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Let's hope Kavanaugh's victim won't testify to Congress for a while


Posted 8:38 pm, 09/24/2018

If all else fails, Subpoena all currently & likely tomorrow more, 5-6 days ago too testify. Thursday at the latest for all involved... No shows, search, find and arrest for not complying to order. If'in no transportation is excuse, go get them ready or not.. Which was offered when allegations were made public and more accommadations were offered??

this n that

Posted 8:08 pm, 09/24/2018

It's true. Ms Ford will be questioned by a sex crimes prosecutor, under oath.
Mr. Bromwich,

The Chairman promised Dr. Ford that he would provide a fair, safe, dignified forum for Dr. Ford to provide her testimony. The Chairman and Dr. Ford both agree that we do not want a “circus,” like we experienced during the first four days of the confirmation hearing.

For the most serious hearings in our more recent history, such as Watergate and Iran-Contra, the Senate had experienced counsel question the witnesses. The Chairman believes that Dr. Ford’s allegations are serious. Thus, the Chairman has hired an experienced sex-crimes prosecutor to serve as an investigative staff counsel for the hearing. She will question Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh on Thursday on behalf of the Republican members.

The Chairman’s goal is to de-politicize this process and search for the truth �" instead of creating a forum for senators to grandstand or launch their presidential campaigns.

As we discussed, the Chairman’s staff looks forward to working with you on all the hearing logistics and security issues.

Finally, I have attached a letter from the Chairman, in response to Dr. Ford’s letter on Saturday. As we discussed and agreed, we are going to publicly release these letters.

Thank you,

Mike Davis

Mike Davis, Chief Counsel for Nominations
United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Chairman

Joseph T.

Posted 7:55 pm, 09/24/2018

Maybe that's why the democrats are wanting to postpone the hearing again after Grassley made time for ford to tell her story.

this n that

Posted 7:43 pm, 09/24/2018

Grassly and the repubs have hired a sex crimes prosecutor to question Ms. Ford, and Judge Kavanaugh.

This according to a copy of Grassly's e mail he sent to Fords people, and people talking about it on the net.

Hmmm. A sex crimes prosecutor, and under oath. Bet things are all abuzz in Dr. Fords camp.

Hope it's true, cause that's a very brilliant move.


Posted 7:22 pm, 09/24/2018

Where is COMEY, LYNCH when you need them through this turmoil of accusations??


Posted 6:43 pm, 09/24/2018

“Original Jurisdiction”..... the FBI doesn’t have it. Assault (sexual or otherwise) is a state beef, not a Federal case. The case is to be handled by the municipality Police in which it allegedly occurred. If it is to alleged to have happened in an unincorporated area, it’s the Sheriff’s Office case.

That’s why the FBI won’t proceed with a criminal investigation.


Posted 6:06 pm, 09/24/2018

Unlike partisan Senate investigators, who have an interest in shepherding Trump’s pick through the confirmation process, FBI agents are specially trained to deal with accusations such as Ford’s. They can do it quickly and in a way that respects her rights and Kavanaugh’s. Rushing to subject Ford to questions from Senate staffers or from the Republican members (all of them men) of the Judiciary Committee, who have nothing close to the experience and training of career FBI agents, is totally backward.

Grassley’s offer to conduct any inquiry behind closed doors is also a transparent attempt to pay lip service to the complications of a sexual violence inquiry without any real due diligence. Lacking a full accounting of what occurred, interviews from witnesses or the additional information that an FBI investigation could yield, such testimony would be nothing more than a farce, pretending to take seriously accusations of a grave offense.

A Trump White House and a Senate committee that will stop at nothing to hustle a nominee onto the nation’s highest court appear to have no such scruples. They are not even interested in the truth.


Posted 5:59 pm, 09/24/2018

AND I will tell you again HAVE you heard him ask?


Posted 4:45 pm, 09/24/2018

Repubs are allergic to the truth

Joseph T.

Posted 4:39 pm, 09/24/2018

I will ask again just where did you hear that Kavanaugh doesn't want the FBI to investigate.


