd that you didn't include Jesus defeating death in your explanation of how the Law was fulfilled. At least you recognize that it was fulfilled and no longer applies.

Happy Lord's Day!


Posted 11:42 pm, 09/24/2022

Jesus birth and death was the fulfillment.


Posted 11:38 pm, 09/24/2022

, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

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