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It is not just an attack on abortion


Posted 5:18 pm, 06/27/2022

gascon, you know this subject is a lot more complicated than that. We make all kinds of choices about who lives and who dies every day.


Posted 5:01 pm, 06/27/2022

When does the kid have rights? Caring about others kids isn't the point. When is it o'kay to commit murder, who gives the woman this right? When you have another person inside you that's two in my book.


Posted 4:56 pm, 06/27/2022

The man should help take care of the babies. And if he doesn't send the deadbeat to prison.


Posted 4:54 pm, 06/27/2022

It's called taking control of your own life. This doesn't give you the choice to take a life. After you decide to do the act it's on you, unless forced. Do you think it's murder? If a parent leaves a kid in a hot car and it dies, they go to prison for murder. So you argument is I can't help myself, I'm hot and horny and can't stop. I don't want to take birth control pills or use a rubber. It's about time someone is thinking about the baby. I do feel like over population is a problem and we should limit kids. One or two kids per family, some of the welfare mothers, none. Tie their tubes after one birth.


Posted 4:38 pm, 06/27/2022

gascon (view profile)

Posted 12:17 pm, 06/27/2022

Connie, just think a minute. If you murder someone today down the road, is it murder? Do you think babies have no rights? Yes there are many options for women today, birth control pills, tubes tied, burned together, yes even rubbers. So because a woman decides to have unprotected sex gives her a right to murder, I for one think not. Now in case of incest, raped, and health reasons are different. Taking control of your life would be a good start. You make em, you have em, It's not religious with me at all, just plain common sense.

One HUGE problem with your argument - why is the burden and guilt of preventing pregnancies put on women? All you guys out there screaming religious fouls - tell me why it is HER responsibility?

I say we opt for mandatory vasectomies for all men ages 17/18+ and once you can show proof of financial responsibility, a job, secure home, medical care then we will unleash your sperm.

Putting the blame and bulk of responsibility of unwanted pregnancies on the females are where you are overstepping your bounds. Its no longer your choice once you opted to leave a deposit. So you may want to choose your females more carefully.

Abortion is not murder as an embryo nor fetus is viable outside of a womans body at the time that 99% of the procedures are performed. Do your research and stop watching bigots and preachers on news shows.

Do you people even realize what a miscarriage is? Look it up.


Posted 4:36 pm, 06/27/2022

Seems like I may have struck a nerve! I think foxnose has been triggered!


Posted 4:33 pm, 06/27/2022

If only you cared so much for actual children.


Posted 4:02 pm, 06/27/2022

We know over 60 million babies have been slaughtered. How many shooting, bombings or rat poisonings have taken place. You pathetic loser


Posted 1:13 pm, 06/27/2022

My god the projection is just unreal! Calling people protesting bloodthirsty terrorists and ignoring all the people murdered and clinics burnt and bombed over the last fifty years by actual anti choice terrorists. Y'all are really something.


Posted 12:25 pm, 06/27/2022

First Amendment - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." For the slow folks this means that YOUR religious opinions should not be forced on others in any laws or legislation.

Maybe for slow folks that is what it means, but for the rest of us that can read it means, You shall make no law regulating religion or you shall make no laws prohibiting ( stopping or preventing) the FREE EXERCISE of it.

How dumb can you be?


Posted 12:17 pm, 06/27/2022

Connie, just think a minute. If you murder someone today down the road, is it murder? Do you think babies have no rights? Yes there are many options for women today, birth control pills, tubes tied, burned together, yes even rubbers. So because a woman decides to have unprotected sex gives her a right to murder, I for one think not. Now in case of incest, raped, and health reasons are different. Taking control of your life would be a good start. You make em, you have em, It's not religious with me at all, just plain common sense.


Posted 11:26 am, 06/27/2022

I hate to sound so trashy but it seems to be the preferred mode of speech for many of you - and I am not going to type what my mind is thinking because I can be better than that.

First Amendment - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." For the slow folks this means that YOUR religious opinions should not be forced on others in any laws or legislation.

If you don't like abortion then you don't have to get one. If you want a baby then go have sex or go adopt one. The fact is that the religious gop sect wants to produce more white babies - no one wants sick, brown, yellow, old, or handicapped kids - they want 100% new, pristine, healthy, perfect little white babies.

Telling a woman "she should have kept her legs closed" is basically saying "if she can walk then she can be violently assaulted". Hundreds of millions of women sit at desk, sleep, exercise, go to bathroom, drive, etc, with open legs every day and, somehow (GASPS) don't end up pregnant by the end of the day. It's crazy, right?

You religious folks do realize that your icon Mary somehow got preggers with closed legs. Hmmmmm.....


Posted 8:20 am, 06/27/2022

I was asking seriously, is less population better or worse?

old lady

Posted 8:12 am, 06/27/2022

I think the number of abortions since abortions become legal are 64 million. So sad.


Posted 8:12 am, 06/27/2022

Is that good or bad? Less population?

old lady

Posted 8:11 am, 06/27/2022

I am not old. However, most women had more sense to risk their lives. But if they had pills back years ago, we would half of the population.


Posted 8:08 am, 06/27/2022

"Activist judges" LAUGH. OUT. LOUD. And fine, put it on the ballot in the states too. Don't leave it up to the crooked politicians, just have a straight up majority vote, lets see what happens.


Posted 8:03 am, 06/27/2022

Then let those states chose their stand on abortion. That is how it works. If Democrat bloodthirsty terrorist want to change the Constitution , have at it. If they had done that instead of slipping through the Activist Judges in an attempt to change America, we wouldn't be where we are now.


Posted 7:58 am, 06/27/2022

States rights to choose that.


Posted 7:57 am, 06/27/2022

Voter ID's to verify the legality?

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