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Beware if you rent to a young Spanish couple


Posted 6:13 pm, 05/29/2017

Well Armytank first learn how to read, and I guess receipts do not count in your world.


Posted 5:34 pm, 05/29/2017

Spain is East not South.


Posted 9:49 am, 05/29/2017

them sorry butt thieves from south of the boarder again, the democrts want to flood our country to cause a civil war.


Posted 4:12 pm, 05/27/2017

People, all you need is a camper on a small pickup truck and a McDonalds near a Walmart.


Posted 3:55 pm, 05/27/2017

As I've gotten older, I've realize that renting is much smarter, and buying is a sucker's game!

When you rent, you can leave any time you want. If you lose your job or get a promotion, you can move on to what you can now afford. If you get tired of living in one place, you can just go somewhere else. You don't have to worry about repairs or damages, either, you have a built-in handyman that pays for the repairs himself.

But by owning, you're subject to handling those repairs yourself. You're stuck in a mortgage for 30 years, and if you lose your job or get a promotion... tough luck, this is where you are now. Sure, you can put the house up for sale, but in Wilkes it might be on the market for years, if it ever sells at all!

Buying a home is only smart for people that don't expect their income to ever change, and never will want to move anywhere else.

But back to the OP, I don't think he was saying that they did this because they were Spanish (or, presumably, Hispanic), I think he was trying to warn other landlords by giving a vague description. I'm sure we all know by now that there are just as many white deadbeat renters as any other race.


Posted 3:55 pm, 05/27/2017

I removed a few posts that were off topic.

mulberry mulester

Posted 3:48 pm, 05/27/2017

@Crapt: are you some sorta durned idjit? you leave on the FIRST of the month, so y'alls get one free month of rent. stoopid libturds don't know this, 'cuz they ain't raisin' 5 mexicano nazi terrorists them selves!

stoopid librul!


Posted 3:43 pm, 05/27/2017

People, the "landlord" is going to steal your deposit when you finally come to your senses and leave that roach infested trailer so leave on the last day of the month.

mulberry mulester

Posted 3:35 pm, 05/27/2017

that wh*rest_Joanna fellars got it right! them mexicano drug-dealin' terrorists are the only way we're gonna build that thurr fence! i, for one, am SICK and TIRED of gettin' kicked outta them thurr trailer parks 'cuz stoopid mexicans get there first! now just how inn'a Heck am I supposed to raise my daughter / niece if my sister can't get no welfare married to her brother / cousin?

stoopid libruls! why don't y'all idjits think first, huh?


Posted 2:29 pm, 05/27/2017

Littlepho, the hvac in most rentals don't work, and the few that do are old and inefficient. The only time renting makes any sense is if you're only going to be there a few weeks.


Posted 2:19 pm, 05/27/2017

The racial stuff does cut it, and it is just immigrants, probably illegal beating good Americans. We got to put a stop to it, support Trump and his 0 tolerance on immigration. It is our only chance.

These immigrants that is already here is screaming no, don't pay any attention to them, they not running nothing.
It is funny how they want to come to our country and within a year, they wanna tell us how to run it.
I guess they want us to run it like the country just south of us, into the ground, NEWS FLASH"
It not going to happen !!!!!! We will have a civil war first. That's what immigration causes anyway, we may have already went to far. we will see


Posted 1:12 pm, 05/27/2017

Crypt with your attitude this is going to make alot of landlords happy hope your cardboard box has Central heating and air lol


Posted 12:16 am, 05/27/2017

Signing a rental agreement is nothing but indentured servitude. I'd live in a cardboard box before I would pay a dime to a landlord.


Posted 11:16 pm, 05/26/2017

The racial stuff doesn't cut it. i am acquainted with someone who is owed several months's rent

Just a good 'ol couple that won't pay the rent until they are forced to.

It's not that uncommon.

Renters sometimes don't pay rent, plus they tear stuff up.

Make them pay if possible. They screw over various landlords.

Take them to court every time. No free rides in terms of rent.

mulberry mulester

Posted 10:37 pm, 05/26/2017

i just slip a 'lil lead in their water supply; 'lest 'n they move out, my cousin daryll moves in to the trailer next door. done deal!


Posted 10:27 pm, 05/26/2017

Truck 55 if a rent to own contact is drawn up how could this be true sounds like you are being a little one sided what you are saying ain't even legal so just curious why you are saying this if it was a rent to own contact and not a rental agreement what you are saying can't b true but what you are saying b careful who you rent from and who you rent too I believe that is true but the couple got cheated out of money on a rent to own contract do you really believe that


Posted 9:55 pm, 05/24/2017

Federal Fair Housing Act does not apply to all rentals.

What property is exempt from the federal Fair Housing Acts?

The Fair Housing Acts do not apply to every rental property. Exempt property includes:

    Senior housing: Housing qualifies for this exemption if 1) HUD has made a determination that the dwelling is designed and occupied by elderly residents under a local, state, or federal program; or 2) all residents are 62 or older; or 3) at least one person who is 55 years old or older resides in 80 percent of the occupied units and the public is made aware that the housing unit intends to provide senior housing to people 55 or older

    Owner-occupied housing:
    An owner lives in a building with four or fewer units

    Some owners of single family homes:
    A single family home is owned by a private person and rented without the use of a real estate broker or discriminatory advertising

    Some housing owned by religious organizations and private clubs:
    Housing that limits occupancy to its members
Local and state housing discrimination laws may still apply to federally exempt property, however.


Posted 8:46 pm, 05/24/2017

Best, that may not be correct. If you have less than four or less units and live on the property, then you can discriminate however you want to. However, you can deny someone you aren't comfortable with any way, as long as it's not discrimination. So if you get a bad vibe on a black couple, you can deny renting to them, as long as you aren't denying all black renters.


Posted 8:34 pm, 05/24/2017

go ahead and try to discriminate and see where you go, to jail, lol, like Hillary is going


Posted 4:33 pm, 05/24/2017

HJ is a knuckle head.

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