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Now Harris has broken the law


Posted 9:31 am, 10/19/2021

Preachers in the Bible belt promote right wing politics with impunity that's how the repub's get poor people's votes. No Republican administrations are going to enforce tax laws on the churches they rely on their votes. And Democrats are scared of the outcry '"they are attacking our right of freedom of religion."

It's high time the churches started paying their share of taxes, if you get the benefits of fire and police protection etc. you should contribute towards the cost.


Posted 8:35 am, 10/19/2021

What is the matter, don't you know anyone real name? I never know who you are talking about. I assume if it is bad, it is about Trump.


Posted 8:31 am, 10/19/2021

Cackles is not a pastor, she is the Vice President of the United States . And by the way, she has a job to do but we have not seen her do it.


Posted 8:25 am, 10/19/2021

White evangelicals voted for Mr. Trump overwhelmingly in 2016, and have remained his most dependable supporters. The president himself, who is not a frequent churchgoer, has indicated that he assumes conservative evangelical pastors would be eager to speak even more directly � perhaps to endorse him � if freed by tax law to do so.

In 2017, he signed an executive order intended to loosen enforcement of the Johnson Amendment, the provision that forbids pastors at tax-exempt churches from endorsing or opposing candidates from the pulpit. "We are giving churches their voices back," he said at a Rose Garden signing ceremony, framing the change as a gift to religious conservatives.


Posted 8:20 am, 10/19/2021

Who the H is Blinkie?


Posted 8:18 am, 10/19/2021

How hard would it be to have Blinkie examined and declared mentally incompetent?


Posted 5:52 am, 10/19/2021


Posted 5:26 am, 10/19/2021

This could be a Democrat move to get her out of the way. We all know she is in way over her head and could never lead the nation. Biden will go, but who takes his place is debatable. Can any of you Democrats see her sitting at the table with grown up? Think about it.

You do know that if Biden and Harris are removed, the Speaker of the House becomes POTUS don't you?



Posted 5:38 am, 10/19/2021

Stop trying to do analyze. You are bad at it.


Posted 5:26 am, 10/19/2021

This could be a Democrat move to get her out of the way. We all know she is in way over her head and could never lead the nation. Biden will go, but who takes his place is debatable. Can any of you Democrats see her sitting at the table with grown up? Think about it.


Posted 12:01 am, 10/19/2021

However, under this circumstance the church is not actively involved in politics. Harris is not a part of these churches, so she never broke any tax laws either. You are just full of BS. Most likely you got your BS from Fox News.


Posted 11:58 pm, 10/18/2021

What has you confused is tax laws. A church can not get involved in politics and stay tax exempt. It is not a criminal offence.


Posted 11:54 pm, 10/18/2021

I don't think it is against the law. Churches get involved in politics all the time. How many times did Trump use religion to get votes?

interesting fact

Posted 11:51 pm, 10/18/2021

You are a fool and an . No, she is not part of the church. She did a video that was going to be played for a bunch of churches telling people to vote, and to vote on sundays. And to vote for Terry McAuliffe. That is against the law. And of course , the clueless former attorney general does not know the law. How stupid can she be? Just as stupid as old Joe.


Posted 11:19 pm, 10/18/2021

Was she a part of that church? You are full of BS as usually.

old lady

Posted 11:12 pm, 10/18/2021

The Johnson amendment prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches. If the White House was involved with the video of Harris requesting votes for democratic governor , they have broken these laws. And Harris has broken this law. If churches play this video, they should lose their 501 c 3 standing.


Posted 10:17 pm, 10/18/2021

even if it was so, where was the outcry when trump was breaking laws daily?


Posted 10:07 pm, 10/18/2021

What law did she break?

interesting fact

Posted 10:02 pm, 10/18/2021

What a disaster this administration is. Harris has broken the law now by talking politics and asking people to vote for the Virginia governor in churches. Wasn't she attorney general? Does she not know the laws? She is an just like Biden,

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