Posted 4:18 pm, 09/24/2018

Just where did you hear that Kavanaugh doesn't want the FBI to investigate or witnesses to testify?
You are posting lies just like Grandydancer49

Really JT come on now

Grassley has shut that avenue down too, though. On Tuesday, Grassley told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in no uncertain terms that the “FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh is closed” and that the “FBI is not doing any further investigation.”

Grassley’s correct �" the FBI’s background investigation is closed. But there’s nothing to stop the FBI from reopening or adding to it.

In fact, in 1991, the agency did just that, at the request of then-President George H.W. Bush, when Anita Hill made sexual harassment allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas.

Back then, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) �" who was and still is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee �" called it “the very right thing to do.”

That’s in stark contrast to the tweet his office posted on Tuesday claiming that the “FBI does not do investigations like this” and that the “responsibility falls to us.”

So what’s different with the Kavanaugh case? Nothing. Except that Republicans are adamant about getting their nominee through the process quickly �" and Donald Trump doesn’t look like he’s about to ask for an FBI investigation anytime soon.

The White House clearly has the ability to ask the FBI to reopen or add to a nominee’s existing background check. But so far, Trump has signaled that he isn’t particularly interested in doing so. In fact, he’s tried to shift the onus onto the FBI even though the president is traditionally the one with the ability to prompt such reviews.

An FBI investigation and report doesn’t guarantee that the Senate would interpret its findings as vindicating Ford. After all, the Bush White House didn’t see its FBI report as vindicating Hill.

That seems to be a risk Ford is willing to take.

I don;t see Kavanaugh asking for a FBI Investigation DO YOU????

“While no sexual assault survivor should be subjected to such an ordeal, Dr. Ford wants to cooperate with the Committee and with law enforcement officials,” Ford’s lawyer wrote in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee. “As the Judiciary Committee has recognized and done before, an FBI investigation of the incident should be the first step in addressing the allegations.”


Posted 1:59 pm, 09/24/2018

Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick we’re all lying, according to Democrats. Perhaps the Republicans are just following the example set by their colleagues from across the aisle?

Joseph T.

Posted 12:13 pm, 09/24/2018

smonk (view profile)

Posted 12:06 pm, 09/24/2018

Ford wants to the FBI to investigate. Kavanaugh doesn’t.
Ford wants other witnesses to be heard. Kavanaugh doesn’t.
Ford wants the alleged eye-witness to testify. Kavanaugh (and the eye-witness) don’t.
Ford has taken a lie detector test. Kavanaugh hasn’t.

Just where did you hear that Kavanaugh doesn't want the FBI to investigate or witnesses to testify?

As for the Lie detector test they are unreliable and not permitting in a court of law so why would they be permitted in this hearing.

You are posting lies just like Grandydancer49


Posted 12:06 pm, 09/24/2018

Ford wants to the FBI to investigate. Kavanaugh doesn’t.
Ford wants other witnesses to be heard. Kavanaugh doesn’t.
Ford wants the alleged eye-witness to testify. Kavanaugh (and the eye-witness) don’t.
Ford has taken a lie detector test. Kavanaugh hasn’t.

woodie w p

Posted 10:20 am, 09/24/2018

Let's see, both said they were DRUNK at the time. Case dismissed. F'kng Democrats have no morals at all. Wait a minute, is y'all's darling BOOKER an admitted sexual predator?


Posted 10:14 am, 09/24/2018

Clarence Thomas vs Anita Hill......DING DONG DING DONG Ring a bell HMMMMMM Oh maybe it was because number one is because he was black and number two is because he was a democrat and guess what, where is he? DING DONG!!!! RING A BELL?? Oh how soon the libtards forget!!!

Ole Sarge

Posted 9:32 am, 09/24/2018

Always remember: All liars are not democrats but all democrats are liars. She and others will be dug up by democrat operatives and activist lawyers. There is nothing they won't say or nothing they won't do. They have no moral compass


Posted 9:29 am, 09/24/2018

Question still remains! Why did she run to politicians with her lies instead of law enforcement? Can anyone answer that question?? Can we say, POLITICAL SCANDAL!!!!


Posted 8:32 am, 09/24/2018

Repubs are mostly Rumpsniffers and are oblivious to truth.

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