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Wilkes Hospital


Posted 5:40 pm, 09/19/2021

What if the car crash victim lost control of their car because they chose to disregard the posted speed limit because they felt like they knew better than the state highway engineers?

If I can spin on that just a little bit...

Let's say that there's a 20 car pile up on 268, and everyone involved is in equally critical condition. The entire ICU at WRMC is packed.

One of those people in ICU is a drunk driver that caused the accident.

Would you argue that the doctors should treat the drunk driver and risk losing a patient that was just an innocent victim?


Posted 5:27 pm, 09/19/2021

Hyperbole? Now that is amusing. I'm fairly certain this person was serious about their statement. We have the right to choose our poison and live with the consequences whether it is to vaccinate or not, smoke, consume excessive alcohol, abuse narcotics, be overweight/underweight or refuse to take any safety precautions in life .Health care is a business. It's time for ALL people to be woke. Now that's a hyperbole.


Posted 3:40 pm, 09/19/2021

People have a right to speed. It is covered by the first amendment. If you can't tell us to wear masks, you can't tell us not to speed.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 3:36 pm, 09/19/2021

What if the car crash victim lost control of their car because they chose to disregard the posted speed limit because they felt like they knew better than the state highway engineers?


Posted 2:50 pm, 09/19/2021

I just read a comment that if you have not taken the vaccine and if you get sick then you don't deserve a hospital bed. REALLY?

I don't think you understand hyperbole... or using extremes to make a point. No one is really arguing in favor of letting people die on the streets, but there IS an issue of triage.

I've pointed out that all of our nearby hospitals have full ICUs from people with COVID that refused to get vaccinated or take other precautions. Is it really fair for someone that... oh, let's say they're in a car wreck... for them to be denied care while the doctors are working on someone that consciously chose to make themselves sick?


Posted 10:49 am, 09/19/2021

pmoore, last year a doctor in the Wilkes ER told me that if the hospital didn't want to treat those whose maladies were self-inflicted, they could quickly EMPTY the hospital! He said almost everything he sees in the ER could have been avoided with better habits and weight control.


Posted 9:41 am, 09/19/2021

Acumen, that's a brilliant idea! And I'm sure "concierge" hospitals will soon be popping up all over the country.


Posted 8:10 am, 09/19/2021

If people would take responsibility for their own health, the need for healthcare in general would decrease. I just read a comment that if you have not taken the vaccine and if you get sick then you don't deserve a hospital bed. REALLY? That's like saying if I'm a smoker, overweight, diabetic, hypertensive, and have other comorbidities then I don't have the right to healthcare. These are conditions that can be managed with self discipline. So how about taking a strong look at ourselves and the way we contribute to the ills of society.


Posted 5:45 pm, 09/18/2021

Theys say holly farms caused it


Posted 5:13 pm, 09/18/2021

blimey2 (view profile)

Posted 5:01 pm, 09/18/2021

Three of my nurse friends who hold masters degrees have quit over the vaccine. Two of my doctor friends have taken early retirement because of the current state of medicine and enforced threats.

Really? Why didn't they just start their own hospital?


Posted 5:07 pm, 09/18/2021

There was a time in Wilkes when nursing students had a dress code even on their own time. The program was run by religious crazies at WCC. It is no wonder the Wilkes hospital is under staffed. We also had a surgeon who claimed God spoke to him and told him if his patient was going to live or die. I told him if God told him I was going to die, to get second opinion.


Posted 5:01 pm, 09/18/2021

Three of my nurse friends who hold masters degrees have quit over the vaccine. Two of my doctor friends have taken early retirement because of the current state of medicine and enforced threats.

But, of course, you will say that I am lying.


Posted 4:59 pm, 09/18/2021

I guess you're saying CNAs are uneducated?


Posted 2:29 pm, 09/18/2021

If I was a healthcare professional, I'd seek employment in a county where less people were decidedly anti-science.


Posted 1:02 am, 09/18/2021

Democrats think we will roll over for the vaccine, nope not going to happen.

As I've shown you before, Wake Forest is a private company that donates mostly to Republican campaigns. So this is not a Democratic policy, it's Republican.

Either way, to my knowledge there's been no mass exodus of employees or anything. No one goes to college for a career in medicine and then quits because they don't trust medicine CNAs, maybe, but there's about a 45% turnover in CNAs anyway.


Posted 10:34 pm, 09/17/2021

Yes I'm retired but not old enough for SS yet. I am living off my saved money for now. Getting out before the BS hits the fan. Not getting the anti freeze vaccine. I'm 60 but healthy and plan to stay that way.


Posted 10:23 pm, 09/17/2021

Gascan is retired. So the "we" he uses is the retired or near retirement who are "leaving" the workforce.


Posted 8:39 pm, 09/17/2021

i've been to the ER 2 or 3 times lately and they were pretty fast. plus i had a operation the other day feeding tube and kemo port put in and they did awesome.

Hot Mess

Posted 8:34 pm, 09/17/2021

Right on gascon 🙌🏻👊🏽


Posted 8:20 pm, 09/17/2021

judging by this post you were bottle fed it as a kid

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