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Facebook needs to be banned


Posted 7:26 am, 03/02/2015

I can see no logical reason for anyone to be calling to ban Facebook or if you get down to it banning anything that has been used inappropriately. You guys are the same type of people who called for burning bibles or any book that didn't fit your standards, the same types of people who called for prohibition, the same types of people!

Banning something because it's misused is just ridiculous! If you want to fix the problem them Go to the source the people who misuse guns or the people who misuse Facebook then you'll get something corrected!
Facebook or the Guns used didn't cause this or do it, the people caused it to happen!

Banning? Nazi's banned! Are you a Nazi!


Posted 6:51 am, 03/02/2015

The girls were 13
The suspects in the shooting were 17 and 19 and was beleaved to be dating one of the girls.

Does any one else see a problem here.

White America

Posted 11:00 pm, 03/01/2015


After the girls went to the park and the fight began, police said two black males, ages 17 and 19, pulled out guns and began firing at the girls.


Posted 9:25 pm, 03/01/2015

The responsibility lies with the person, Its not facebook or guns each can be used for good or bad, This is whats wrong with today's society nobody will take responsibility for their own actions they want to blame every thing but themselves.


Posted 9:11 pm, 03/01/2015

Facebook is the devil, you have no idea what you're putting on there others can see if they want to bad enough. Even though you think someone is your friend doesn't mean they're not going to tell or show what you have on your page to someone you don't want knowing or seeing it. Some put where they are, where & when they're going on vacations. They show pics of their kids which I find highly dangerous because a crook can easily figure out who has money & possibly kidnap your child if they think they can get a lot of money. And even though you close your account your info always belongs to FB, be careful my friends, be very careful.


Posted 8:59 pm, 03/01/2015

All social media should be banned from use by those under 18 years old. In fact, other than for educational purposes the internet should not be used by anyone under 18.


Posted 4:02 pm, 03/01/2015

redfly, this has been in the news for 2 days.


Posted 3:17 pm, 03/01/2015

Why no outrage from the Black Leaders who are saying Black Lives Matter. Would their lives have mattered more if a white boy had shot them.


Posted 3:15 pm, 03/01/2015

Just what I said, let them have it. Ain't like they know how old they are and choose how to kill each other. People are better then them to have at in real life then behind a computer and facebook is not responsible for their choices like telling a man not to bust his brains all over the pavement with his own gun.That like demanding that it rain when it pleases you or telling the tree's to talk and move.Ain't gonna happen, any man is capable of choosing of how he will handle things but the sad fact is the intereaction with a person in person is becoming less and less because we are no longer getting socializing leaving us to forget out to act properly.Technology can sometimes be a good thing but we are abusing it to the point we give our kids i-pads at 5 and no longer let them be creative with crayons or work outside and play.I didn't have any of this **** for 2 reasons. 1 because we was too poor to afford it and 2 because my dad did not believe in such a dangerous thing until I was at a proper age of 18 to have internet.**** I didn't get a cell phone will I was like 15or 16 and it had limited people I could call cause we had what was called a house phone with supervision on who I talk too.Sure I maybe have had nintendo but I had limited time on it where I was more into exploring but god help you if I watched tv for to long because the things I copied from watching tv really did wonders on daddies paycheck for what I done.I tried to replicate xena with a weapon she had,and don't get me started about superman cause I discovered what gravity was that day. I mean my gosh, look at how fast society has changed, violence is on tv, more gore and action then I can count and don't forget the vulgar language that you hear beeping every sec of the vocabulary. Now you think about that.If parents would get off their *** and quit letting tech babysit their kids along with teachers then maybe......maybe they gonna turn out just fine.Why people think I don't want one them little monsters in my house,I'd do go freakn nuts that all I can think about is lord help me he doesn't crap himself because I frankly I don't wanna change another waste land poo, the crying is god awful, the peeing the vomiting, oh my god the more I think about it the more I thank the lord of birth control but then again I thank the lord for no sexual interest yet with the opposite sex let alone with the same breed female. I don't know, my motor skills about penis just ain't clicking like I thought it would when I hit 15 but sure do like making baby quilts and other stuff for my nephew and teaching them when I can, I just can handle them as a parent. I ain't the money nor the patients for the sort of stuff. You gotta have a real strong mind.Yha I know I know I was a pain in dads *** once in a while but he loves me with all the pride joy that I gave him from attending school and getting active into the special olympics. And now that I'm old enough to take care of myself it's my turn to take care of him.He still watches out for me though.


Posted 3:14 pm, 03/01/2015

Whomever pulled the trigger is at fault.


Posted 3:12 pm, 03/01/2015

I agree with you Open Casket on the Facebook part.


Posted 3:11 pm, 03/01/2015

So how do two underage black male kids get their hands on guns to kill the one girl with and shoot the two other girls with. Was it the guns fault.


Posted 3:10 pm, 03/01/2015

I wouldn't consider facebook as a real life. It's mostly people who want to wh*re their life to others without having to genuinely be friends.

It's a "look at me" mentality


Posted 3:06 pm, 03/01/2015

A lot of people do live their lives on Facebook


Posted 2:57 pm, 03/01/2015

It boils down to individual.

You can't blame facebook no more than you could blame the internet.

I hate FB BTW.


Posted 2:48 pm, 03/01/2015

If its not in the " media", then how did you hear about it, redfly?


Posted 2:37 pm, 03/01/2015

You see people killed every day on TV but that doesnt mean they go outside after the show and start killing other people


Posted 2:35 pm, 03/01/2015

I saw Matt Dillion on Gunsmoke shoot a lot of people. It was a TV program,never heard of anyone getting killed over watching Gunsmoke!


Posted 2:34 pm, 03/01/2015

It all played out on Facebook


Posted 2:34 pm, 03/01/2015

I dont know of anyone from GW being shot or killed by posting on here. I think the moderator would step in and stop the thread and or replies and report it to authorities before that happened.

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