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Biden said he does not know what Republicans stand for


Posted 2:43 pm, 01/22/2022

And just like that filibuster not racist lol


Posted 2:40 pm, 01/22/2022

No wonder billhilly is so easily confused, it gets its news from the bezos post.


Posted 2:01 pm, 01/22/2022

Reagan's man explains GOP trickery😎


Posted 1:55 pm, 01/22/2022

Publicans have used white racism for years to win votes in the South.


Posted 12:50 pm, 01/22/2022

Lol yeah that's been working so well for them for so long haha. And it doesn't change the fact that something has a racist history. You really only ever seem to be concerned with one sided hypocrisy fred.


Posted 12:32 pm, 01/22/2022

Why would democrats not use iT

Because they said it's racist and they should take the moral high ground.


Posted 12:29 pm, 01/22/2022

Fred,I think most reasonable thinking people on both political sides and racial sides have moved on from the over use of the racism rant. All but diehard Democrats and that being all there is left of toss into a debate. It has become the escape hatch for ignorance.


Posted 12:25 pm, 01/22/2022

I mean, it has become completely ingrained with how our legislative bodies work. Why would democrats not use it if they can't get everyone to agree to abolish it? That would be insane.


Posted 11:55 am, 01/22/2022

I'm against the Democratics or republicans saying something is racist then turning around and doing it. A bunch of Fing hypocrites is what they all are.


Posted 10:51 am, 01/22/2022

Actually you are right fred, the phrasing in this article confused me


However you are still leaving out the context that there is another sanctions bill being introduced at the same time. I'm also curious if y'all are for or against the filibuster? Should it be abolished?


Posted 9:32 am, 01/22/2022

About the more programs , if you put more people on programs who's going to be working. Give me free Heath care a standardized payment and I'll stay home to.


Posted 9:29 am, 01/22/2022

HB They blocked Teds bill to put sanctions on Russia so who's in bed with Russia?


Posted 9:20 am, 01/22/2022

Since it was widely reported that they did, YOU're going to have to prove they didn't, hillbilly.


Posted 8:49 am, 01/22/2022

They did not use the filibuster yet against red Cruz's bill fred. You're either lying or miss informed sounds like you don't know what a filibuster is.


Posted 8:46 am, 01/22/2022

Canada $9.00 gallon gas this is how they help pay for some of their programs


Posted 8:44 am, 01/22/2022

That's my point, Fred. Republicans can get behind "No New Taxes," but then talk about all these new services (like death panels) with no way to pay for it.

You really can't have it both ways. If you want a new program, you have to have a plan to pay for it.

And that's where the GOP keeps falling apart... it's all talk.

There's enough programs/ socialism doesn't work because people want work under socialism


Posted 6:24 am, 01/22/2022

Rump saying nonsense 😎

[email protected]

Posted 2:52 am, 01/22/2022

Joe Biden saying nonsense


Posted 2:11 am, 01/22/2022

Another yuuuuge Rump rally 😎

[email protected]

Posted 1:50 am, 01/22/2022

I'd like to go back to an earlier point about taxes. There is this misconception about lowering taxes because realistically both end have their failures in explaining the situation.

If you drop a payroll tax like Trump did, the person already paying a low tax rate sees a small increase. If there was a 1% decrease on a person making 35,000 a year that is $350 dollars a year. Now every one would like an extra 350 dollars that they like to keep, right? But when you divide that over 12 months and you see less than 30 dollars a month. then divide than by 2 paychecks a month and you only see 14 dollars a paycheck. That's where people barely notice the difference. 14 dollars is like you worked an extra hour or so on your pay period. You would only notice if you were on a salary that your bi-weekly payment changed, an hourly person would never notice because the pay fluctuates. That is the hardest selling point because on the short term it is hard to notice, but long term you would see a difference.

Democrats notice a big number such as a person making 100K a year and say "Hey all the rich are saving money!" Because that 1% means a lot more to them. Now they get $1000 more that the government isn't taking out of their paycheck, and 1000 is bigger than 350 so this obviously benefits the rich more.

This is the hard part for people to understand. If you've ever made 35K a year, how much difference would an extra 14 dollars make when it is the Thursday before payday? I've been there a few times have you?

End of it is that number scales are hard unless you really like math.

2nd point is that we really do need to roll back taxes that truly affect the poor. Taxes on a consumables like gasoline affects a poor person way more than a rich person. You or anyone else will use gas to get to work, but everyone pays the exact same fuel tax. That person making a million a year will still pay the same flat tax rate to drive to work or even pay a person to drive them, as you or I will. The rich aren't some how driving further to work, they aren't even worried about gas mileage in their Hummer. Yet you'll worry about how many miles per gallon a car can get out of a car that has less power and hope that all the soft light material will save you in an accident.

If you want to get mad about taxes and worry about this stuff, look at what you pay for in your everyday life that is over inflated so the government gets fat off of you then cries about being broke. There may be a 1% but how much is the 99% paying for?

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